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The Internship

Category: Group Sex
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Chap 1 - A Tourist Accident I was in my third year of medical school when my parents died on an eco-tourist expedition to the Zambezi. Despite prolonged and expensive efforts, no trace of their bodies, or of the other tourist couple and the guides in their canoe, were ever located. The only explanation that came back to me and other members of the family from Africa was that a rogue male hippo in the grip of mating fever was responsible.
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Debbie Ch. 01

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Ch. 01 The Awakening Debbie just stared. She couldn't believe her eyes. There, on the bathroom floor in front of her, was her big sister Julie, naked. Underneath her was Heather, Debbie's best friend, also naked. "Deb, I--we--it's not what it looks like!" Heather stuttered, trying to shake the look of shock off her best friend's face.
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From Voyeur to Participant

Category: Group Sex
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PRELUDE Shelia Jones always left the house to go to work by 8:00 AM. This particular Thursday morning she did not feel well so she called in and left a message at the office that she would not be in that day. Then she went back to sleep and didn't wake up until almost noon. She eased out of bed and took care of her personal needs in the bathroom.
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Home for Spring Break

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Katie turned twenty one right before Spring Break of this past year, and I was sure she was going to go to Fort Lauderdale or some equally alcohol drenched beach resort with her friends, after all, that's what I did when I was 21 and in college. But instead, my little girl called me up a few weeks before and said she was coming home to see me and she was bringing her girlfriend.
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