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Coitus Interruptus Coitus Cuckoldus

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1. When Trixie Ann got home (late, after her MBA class), she first checked on Judy, her daughter and Eddie, her son. They were asleep and did not wake when she straightened their covers and kissed them softly on the cheek. Then she made her way quietly to the master bedroom. Her husband Alan was already in bed. He greeted her sleepily and rolled over.
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College Clinic Doctor

Category: Fetish
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As the only female doctor on staff at the health center of a large midwestern university, my work has afforded me numerous occasions when I'm asked (even begged) to describe certain of my work experiences to "the girls"---four girlfriends whom I've known since college. We gather three or so times a year at a spa or for a cruise or just to kick back for a few days away from husbands and boyfriends and, now, a couple of kids among us.
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Unexpected Delivery

Category: Group Sex
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I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a soft fluffy towel and dried myself off. I had just completed all the womanly tasks that a woman needs to do when she's about to go out with her boyfriend, the usual shaving of legs, underarms and pussy. Shane was coming to take me out to lunch, it was our third date, and I had decided today was the day I was going to fuck him.
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I Did What?

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I would say that I’m your normal everyday-working housewife. Jeff and I have been married for just over ten years. We got Married young at age 18 right after High School. As of right now we have no children. We are both 28 years old. My measurements are 34C-24-34 at 5’2” and 114lbs. I also have shoulder length blonde hair. We have all the gym equipment a person needs in the basement. So it makes it real easy for me to stay in shape right here at home. Let me see, what more should I tell you about myself?
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Photo Shoot in the Woods

Category: Anal Sex
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I do a fair amount of traveling and like many guys I have a picture of my wife on my laptop to remind me of her when I'm away from home. It's not the kind of picture, however, that I would use as wallpaper or a screen saver. It's a photo for my own private viewing. In the photo, Anne is reclining on a leather couch wearing a lacy black bra which barely covers her beautiful 34C breasts.
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Anal Annual

Category: Anal Sex
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Each year I travel to the convention at Hay on Wye. It's a small town near Monmouth in Wales that has the most amazing river close by where in my teens and early twenties I used to canoe. Now I go to this sleepy area for its once a year awakening where book sellers, buyers and authors come to share tales, ply their trade or just browse and pick up the atmosphere.
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Bisexuality Explored

Category: Lesbian Sex
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As Linda there on her bed, her mind began to wander. She had just gotten home from work, and had decided to lie down for a few minutes before starting dinner. And as she laid there, she started thinking about an amazing massage that she had gotten a few days ago, and the incredibly beautiful woman who had given it to her. This Lady Masseuse was new at the gym, and her name was Tina (or at least that was what it said on her name tag).
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When Teachers Cum Together

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Late, late, late -- I am going to be late. I muttered this mantra to myself as I ran to my car. It was 7:32 and I was supposed to check in by 8:15 at the seminar. I was headed to a teacher's seminar at a hotel about forty-five minutes from my house. The day was already hot and humid. I needed to pick up a few extra classes so I would have a better chance at getting a substitute teaching job at one of the schools close by.
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Night Bus to Montreal

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The bus ride started out innocently enough, but then most major events do. If anyone really knew what was going to happen to them at the end of the day—or night for that matter—would they board the bus, or would they stay home? Would you drink that last glass of wine and stumble out into the rain with only a knee-length vinyl rain slicker to cover your nudity, or would you lie in bed staring at the ceiling, listening to the rain on the roof? I'd probably do it all over again.
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Summer Storm

Category: Mature
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It's a beautiful hot summer day and I'm in the front garden admiring my hard work. Weed free beds, blooming flowers soaking up the water I have given them, bees and butterflies dancing to natures tune. "Hey Mrs B, how are ya?" I'm startled, shaken from my reverie. I see Robbie's friend Dean on the pavement, looking young and fresh in shorts, jogging on the spot. I smile my automatic welcoming 'Mummy' smile.
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