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Seth Fans the Flames

Category: Mature
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I love him to death. I really do. He's a wonderful husband, and the greatest dad in the world. I've been working so many hours and running back and forth to Chicago that he has had to practically becum the full time dad and part time mom. I regret the time I spend away but I'm becoming more and more successful, more and more renowned and I don't want to lose this. I've faded into the background for much too long; it's time for me to make my mark in the world.
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Quick Seduction

Category: Incest
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'Knock knock', Ron's knuckles tapped against the glass. There was no movement. 'Knock Knock', he tried again, looking at the handle on the door. Stepping back, he peered up at the top windows. The only sound of life was the sound of a police siren a couple of streets over. Spattering rain annoyed his eyes. He tapped on the glass panel of the front door again, and ran his nails over the flaking paint on the wall of the porch, picking at chunks.
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Edward’s Mom

Category: Mature
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This account of some of the events in my life was written as requested by the love of my life, my soul mate, my sister Abby. Here it is 1972 and I am living in Mobile, Alabama. Not sure how I ended up here but it seemed like a nice place to settle after drifting for a few months. I am enrolled in college and have made a few friends. With my injuries and scars from Viet Nam I am a little shy around people. I lost an eye and I wear a black patch over it.
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Rough Date

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I pulled into the driveway only to see the form of my mother standing on the front porch waiting for me to come home. She looked angry and her arms were folded across her chest, I did not want to go inside. She must have already heard how my date with the daughter of my mother's best friend had gone.
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Hot Teacher

Category: Group Sex
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Their senior year of high school was almost over. Three good friends, Tim, Scott and Jason were all excited about being done with high school and moving on with their lives since they had all turned 18 and were ready for collage. There was just one thing they wanted to do before graduation. There was this certain teacher that they all wanted to do.
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Night of Justice

Category: BDMS
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Mike read the terse text message from his wife Sunny. She was working late, yet again, and had texted not to ask how his day went, but to demand he take care of dinner plans. Again. A second text amended the list: feed the dog, take all the trash out and start washing her work clothes. Sunny had been a real bitch lately, and he was getting tired of dealing with it. He knew part of it was hormonal.
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Stephen Turns Over

Category: Anal Sex
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A while back I wrote a story called "Sandra Turns Over," about my wife Sandra, or rather, about her big sexy ass. And how, after she put on some pounds after a few kids, she got into my playing with her ass, and finally, into my fucking her ass. It usually starts like this. We start making out, my hands going all over her curvy body, feeling her heavy breasts, her soft belly, her love handles, then down to that gorgeous big ass.
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You Know I Can See You, Right? Ch. 04

Category: Incest
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Her plane landed right on time. She had taken a connecting flight from Charles Du Galle to land here in Nice, in the gorgeous sunshine of a summer Thursday in Province. Most of the passengers had disembarked by the time she appeared at the top of the jetway.
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Looking at Condos

Category: Lesbian Sex
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As most of you know my relationship is coming to an end with Bob. I've been trying to find a place to live but nothing has struck my fancy. I want to live on the island where I work but fear that once the economy comes back that the real estate market will be out of my price range, or worse that I will purchase a house and not be able to afford the property taxes.
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Cumming of Age

Category: Mature
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At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of with my hands. And I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I was also cursed (some might call it blessed) with an enormous cock. My cock was so big around that I couldn't close my fingers on it and I could two fist that mother with lots to spare.
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