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Santa Max

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This move was a big step for me. After being married for thirty years I finally had my kids raised and was left without a life, neither; personal, professional nor sexual as we'd been living apart in the same house for two years. I finally made the decision to leave and make my own way again. Needless to say, much was my own fault as I tolerated the neglect and did so from personal fears and the loathing to be on my own with two kids, but none the less, as I approached my thirty year anniversary I kept asking myself, "Do you want another thirty years like this?" and the answer came back every time as "fuck no!".
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Ah, the workmen are through for the day," Paige thought as she watched the men loading their pickups and preparing to leave. They were working to create a studio and large bedroom with attached bath out of what had been three small bedrooms upstairs in the big barn of a house she bought for a song because it was so far from town. They had been working for over a week, tearing down walls and running new wires and plumbing for the project.
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A Sexy Dress Fitting

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Jeni was on her way downtown just shy of rush hour and already having a stressful day. "This week was rough," she muttered to herself while her Jeep Liberty sat in traffic. It started out hectic, progressed towards crazy and it was far from being over. Her brother was getting married and the proposal was only two weeks ago; it left little time to plan.
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The Princess Kiss

Category: Fetish
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Once upon a time, there was a princess who was known as an exceptional beauty. She had hair as dark the sea at night. Eyes as green as clover. Skin white as snow. And her figure as shapely and rounded as an hourglass. All the eligible men in the kingdom vied for her. That is, until one day a jealous witch came to the princess and cursed her with a dour affliction. Horrified, the princess confined herself in the tallest tower of the palace requesting that only one maid bring her food and necessities whenever she requested.
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Sweaty Socks and Virgin Cocks

Category: Gay Male
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I was walking around the pond by my house. The sun was shining and it was a very hot day. As I came over the bridge I noticed my school's soccer team was practicing at the soccer fields. There were about 25 of them , all hot and sweaty. But I only cared about one of them. Jason Little was running across the field to get a drink of water as I sat down on one of the metal bleachers. I pretended to text one of my friends but I was really eyeing his perfectly rounded ass.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Caleb ran down the alley trying to make it back home. Lucien was in town and the master vampire wasn't very happy with him. Dodging a street merchant, he found the fire escape for his apartment and quickly climbed the three flights to his window. It wasn't always like this. Caleb had been the mate for a master vampire. The master of London if you want to be more technical, however he had always felt out of place in London. Lucien had tried to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked too well.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Long ago, before anyone's grandfather could remember, there had been a war, between wolves and men. The wolves won, not only because they were stronger, faster, and more cunning, but because they did not betray their own kind, as did the men. After the war, a peace was settled, so that man and wolf might live in unity, but only a wolf was allowed to hold the throne, because humans were easily corrupted, and could not be trusted with government.
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Can’t You Read My Mind?

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Damn it! Just reach over and touch me. I wish you could read my mind. You would be shocked at what I am thinking right now. You think you need to go slow with me. I have been hurt in the past. Right now I just want to feel you pounding that huge joystick into my hot waiting canal. If you put your hand between my legs you would feel the wetness that begs for you to control me, take me, hurt me as you pound me with your cock. I am so hot, so hot.
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Veheen and the Hunstman

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This is my first ever erotic story, based on the popular game Skyrim. Farkas is one of my favourite characters from the game, though I made some changes (and got him laid of course). I plan to write more sexual exploits with him in the future. Thoroughly enjoyed writing this! Feedback would be great to help write better and better stories in the future!
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My Best Halloween

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Halloween is a great time of year. Grown-ups get to play dress up, and more importantly get to wear masks. I don’t know what it is about masks, but inhibitions seem to disappear when the masks go on. Last Halloween, I was invited to a neighbor’s costume party. I could hardly wait, but it was a busy time for me. Party night came, and I hadn’t even thought about a costume.
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