
Zoe sat at the kitchen table across from her brother, and as their parents got up from the table, the conversation turned to sex, as usual. Zoë and her brother Ryan were very close. So close, in fact, that they would openly walk around the house half naked, and talk about their sexual experiences with each other as well. They were pretty much best friends. Ryan began telling Zoe about how his girlfriend was being a prude and that she would not give him sex when he wanted it. Ryan and his girlfriend were, after all, a young couple, and in Ryan's opinion, the two should be having sex almost every day.
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This, as with all my stories is a long read. If you are looking for a quick, get to the point story, this isn't it. If you like the build in a story then enjoy and please leave a comment.
It all began with a car accident where I was T-boned by another car that ran a stop sign. This accident had me hospitalized in traction for 3 weeks. My left arm was shattered, I had a broken collarbone and 2 cracked vertebrae between my shoulder blades.
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I breathed on my new chromed nametag and polished it on my sleeve. I had been promoted: Sergeant Lincoln Lovel. I attached it to my blue uniform shirt, checked myself out one more time in the mirror, and walked outside to the police car in my driveway. Life is good. My utility belt gleamed, newly polished; my buttons all glittered; even my service pistol shone like it was gold-plated. And I had sergeant's stripes on my sleeves!
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Father Flanagan slowly woke up as the morning light crept through the bedroom window. His head hurt. He looked around. That's not my dresser, he thought. And this isn't my bed. Where am I?
Turning, he saw a woman lying next to him, on her side, facing away from him. She was naked, and had long blonde hair. She looked a lot like his late wife. Then he remembered.
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For some reason my parents had my sister and me far apart. I was now thirty-three and Abby was twenty-two. I guess you could say there was a mistake along the way. I also didn't see my sister very often. That was about to change. Abby called me recently and asked if she could visit. I thought it might be a good idea to get a little closer to my younger sister, so I told her to come and stay.
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Officer Chris Milling woke with a start and sat straight up in bed. He quickly tried to process everything as he looked around the strange bedroom with wide eyes. Suddenly it all came back to him as he looked to his left and saw the hot, tan, young blonde sleeping next to him. It was a dream come true. He couldn't believe he was actually here with her. He had wanted this for so long for this. He had masturbated to these moments so many, many times. He had promised the universe he would make a difference in the world if it would only grant him this one wish.
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Penny Parker was drinking her father's rum and getting a little high. Her parents would be gone for two weeks and trusted her to watch the house. Penny was diddling her wet pussy as she looked at her father's dirty books that he kept hidden under the bed. The eighteen year old girl was still a virgin but was far from pure. She loved to tease the boys at school and watch their dicks get hard but never pleased them.
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Prologue 5 years ago
18 year old Kenny sat beside the bed holding his mother's hand. He was both frightened but calm at the same time. When she had been diagnosed with lung Cancer a year ago, the doctors had given her weeks. Yet now, almost a year later, she was still hanging on. As he held her hand though, he knew the end was near. Her grip was a lot less than it used to be and her face was contorted with pain.
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In case you haven't read any of my other stories, my name is Alicia and I'm eighteen years old. My best friend since fourth grade and lover since December is Shelly. She's five months older than I and a very beautiful girl, if I may say so at the risk of being a little bit prejudiced. We are bisexual, not lesbians, because we have boyfriends, too.
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We arrived at the cabin about 3 in the afternoon. After storing our gear and "opening up" the cabin that meant making sure all the lights, refrigerator and the pump still worked plus bringing in enough firewood for the first night we headed off for "Maxine's." This was not your usual steak house. Maxine's was attached to a grocery store. The kind of place that has everything you might need for a week of hunting or fishing but little else!
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