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Erotic Inc

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Stacy closed the front door, and instinctively headed to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of wine to ease the pain of yet another unsuccessful blind date. This had become a far too familiar routine. Friends paraded guy after guy in front of her, all with the promise of "he'd be PERFECT for you". "Perfect seems to be subjective", Stacy mused to herself.
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Friendly Fantasy

Category: Anal Sex
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Eva's best friend Kendra was also one of her coworkers. Her supervisor, to be exact. And when her best friend/supervisor opened up about obsessing over a guy that was simply impossible to have, Eva felt it her duty to try and get Kendra laid. I'm Justin, Eva's boyfriend, and I told Eva I knew just the guy to get Kendra's mind off her obsession.
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My Girlfriend’s Girlfriend

Category: Group Sex
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I didn't get home until after 6AM. I'd been working with a buddy of mine all night as a temp at his job at a warehouse to pick up some extra cash, but I'd expected to be home by 2AM at the latest. And I'd started that job after getting off my regular job, meaning I'd been up and working for almost 24 hours straight.
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Young People Today

Category: Incest
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"Maggie - please don't," Oliver Taylor said as he took the last step backwards before he was up against the wall of the guest room of his daughter's house, and as he looked into the eyes of his daughter's only child all he could think of is what his late wife had often said.
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Sweetheart Dance

Category: Incest
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I was feeling dejected. The latest girl I had asked to the Sweetheart Dance, had rejected me out of hand. At twenty-two, I wasn't a bad looking guy it's just that the local Monterey women had plenty of men stationed at Fort Ord from which to choose.
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Arrogant Auntie v Naughty Nephews

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"They are incorrigible." Liz sighed as her sister, Mandy, started again on the same complaining track about Liz's twin sons. "William and Benedict have no manners and I honestly think they're immoral, I said so to Donald last time we spoke and he agreed." Donald was Mandy's quiet husband and it was difficult for Liz to picture him getting animated over such an issue.
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Penny’s Initiation

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Penny sorted through the mail. The usual lot: bills, catalogs, applications for credit cards. She was about to toss it all aside when a smallish envelope with very flowery handwriting caught her attention. She opened it and read: 'You are cordially invited to a Lady of the Night lingerie party at the home of Kimberly Morgan, this Saturday, the twenty-first at one PM.'
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Out of Africa

Category: Incest
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I was in kitchen preparing dinner when Graham called from office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell us. Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell it right away but he calmed me down saying, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and hung up.
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Dolly’s Bike Ride To Paradise

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Rob and Dolly Hamlin were sitting in Oldham’s Bar in North St. Louis having a drink with their son Scott. Oldham’s was a gathering place for most of the bikers in the area. Scott had a motorcycle customizing shop right next door and the location couldn’t have been better. It was like having the bar do your advertising and marketing for you, Scott said. The bar was packed this evening and the customers were the usual lot.
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French Lessons

Category: Anal Sex
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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy)
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