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Category: BDMS
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Frankie, the girl who waxed Mistress Vixen so beautifully had no idea of Vixen's profession. She saw a striking, powerful woman who dressed simply and elegantly and assumed that she was some sort of corporate executive. Like a number of similar, if not quite so formidable looking women, who looked after their bodies, Vixen used a lot of the spa's services. Some of them also chose to have a Brazilian wax. There was no reason to think that this quiet, relaxed client was particularly out of the ordinary.
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What’s Another Week?

Category: Fetish
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She was nestled up next to him tightly when he woke up. She enjoyed his warm embrace while she slept, but it was pure torture for him. His cock was harder than ever and ready to cum. He fought off the urge to hump her as she slept. He knew better. With every breath he took in the scent of her. He struggled desperately as his pent up sexuality fought for control and, of course, release. He knew she was a light sleeper and she expected him to be there when she woke up on his days off. He wondered how many hours he would have to lay here aching and struggling with his urges. Getting hard, going soft and then getting hard again. Over and over.
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The Visit

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'm waiting patiently by the hostess station of the restaurant. I've told the hostess that I'm waiting for someone and not ready to be seated. It's early and the restaurant isn't crowded, so I don't think we'll have trouble being seated when You arrive.
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Plans for My New Pet

Category: BDMS
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You and I are planning to get together. It is all arranged so I have a babysitter, and you have things worked out on your end. I call you at work, that afternoon, but you are in a meeting or something, so I leave you a message. I simply state that I shall expect you at 6 p.m, not a minute earlier or later. There are no 'brownie points for early arrival.'
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Erica Makes a House Call

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I knew that I hadn't enjoyed Erica making me suck Daniel's cock per se, but every time I let my mind wander in the next few days, I would see Erica's eyes looking at me, delighted that she could control me in such a debasing way. They had violated me- it was humiliating. But I could barely breath when I thought about cleaning out her perfect cunt.
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Stuck in a Lift with Mistress

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Only rarely did Mistress and I venture into the world as a normal, vanilla couple. We were much happier playing in our usual environment, where we could be as wild as we wanted without anyone else around. Her dominance, and my submission, were a release from the everyday. But tonight, Mistress had needed an escort for an inner city work function, and I had been commanded to attend.
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Yes Daddy

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I really didn't think there was much that would surprise me. I'm not a kid, I've been around the block, and It's not as if I am from some place like Iowa, but I will admit, she surprised me. Popular opinion held that she was pretty hot, but kind of a freak. Even I will admit she was a little weird. They were pretty much dead on correct. I don't know what it was about her. The things that seemed to make her strange to everyone else somehow made her irresistible to me.
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The Bet

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
God, she looked good. Sara came walking out of the bedroom with her silk robe slung loosely around her shoulders. It was open lewdly in the front revealing her nudity. I couldn't help but stare... admire... The click of her heels on the hardwood floors made me look down. I saw she was wearing the 4-inch stiletto heels she liked to wear in bed.
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Telling a Domme Too Many Secrets

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
We hadn't talked in a couple days and even though we were just meeting for a drink I was a bit nervous. We'd met on alt life a dating site geared towards BDSM and found that we shared many of the same fetishes. A few emails quickly turned into many and it seemed like an alright time to get together face to face.
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Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sofia was feeling miserable like the weather. She had arrived in London 6 months earlier from her native Germany to find work. Leaving everything behind, friends, family, a now ex-boyfriend. She was brought up on a farm in the communist east, dreaming of a life over the wall.
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