
It was about 3 in the morning and Mark rolled out of bed with a keen thirst. He cursed himself for not having had the foresight to bring a glass of water to bed. They had been out to dinner, he and his wife, their son and daughter, plus three of his daughter's friends, Imogen, Hazel and Maddi. It had been a celebration for his daughter's 18th, and it had been expensive. But Mark didn't mind. Not just because he is a doting father, or because he is what you might call comfortably well-off, but because it gave him a chance to enjoy his daughter's sexy friends.
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I have been working out at the same gym for awhile now and after my work out I always looked forward to hitting the showers because I loved to check out the other guys in the locker room and showers. One particular day stands out in my memory because it was the first day I set eyes on Bart. I was in the shower, eye balling a few of the other guys in there, admiring their cocks and ass's when they were not looking. I also love to tease other guys, hoping they make eye contact and re-pay the favor of a good tease.
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I never dreamed I'd experience sex with my own father. Never. But it happened when I was twenty-two and he was forty-seven. My parents were on vacation in Montana when they were involved in an automobile accident on the Interstate. A car in the lane opposite theirs sideswiped another car causing the two cars to spin and turn over. An eighteen wheeler transfer truck behind them slammed on his brakes causing his trailer to jackknife and that was what killed my mother, their friends who were in the front seat, and left my father in the hospital in casts.
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The melancholy old songs were playing on the stereo. It had been 2 years ago, this day, that Andreas had been taken from me. Listening to the old 70s love ballads – The Carpenters, Barry Manilow, Barbra Streisand... All of those torch songs about lost love and trying to find my man or to try to replace the one that got away...
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It was a very cold morning in winter. Alison yawned lazily as she rolled over on her bed to check the clock, which read 10:00 am. She'd gone to bed late last night after watching one of her favourite movies, The Exorcist, and stayed up very late in an attempt to avoid the inevitable sleep. Each time she watched this movie, she'd be so scared as to be completely unable to close her eyes in the dark.
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I couldn't decide whether it was love or lust at first sight. It couldn't have been love because we were in high school, so it had to be lust because it was lust central at Murrell Dobbins high school. I sat in the middle of Math class with a bricked up dick in my pants—and it was all her damn fault. Who was her, y'all would ask? She was Candace 'Big Booty' Jefferson. Candace was one of the baddest chicks in school and the captain of the cheerleading squad.
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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"Well, did you fuck her?" Glenda asked her husband as he slipped in the front door.
Henry jerked and turned as his wife spoke and flipped on the lamp next to her chair. "Uh.... Well.... Uh...." He stammered and then grinned as he saw his wife was naked. "Yes. Yes, I did."
Glenda whimpered softly and shifted in the chair.
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Half an hour before dawn the unmelodic noise of raucous Kookaburras awoke Greta and she used a corner of a sheet to dab the light patches of perspiration between her breasts and under her chin before she dropped back to sleep in the cloying warmth of subtropical paradise.
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It was a brisk Thursday in January and, despite the breezy cold, the sun was shining. The contrast of the glimmering, melting snow against the radiant sunshine was a paradox of reality that I seemed to grapple with in my own daily life. I paused getting ready and my mind began racing, torturing my ability to focus. I snapped out of my lingering gaze and finished buttoning my trench coat.
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