
It was my day off, but I stopped by the shop anyway to get the address of the mechanic Cody used when his car acted up. A pizza guy's life blood is a car they can depend on, and mine had began acting up the previous night. My last couple of hours, it decided it didn't want to start a few times and I had to use a hammer to tap the starter motor to get it to roll over this morning.
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I hate camping; I think that it is the stupidest thing ever. Why would people want to go out into the wilderness and with no bathroom, no shower, and no electricity? But despite that my Dad would insist once a year that he and I went out to this obscure little clearing in the woods which wasn't even a real campsite. We would go out pitch a tent; eat fish that he caught in the lake, and sleep on the cold hard ground.
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Even though most of our business was the campus and the surrounding neighborhoods, our delivery territory also included the rather rural edge of town where there was a wide mix of homes. Everything from old trailers on overgrown lots to large houses in the middle of 4 or 5 acre manicured mini estates could be found on the couple dozen roads and lanes that ran off the main highway.
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It had been three weeks since my incredible session with the hottest bear I had ever encountered and I couldn't get him out of my head.
For three weeks I had been celibate: it was longest time I had gone without sex in ages but I just couldn't bring myself to look at anyone else, let alone think about making out with them. Luciano had promised to call but of course he hadn't and I felt too vulnerable to make that call myself at first;
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My name is Brad and I'm huge. I'm talking 6'4 and 245lbs of muscle. To top it off, I'm a bear and I'm only 20. Imagine a bull in the china shop, that's me. I fucking hate it. I've always heard that we want what we can't have. That is so true. I wish that I was small and delicate but I'm not. I'm a big hairy oaf.
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