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Joe’s Video Camera Adventure

Category: Gay Male
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I knew that I should not be doing this, but that just made me stroke my cock harder! It was an amazing feeling, and the camera was capturing it all!

Okay, let me back up just a bit and bring you up to speed. I had a contract job for a low budget movie, and had traveled out of town to be on the set for about two weeks. It was not much of a movie, a sort of future-horror thing, and I was part of the camera team. As such I got to spend a lot of time with the newest toy, a super high speed camera used for taking extreme slow motion shots.

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Surprising Susie

Category: Mature
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The summer he turned 19, Reed traveled to visit friends on the coast. He had planned to crash with his buddies for the three weeks. However, his mother offered to help fund the trip if he stayed with her friend from school, Susie. She hoped the adult influence would moderate his behavior and curb his crazier teenage impulses.
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You, Me and Marie

Category: Incest
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Honey, you really need to blow off some steam." Those words, coming from my wife of three months, are seared into my memory, no less so than if she would have branded me. Like any watershed moment in a person's life memories come fast and easy, some good, some not so good and some are a combination. The words came fifteen years ago today, while I was still a young attorney fresh out of law school and climbing my way up the corporate ladder.
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High Rise Exhibitionist

Category: Fetish
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As I signed the lease and handed the agent, Stephanie Peters a check for two grand to cover the security deposit and first months rent I found it hard to believe I'd actually left my wife and agreed to lease apartment number 1215 in Kurtz House for the next year.
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Oh My Aching Back

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Crap! My back was killing me so I called up my masseuse. I've been seeing the same massage therapist for a couple of years now. Mindy is great and works around my busy schedule. She went into business after she lost her job in banking and was able to convert one of her spare rooms into her massage spa. Thankfully she's been making enough money to keep her home out of foreclosure.
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Roommate Adventure

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Shay's college roommate had moved out for the summer to study abroad. This left Shay with an empty room and not enough rent money. She decided to put an ad in the university newspaper in hopes of finding a girl to live with for three months. Sure enough, not long after, Kate moved in.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Part of me hates this man, whom I'll call "X" for now. We didn't get along as a couple, which is why we broke up in the first place. I didn't even hate him when we broke up- it was very amicable, the old ‘we're just in very different places right now,' blah blah blah… but very soon after the split, I found myself fantasizing, over and over again, about the sex we used to have. It became totally consuming, to the point that I finally found myself breaking down and calling him on the phone one day.
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Helping Sela Has Surprise Benefits

Category: Fetish
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Alana drove home confused, worried, upset. So why was she also aroused, wet, nipples hardened and aching? It was Sela's comments at the bar. Off-handed, outrageous comments made under the influence of way too many tequila shots — and anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of alcohol's effect on the human brain wouldn't give a second thought to the ramblings of a thirty-something divorcée celebrating a little too enthusiastically with a couple of friends in a South Beach bar.
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Sweetest Patrick

Category: Gay Male
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Toby confessed that he'd been a virgin when he'd met Valerie. He was red in the face and seemed on the point of tears when he told her that he'd sucked a few cocks when he was at uni. He said that he'd presumed it was just a phase because he fell in love with her, but that he still thought about men and his voice grew very quiet as he confessed to lusting after their gorgeous neighbour Patrick.
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Car Wash

Category: Anal Sex
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Steve hobbled on his crutches over to the large picture window facing out to the front yard of his parent's house. A few weeks earlier he had broken his leg mountain biking with his friends and was going stir crazy. At twenty-six he had moved out of his parent's house years ago but it was a bad break and he was going to be in a full leg cast for three months. The whole summer, and his mother had insisted that he move back home so she could take care of him.
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