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Category: Gay Male
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We had become best friends by default. Quincy and I were the only long distance swimmers on our small college swim team and we were dating sisters. Our schedules brought us together. Eventually we roomed together. I am a reserved person and had never pressed for close friendships; Quincy was my first best friend since the third grade. He was more of an extrovert than me so it was he that initiated the conversation with the sisters that led to girlfriends. The girls were also members of the swim team and we were comfortable around each other.
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Peeping Tom

Category: Gay Male
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Just like always I can hear the nearest neighbour pour water into something before he shuts the water off. The soft padding of feet floating above my head. I follow the footsteps, wandering beneath him. It's fascinating, how I can hear every move he makes. I know when he goes to work, when he comes home, when he sleeps and when he wakes.
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Lap Dance

Category: Gay Male
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I had grown accustomed to the ordeal of waking up to the electrifying sensation that accompanied the sight of Jason's beautiful pink lips wrapped around my cock. He was, undoubtedly, the most gorgeous man that had ever come into my life. A ruggedly handsome face, framed by a French beard that always smelled of my cum and spiky jet black hair that made me melt each time he ran his fingers through them; all that was just an added bonus to the extremely lovable personality that I had fallen for.

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Witness for the Prosecution

Category: Gay Male
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"You first encountered the defendant where, Mr. Philips?" "At my gym. We were members of the same gym." I did not want to be here, in this courtroom. But the DA had intimidated me. He had said that they might delve deeper into why I was in Baltimore—why I had left San Diego. I really didn't want them to do that. I had just fallen into it in San Diego.
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Joe’s Video Camera Adventure

Category: Gay Male
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I knew that I should not be doing this, but that just made me stroke my cock harder! It was an amazing feeling, and the camera was capturing it all!

Okay, let me back up just a bit and bring you up to speed. I had a contract job for a low budget movie, and had traveled out of town to be on the set for about two weeks. It was not much of a movie, a sort of future-horror thing, and I was part of the camera team. As such I got to spend a lot of time with the newest toy, a super high speed camera used for taking extreme slow motion shots.

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The Other Side of the Island

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"There, is that better?" Peitr whispered into my ear. "Uhh. Yes, yes. That feels great," I answered, and my words turned into a soft moan. "Yes, I can feel it in your body. You are a lot looser now. You are moving with me more smoothly. Is it because of the release of guilt?"
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