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The Reinvention of Beth Raines

Category: Mature
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Beth Raines sighed. Looking in the full length mirror, she appraised her 45 year old body. Old, fat and ugly, she thought. The thought was not uncommon. It arrived inside her head the day her husband had left some ten years earlier. Somehow, Beth had decided to blame herself for the divorce even though she was the petitioner. Her self worth left in the back of her ex-husband's car as she had watched it pull out of the drive that last time.
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Sisters and a Paramedic Farmer

Category: Mature
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Joe was thirty-eight and lonely. He was tall, average looking and successful. His problem was judgment. He had given up looking for someone to share with, someone to love and be loved by. How he wanted that. Yet, every relationship he ever had ended when his chosen woman cheated on him. That confused him because he was an attentive lover, a good provider, even-tempered and respectful. Wasn't that what the women wanted?
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My Naive Little Coworker

Category: Mature
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Ever had a co-worker you wanted to fuck so badly it almost hurt? I think that's fairly common, especially for men of my age and experience. But to have that coworker admit they feel the same makes it much more interesting. Add to that a 20plus age gap and endless creativity, and going to work can be almost dangerous.
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Dolly’s Romance Continues

Category: Mature
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It had only been six days since Dolly Hamlin and Dr. Vince Ferugia had consummated their blossoming torrid relationship. To Dolly, the days had flown by in a rosy romantic haze that she had never experienced before. To Dr. Vince, the growing fullness in his balls and the soaring remembrance of his initial intimacies in experiencing the glorious body of his new paramour was a opening to a new world of sensual excitement.
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In Praise of Clair

Category: Mature
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When my wife quit working to have our first child, I secured a second job as a doorman/security guard at a high-rise apartment building about a half-hour from our home. The Bayview Towers was six stories high with a total of 60 apartments. The main floor consisted of two business apartments, management office and maintenance facilities. I would work there for about three years.
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Category: Mature
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I really hope the men reading this story are young enough to not remember this car. It's my husbands pride and joy. He spends so much time tinkering with it that he neglects me ..... And I need much more tinkering with! I had an appointment in town; we live so far away I could only get to it by driving there myself. The appointment was quite important, as I had decided to go back to work.
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First Sunday

Category: Mature
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I wiped the counter clean for the fourth time; making sure to eliminate any crumbs or marks that might have evaded my first three passes. I sighed and looked at the clock - again. Only two minutes had gone by since my last glance. I looked at my watch and, of course, it said the same thing as the kitchen clock. Quarter of one. Aurelie would be arriving in fifteen minutes, and she was never late.
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No Small Business

Category: Mature
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So the truth was, I'd hired her for her tits. The benefit was, she was sharp as a tack, the heart and soul of the daily operations as it turned out. The fact that Theresa had looks, and like I said a great pair of tits that she (sort of) enjoyed showing off was an obvious factor when I had hired her on. Being damn intelligent and multi-functional, I only learned after she had started working for me. Theresa had an olive complexion, long dark hair with deep-set brown eyes and full lips that were just begging to be kissed every time she looked at you.
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Little Love Song

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Seriously, Val, you need to get a hobby or something. It can't be good for you spending so much time alone." Valerie looked sideways at her friend and smiled. "I don't mind spending time by myself, you know that." "I know you say you don't mind, but I still think it can't be good for you." Like a spy resisting interrogation, Lucinda would stubbornly repeat her point over and over until the opposing party cracked and subjected themselves to her will. Valerie had known her long enough to realise this and accepted that it was just part of Lucinda's individual charm.
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Falling In

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Holy shit." I said it out loud, and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, mid-step, staring at the picture on my phone. "He'" I scrolled the picture on the screen, increasing the size to get a closer look, noting it was a scan from the back of a book. "Oh, that's right," I thought, "He's a writer." He was definitely hot, for a guy the age of my parents. He had a thin nose and high forehead, dark eyes with fine lines at the corners, and dark hair that fell around his face in waves.
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