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The Boating Trip To Ecstacy

Category: Gay Male
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As a happily married male in his mid-40s I had never contemplated or even considered any type of relationship with another male. In fact, I had little or no time for such activities and was always very critical of such goings on between men – yeh!
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Saving Our Marriage

Category: Anal Sex
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Claire and David were an average couple; just like you and me. They had gotten married almost seven years ago in the late twenties. For the first five years of their marriage, they focused on their careers and finances; saving money to purchase their first home. The day that they moved into the smallish two bedrooms flat in one of the safer and posh areas of London was the day that they threw Claire's birth control pills away. Within three months, they were pregnant.
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A Bisexual Haircut

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
She is not classically beautiful. Her face is rather flat with bland cheekbones, her lips do not have the fullness of a true beauty and her nose is rather podgy with slightly flared nostrils. She is though stunning to look at because of her eyes. They are large and delightfully, almond shaped in a deep, onyx green colour.
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Spring Break “Shifting”

Category: Mature
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Standing in front of the large, automated doors of the college library, Jacob Michaels, 23, released a heavy sigh. His mind was still in a whirl, trying to comprehend exactly why he was here. He worked at the college library as a student aide on regular school days, but this was his Spring Break! School was closed and so was the library. But he was forced to be here; told at the last minute that he had to work this week, the week of his only vacation for months to come, with one of the librarians to help make the shelves orderly and nice for the returning students.
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Blue Summerhouse

Category: Lesbian Sex
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So, 'V' and I are chatting away when she says to me 'why is it that all D/s stories are written from the sub's point of view. Why is it never from the Domme's. Take Summerhouse Blues, I really love that version of the Rhonda character and yet all we hear about is how Tracy feels. What about Rhonda, what did she make of it all?' And that got me thinking. 'V' was right, there's a whole different side to Summerhouse Blues, another story and one that ought to be told.
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Natural Remedies are Best

Category: Gay Male
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It was time, once again, for my annual physical with "Doctor Bob", as I called him. A genuinely nice guy who was always easy to talk to, but I nevertheless felt nervous about the questions I needed to ask. Given that I told him all about the unusual sex life that my wife and I share...I certainly had no reason to be shy about anything.
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Forced Entry

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Rose sat at her dining room table, barely touching the breakfast in front of her. Her marriage was in trouble, and she had no idea why. It had been almost two months since her husband had touched her, and she thought he may be having an affair. It wasn't uncommon for men to seek the company of a younger woman, but at forty-six Rose still had the body of a twenty something. High breast, flat stomach, and an ass that still turned heads. Even this morning she tried to wake him by stroking him, and the only reaction was him rolling over. Even his goodbye when he left was chaste at best.
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The Lawn Boy

Category: Group Sex
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We'd only lived in the neighbourhood a few weeks, so when I first saw him mowing the lawn as I pulled into the driveway, I thought it might have been my own mistake. But no, I checked the house number, and I saw my wife's car in the other parking spot, so I knew I was in the right place. I shrugged and got out of the car. I reached back in for my briefcase, and then watched the young man mowing our lawn as I walked to the front door.
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A Long Friendship Blooms

Category: Mature
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After living next door to my neighbor Helen and John for many years, I discovered that Helen had a sister, Olive, in the small town of Little Washington where I spent a few years in my youth. Olive and her husband ran the local drive-in and I had spent many an evening at that drive-in. One summer John, I, and my 15-year-old son took a boat trip south with an invitation to stay at Olive's house. It took us two days by boat to get there and Olive's son Charles picked us up at the boat ramp.
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Cathy’s New House

Category: Group Sex
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My husband and I were in the process of moving out of a tiny apartment in the city and remodelling an old farm house about thirty miles from the beltway. It actually made him closer to work, and neither of us wanted to raise a child while living in an apartment in the middle of the state capitol. We were finally seriously discussing children after being married for eight years.
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