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Category: Fetish
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She came every week like clockwork. She always came in on the same day, same time and used the same confessional with the same priest to absolve her of her sins. It was like torture to him. He would pray every week after she left and learned that praying before he knew she would come, that it would give him strength and the power to resist the impure thoughts. To resist...her.
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The Rep

Category: Fetish
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Linda had been pestering him for months to make an appointment to demonstrate the software. She insisted it was state of the art...Something his organization couldn't do without. He hated sales pitches and avoided them at all costs, but she would not let up and he finally relented. Actually, they knew each other quite well. Over the past five years, his organization had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on her organization's products. He was a good customer and she knew it. She was an effective sales rep and he knew it, and he trusted her not to steer him wrong.
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Anal Anastasia

Category: Anal Sex
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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In Love with an Angel

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Christian's heart hammered when he laid eyes on the seductive enchantress who magically appeared in front of his eyes over a year ago as he was tossing back drinks with friends. Her visage was that of an angel. Certainly no mere mortal had ever been so captivating. Her wide smoky green eyes cast an intense sensation in his cock as her gaze fell upon him. He was instantly obsessed with her. Since that moment she'd been the subject of insatiable prurient curiosity.
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Kissing Practice

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Jenna realized when Kat's boyfriend drove off she was alone with her friend, which made her feel slightly uncomfortable for a brief moment. At almost five foot four, Jenna was average height, blonde and buxom. Despite not being a California native, many people assumed she was a stereotypical surfer girl when they met her.
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Taken By Passion

Category: BDMS
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She reaches up & turns the radio a little bit louder. Dipping her hands back into the soapy water she goes back to washing the dishes. Her body sways as she dances & sings along with the music. He stops in the doorway, silently watching her as she moves. Looking her over he smiles, completely nude save the silver collar around her neck & the leather ankle cuffs. She has grown accustomed to being naked, even come to like it.
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Give Some, Take Cum

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Penny had never had quite so much fun—or felt so much anxiety—during work as she had today. As a saleswoman in a lingerie store in the mall, there were always those fantasies. Spending hours in a room filled with large posters of half naked models and couples searching for a sexy outfit to get nasty in could really get the mind churning, even for a straight girl like Penny who was usually never sex-starved enough to have to daydream about it.
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Playing House

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I smiled when I saw the house. The corner streetlight reflected on the metal numbers screwed to the front door. This was the place. I slipped through the front gate and into the garden, walking quietly around the side of the house, carrying my bag. There was a back gate, locked, but reaching over I easily found the bolt and slid it open; stepping through I closed it behind me.
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Truly Irresistible

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Television just wasn't cutting it. I couldn't get her off of my mind. I'd fallen right into the same routine I had every night. Beer and TV usually made me groggy quick, especially on a full stomach. One pull of a lever, and my aching feet were up and my hands were behind my head in the recliner. The same recliner where she had climbed into my lap without her panties and rode me like a stallion.
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Paint Job

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
As we pulled up to my house I enjoyed the fact that no bicycles were strewn on the driveway and no soccer goal stood on the lawn. Just my wife and I at home tonight, with no kids to interrupt and no reason to try and maintain any appearances. I had been looking forward to this for weeks. I got out of the car and turned to say goodnight to my neighbor from down the street.
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