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The Chill of Ice

Category: Fetish
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An evil grin spread across his lips as his mind concocted a purely devious sexual torture for her. He wanted to make her squirm, squeal and cry out in pleasure. His thoughts were almost pure evil and turning him on. He quickly made strides to the bedroom to set up his torturous plans. He placed the silk scarf on the bed stand. His hands clutched the instrument of her restraints. Crawling under the edge of the bed, making a quick flick of his wrist, the strand of thick cloth traversed to the opposite side of the bed.
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You. Owe. Me. A Conclusion

Category: Incest
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Authors note: My apologies to rj228212, but you shouldn't have let such interesting characters dangling. I hope you approve of my version. If your out there Brittany and you like this, then its dedicated to you. ____________________________________ Chris wandered into the darkened dinning room and sat at the table, his head in hands, he was lost, he had to make this right with Laura; but how?
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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"You've done what, Darling?" asked my best friend Avril in her very English accent. "You heard me, I left Jacques," I replied. "What on earth for?" was her next question. "Because as I told you I have met someone else," I told her again. Avril looked at me and asked, "Who is the lucky man, Darling?"
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I stepped off the bus double checking the address on the slip of paper I held in my hand. The small theatre I'd been told to arrive at appeared to be just around the corner. I was early yet, and decided to take advantage of the time walking into a nearby Starbucks ordering a coffee. While I sat sipping that, I checked myself out in a small mirror I kept in my purse.
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Carol and Tammy

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighbourhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally.
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Another Chance

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Megan sat across from her sister seething with anger but controlling her emotions so as not to add to the crying hysterics. "Oh Megan! How could he? I thought he loved me!" Crystal sobbed. "I know it took a while for us to have a baby. But now that I am pregnant he decides to fool around?! What am I going to do?"
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Working Together Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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It had been eighteen months since my sister Jess and I had got back together, after the death of our parents and here we were living and working together. Life had been a roller coaster this last year and a half for sure. From estranged siblings, to lovers, to co-workers. It was a heady existence and I never, ever took any of it for granted. I loved Jess with all my heart and she, bless her, felt the same about me.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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From the first time she walked into my shop I wanted her. I love femmes, particularly older ones. And I have a definite affinity towards nicely dressed, fit, attractive ones. I know, who doesn't? You don't have to be 50, black and butch for that. My name is Serena. I'm a single lesbian living in, well, perhaps that's not important. I own and operate a shop I call "Asides".
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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It really wasn't my plan to go to the family reunion, let alone having to sleep over at my aunt and uncle's house. I guess that I can't blame Mom and Dad for making me come along, especially after coming home drunk and obnoxious last weekend. They're still pissed off about that. I'm certainly old enough to stay home alone though, but they say they can't trust me right now. Nineteen years old and forced to tag along with my parents to a lame, out of town family reunion... How humiliating!
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Final Tutorial

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The early night air was warm and the skies clear enough to see the crescent moon shining brightly, the stars around acting like a thousand small fireflies as they danced gracefully, adding to the beauty. A tall, lone figure descended the Central Library steps on this particular New Zealand Spring night, late in the season, it was November. The figure paused to look up and admiring the beauty, took a photo with her IPhone 4, then continued walking towards the bus platform a few streets over.
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