
Hi! My name's Ellie. I used to live pretty wild and stupid, but then I had a baby and I decided to try and be smarter. Inside, though, I'm still as impulsive and hungry as ever. Sometimes to help myself work through my drive without acting out, I sit down to write about it.
Today I wanna tell you about Stephen.
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It was tradition among our friends to camp out in Jake's backyard at least once every summer. Jake had a giant tent, with three rooms and two closets. The first time we ever set it up it took us two hours. Working under the hot summer sun, joking and sweating, we were confident and untouchable. We were seniors this year, nearing maturity, working out every chance we had. Needless to say, we were very in shape.
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Caroline McDuffy was lost. She didn't know the exact moment she had gone wrong, but she knew she had no chance of finding camp again. Her friends had asked her to wait for them before she started out that morning, but she had been impatient. After all, she'd been out there for three days; she had wandered the marked trails several times and thought she would be familiar enough with the area to go out alone.
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Teresa took one last look before closing the trunk of her car. She had been looking forward to this little get-away for some time and didn't want anything to go awry. If she forgot something now it would be a long hike out of the Rockies before she could get it. Being sure that she hadn't missed anything, she closed the trunk, checked the ties on the canoe and locked the front door.
Each year since collage the three friends had gotten together for this hiking and camping trip into the high country east of San Francesco.
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A few miles into her hike, Cara was aching. It wasn't because the trail was hard, or that she was out of shape. The ache radiated from her between her legs. She was sure her cutoffs had been comfortable last time she'd worn them, but today, they rode up and were pressing hard against her clit with every step.
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Aileen had always been an adventurous girl, even with her religious upbringing. Her parents had encouraged her to participate in extra curricular activities, such as girl scouts, sports, and even the international student exchange program. And it was in Spain that she'd met Tadeo. The handsome college boy had been so taken with the lovely American redhead; he told his family that he intended to marry her.
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Kate rolled over and viciously jabbed at her alarm clock, in hopes of stopping the annoying buzz. She couldn't believe that she was actually getting up at 5:30 am to start her vacation, but she needed to get moving if she was going to make it to her boyfriend's house by 6:30. Kate loved camping and she'd been looking forward to their first trip of the summer for awhile now. As she was staggering towards the shower, her phone rang.
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An adventure with pegging and peeing, set in the great outdoors of the Olympic National Rainforest.
Since people seemed to enjoy hearing about how I lost my anal cherry to my wife's strap on, I thought you might like hearing about another experience we shared and how that wonderful toy of hers found it's way up my butt again.
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It has been four years since Trinity and went on our ill-fated camping trip; ill-fated by any sensible measure but, for me, one of the intensely erotic experiences of my life until now.
Trin had arranged with her uncle that we could camp on his farm as a rehearsal for a music festival we were planning to attend later that summer after our exams.
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I go bow hunting every year, not that I kill an animal each time but it's my time to get away from the modern world. Prior to my hunts in September, I make a few "scouting" trips to see what signs I can find of the elk and deer. In Oregon you can hunt both at the same time with bow and arrow.
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