
You walk straight through the hotel reception and head over to the elevators. Pushing the button you wait for it to arrive. You are wearing the tight blue jeans red hoodie that you know I like. Underneath is the black underwear from one of the pictures you sent me when we first started talking to each other.
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I'd been sat staring at Amanda's back for so long, I was surprised holes weren't burning into her top from the intensity of my lust filled gaze. From my seat at the back of the lecture theatre, I had a perfect view of her down on the front row, chewing on the end of her pen.
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Well I guess that it’s now or never. We’re finally going to do it I suppose, and I can’t wait. My wife Belinda and I have always talked about expanding our sex life for a long time. Lots of pillow talk and suggestive comments, but never the thought of going through with it until now. I don’t know what’s different about now, other than we both feel confident that it will be a positive thing.
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"Hunter... Wake up sweetie, come on.." The soft paw on my chest is comforting, keeping me warm.
"Hunter let go of my arm. I need that."
"No it's my arm" I say, smiling and hugging the paw close to my heart.
"Good morning, cutie"
He's such a charmer, even now he looks so perfect to me
"You were drooling on my fur, silly boy."
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He hands her a towel as she steps out of the shower, taking her hand and helping her down as though she were a princess exiting a carriage. Steam obscures her body, her porcelain skin red from the heat of the water.
Without a word, she presses her body against his and he holds her in a contented embrace, savouring the scent of her shampoo on her wet hair. They breathe each other in, enjoying the warmth of skin on skin.
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I was trying my best to just flow with it, not think too much. I always think too much. Feel, just feel. Breathe, that's the key thing. Be sure to keep breathing. In and out. Nice and easy and smooth. I could get through this.
And don't look! I couldn't look. I will soon, I promised myself. But not yet. Breathe.
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We'd met only a few hours before as we stood in the Sex Shop browsing over the assorted sex aids, magazines, videos and other interesting things. She was about 30 to 35, tall, blond and very, very attractive. Her breasts pushed attentively forward into her tight sweater and she obviously wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were clearly visible. He was perhaps a few years older (about my age), slim, dark haired and, as blokes go, pretty good looking too.
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She had been sitting outside for about thirty minutes, waiting for him to come home from work, and watching the clouds build up to the northwest of them. There was a distant rumble of thunder and a few brief glimpses of lightening. And then she heard the siren go off on the golf course behind the house and knew that the storm was headed their way.
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My wife, Lynn works for a company with rotating days off. Sucks that she only gets one day at a time off, but it means that every six weeks she gets a three day weekend, so it's a trade off.
Since I had been out of town working for most of those six weeks, Lynn had made plans that I only sort of knew about.
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A soft sigh as I stretch in my sleep, a finger coming to rest on my bottom lip. My dreams are filled with images of the sun dappled leaves in the wood and stolen moments with you. Your fingers brushing my hair back from my face, which I raise to catch a kiss. Muted moans of pleasure as your lips touch my throat, a soft laugh as I feel your teeth nipping.
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