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Orion’s Belt

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"He's late." "I know." "Did you call him?" "Home and cell, yeah. No answer." "He's been late every fucking day." "I know, Chad." Chad pursed his purple glossed lips. "Well, Mr. Know-It-All, maybe you can tell me just how the fuck we're supposed to record without a fucking singer!"
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The Edge

Category: Gay Male
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I walked around him, inspecting his form as my cock grew harder by the second, his beauty and submission almost too much for me to handle. His head was bowed so I couldn't see his face but I heard his breathing accelerate as I ghosted my fingers down his bare back. Nude, he kneeled before me, his hands laced behind his head and his ass resting on his heels, completely vulnerable and at my mercy.
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Steamed Submission

Category: BDMS
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"Silas!" Instinct took over. Silas Oswald dropped to his knees, taking cover behind the waist high bar that extended along the length of the Tesla-Coil Tavern. The movement was futile; Mistress Lavinia had already seen him and wasn't likely to forgive his disobedience anytime in the near future.
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Lunch by the Lake

Category: Gay Male
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It all started when I had lunch by the lake, near where I work. I was in my truck parked in a parking area with a nice view of the lake enjoying a Sandwich, when a car pulled up next to me. I didn't really think much about it, until after a few minutes I glanced over and noticed the guy next to me was looking at me, I just looked straight ahead and continued with my lunch, a few minutes later I look back and he had taken out his cock and was playing with it.
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On my Knees, Waiting

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It's Saturday mid-morning and I am watching music TV channels waiting for what fate has to throw at me. I'll elaborate on that in a moment but first I'll give you some history. I am thirty years old, married for six years (to Kelly) and have a three year old daughter. I am six feet tall, good build, dark hair, shy but friendly and like, on the whole, to keep to myself. I have got a good job, well paying and lead an everyday, normal life.
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My Neighbor the Cop

Category: Gay Male
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My neighbor across the street asked me to help him move some dirt to his backyard, which he had delivered and dumped in his driveway. It was a hot Saturday afternoon and, being the good neighbor, I walked across the street to tell him that I would give him a hand. My wife was going out of town to her cousin's house to spend the night and do some shopping. I thought I would have the weekend to myself to watch porn and jackoff, but I still had plenty of time for that.
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It’s Been a Long Day

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

It's been a long, difficult day. The world has been uncooperative, as per usual. One of those days where nothing goes as planned. People specifically. People are the worst, once again, as per usual. Although now, finally, you're standing on the front step. A little sigh of relief escapes your lips, being able to let your guard from the world down a little bit.

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Love Letters

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Introduction: Dear readers, this one is something a bit different for me. It is just a short and simple attempt to portray the love shared by two men through letters. It does however hope to capture the essence of a subject dear to me; the potential beauty of love between homosexual men. I hope you enjoy this little effort and as always, your comments and votes are appreciated -- Yukonnights
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Marsh Assault

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

The pain was fighting with the pleasure; the fear with the exhilaration. The struggle for the dominant sensation was sending my adrenaline through the roof. God, I was skipping along the top of the clouds. Shit, I was skimming the searing flames of hell. Pain, pleasure. Pleasure, pain. Right there on the edge. Would he love me or kill me? Would he fulfill my desires? Or would he take me to the edge of release only to abandon me to want and frustration? Either way, this was the edge that made me feel alive. This . . . this . . . this, right here, right now.

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Not Such a Private Show

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This story is purely fantasy and in no way relates to anyone alive or dead. Also even though this story illustrates bareback sex I would always encourage safe sex, especially with unknown partners. Thank you to all the wonderful comments for the New slave story. I'm so glad you all enjoyed it. I've gotten a real bug for this story writing, I'll be adding more over the next few months.
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