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Erotic Inc

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Stacy closed the front door, and instinctively headed to the kitchen to grab herself a glass of wine to ease the pain of yet another unsuccessful blind date. This had become a far too familiar routine. Friends paraded guy after guy in front of her, all with the promise of “he’d be PERFECT for you”. “Perfect seems to be subjective”, Stacy mused to herself.

Truth be told, all these encounters could hardly be called “dates” but more like “drunken fondlings”. It seemed to suitors that dinner & conversation was just another word for foreplay in their eyes, and no sooner had the check been paid and the taxi called that her date would be slobbering all over her. If she had to endure another rough grab on the ass or an attempt to put their hand down her pants she was going to scream.

As she grabbed the wine and walked down the hall, she caught her reflection in the dressing table mirror. She paused for a moment. Stacy was not what you would call stunning, but she certainly was not unattractive. She had short black hair, a slim build and a more than ample bust. Her dark brown eyes were quite round, and had a gentle face.

“So why can’t I find a decent guy???” she said to herself.

It was not only the lack of companionship that frustrated her. Stacy had not had sex in many months, and she was in dire need of a proper release. Masturbation and her vibrator could only do so much.

She headed to the living room, slumped into the couch and flicked on the TV just to have some noise to break the silence in her apartment. As she took the first swig of her chardonnay, she picked up the newspaper that was on the coffee table and had a casual flick through. As she came to the Personals section, she paused to read in more detail.

She always had a sense of schadenfraude reading about men and women who were more hard up and desperate than she was. After wading through an endless set of ads for busty Asian women, her eyes were drawn to an advertisement in the corner of the page. It was just a simple ad, with a black outline that simply read “Erotic Inc. Sexual satisfaction 100% guaranteed” with a phone number underneath.

She chuckled, “Ain’t no such thing as guaranteed satisfaction”.

She stayed up for about an hour before dragging herself to bed.

Stacy woke early the next morning and set off on her regular power walk down by the bay. She was grooving along to Pink on her iPod when she felt the vibration of her mobile phone in her pocket. She fumbled around for a second before grabbing it and reading the message. Stacy let out a groan when she saw that it was her date from the previous night asking if she wanted to go out again. She promised herself not to be so free and easy with her mobile phone number in future.

Halfway through her “thanks but no thanks reply” her body was jolted backwards as she crashed into a woman walking the other way. As they both hit the concrete, the contents of the other woman’s handbag spilled out all over the footpath.

“I’m so sorry” Stacy said “That was totally my fault. I wasn’t looking”.

She started grabbing the strewn contents of the woman’s handbag and putting them back in for her. A gust of wind suddenly whipped up and sent some papers flying off the pavement and onto the nearby grass. Stacy rushed after it to stop it from flying further. As she grabbed the papers, she saw a business card that made her stop in her tracks. “Erotic Inc. Sexual satisfaction 100% guaranteed” it said. The same as the ad in the newspaper she read last night. She turned the card over. It said “Your appointment: 12:30pm” with today’s date on it, and an address below. Still looking at the card, she turned and said

“Hey, what do you know about this place?”

She looked up for a response, but the woman has gone as quickly as she had appeared. She turned a full 360 degrees to see if he could spy her, but it was like she had vanished into thin air. Stacy started walking back to her apartment, all the while her eyes transfixed on the business card that she held. Her curiosity had well and truly been piqued. She looked at the appointment details once more when a daring thought crossed her mind.

“No, no I can’t” she said out loud, “This is another woman’s appointment I can’t just turn up unannounced. What if she is there?”

Her mind began to turn over. The woman DID disappear quickly, Stacy thought, maybe she will forget about the appointment she made. After thinking about it intently for several minutes, Stacy made her choice.

“Fuck it. I’m going” she said.

As she arrived at the address on the card, Stacy looked at the storefront in front of her and then checked the card again to make sure she had got it right. The façade was very simplistic. The windows had been dark tinted, but everything else looked no different to any other office or storefront you might see in the city. Over the door were the words “Erotic Inc.” in simple lettering. It was nothing like Stacy expected. Having promised 100% sexual satisfaction, she had visions of a red light out the front of a seedy looking establishment out in the suburbs.

Nervously she opened the door and went inside.

The interior was just as simplistic as the façade outside. Apart from the reception desk at the back of the room, the only other features were a few chairs and a pedestal with a small water feature in the centre of the room. The walls were all a dark shade of grey. The only coloured feature in the room was a bright red door to the behind and to the right of the receptionist’s desk. There were no other exits apart from that door and the main entrance. Nervously, Stacy walked towards the reception desk. The young brunette behind the desk, looked up from her terminal and said to Stacy

“Good afternoon. Do you have your appointment card with you?” Stacy handed the card over.

The brunette looked at the card briefly and said “Thank you. You may take a seat.”

Stacy sat down and proceeded to stare intently at the water feature, since there was little else to look at in the room. After a few minutes, a tall gentleman came over and said

“Would you come with me please?”

Stacy stood and followed the man as he walked through the bright red door.

Stacy felt slightly disappointed when she discovered an equally non-descript room behind such an ornate door. This room had the same bland grey walls, a desk along the side, with a single wooden chair in the middle of the room. Another bright red door was seen at the back.

“Sit, please” the tall gentleman said.

Stacy walked to the chair and sat down, with a sense of trepidation

“What is going on here?” she thought to herself.

The tall gentleman produced what appeared to be a pair of 3D glasses, the kind you get at the cinema, and handed them to Stacy.

“Please put these on, and just relax. The procedure will only take a few moments”.

“Procedure? What procedure?” Stacy said nervously.

The tall gentleman smiled. “There is nothing to fear. We are only going to show you a series of images, nothing more. The whole process will only take 30 seconds.”

Stacy, looked at the glasses in more detail. The frames and lenses looked just like 3D cinema glasses, however there were flashing blue LED’s along the inside of the temples. Stacy put on the glasses, they were a very good fit.

“Just relax” the tall gentleman said reassuringly.

A few seconds later, the lights in the room dimmed noticeably. A few seconds later, Stacy’s eyes were bombarded with literally hundreds of subliminal images of highly explicit sexual acts on the inside of her glasses. Pictures that covered the full pornographic spectrum from the simplistic to the outright perverse. Just as Stacy was getting adjusted to everything, it was over. She removed the glasses and allowed her eyes time to refocus and adjust to the change in the slowly brightening light.

The tall gentleman walked over to Stacy, took the glasses from her with a quiet “Thank you”, and returned to the desk.

He opened a drawer and took out a laptop, and a small cable. He plugged the cable into a small hole in the frame of the glasses, and the other end into the USB port of the laptop. He opened the laptop and stared intently at the screen. Stacy curiously wondered what he was looking at. After a few minutes he closed the screen and stood up.

“Thank you for your patience”, he said, “You may now go through the door”.

He gestured grandly towards the bright red door. Stacy got out of her chair, and walked slowly towards the door. As she grabbed the handle, she looked back at the tall gentleman. He merely stood there, hands clasped behind his back, smiling. She looked back at the door, turned the handle, and walked through.

She was greeted by total and utter darkness.

“This is getting really old guys” she thought to herself.

She squinted in the hope of being able to find something in the room to focus on, but only blackness stared back at her. She was very aware of the sound of her breathing in the deathly silence of her surroundings.

“Hello?” she said nervously.


“Hello? Is anyone there?” she said, with a bit more panic in her voice.

Again, nobody answered. By this point Stacy was getting very agitated, and starting to feel quite scared.

“What on earth is going on?????” she said loudly and anxiously.

After a few moments, a circle of light shone down in the middle of the room.

“Good afternoon.” a booming yet calming voice appeared from what sounded like a PA system.

Stacy flinched a little at the sound of the voice.

After a moment she asked “Who are you?”

The voice ignored her question and said “Please, walk into the light and slowly turn around. Do not fear, no harm will come to you”.

Hesitantly, Stacy walked slowly into the circle of light in the middle of the room. She lifted her arm to shield her eyes from the immense brightness shining down on her.

“Turn around please” the voice repeated.

She turned around slowly on the spot in total silence. There was a pause after she had finished, before the voice appeared once more.

“Thank you” it said “Please try to relax. You will be attended to shortly”.

With those final words the bright light disappeared, plunging Stacy once again into total darkness. Alone with her thoughts, Stacy wondered what the hell was going on. This was certainly not what she had in mind when she arrived. She felt like she had been there for hours. As she contemplated what might happen next she heard what appeared to be the sound of wind chimes, like the kind you see hanging on front verandahs on older houses. She also heard a slight hissing sound in the background, and caught a distinct whiff of lavender in the air. After a few minutes, she began to feel decidedly lightheaded.

“What the hell is going on here?” were the last thoughts that went through her mind before she passed out.

When the fog slowly cleared from Stacy’s mind she was aware of two things. Firstly, she was blindfolded, and the second was that her hands had been bound over her head. The felt like they were tied to something on the ceiling. She was not hanging though, her feet remained firmly grounded. As her senses slowly regained themselves, she realized that she was not dressed in the same clothes she arrived in. She was clad very simply in a thin blouse, no bra and a simple pair underpants. No shoes.

Stacy was starting to panic. She had no concept of time, and she was starting to think this whole place was just a ruse, and that she had been kidnapped. She yanked at her restraints furiously, trying desperately to loosen them and escape.

Panic began to set it, and she screamed “LET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!”

The voice came over the PA again. “Please remain calm, you are in no danger. Remember, you are here to be pleasured, not tortured. Relax. Let yourself surrender to the moment. All will become apparent shortly. One of my associates will be with you soon”.

“Associates? What does he mean by that?” she thought to herself.

While she pondered the situation, she became aware of a low rumbling sound now coming out of the PA. It sounded like a speaker with the bass level turned all the way up, while a bass guitar played a sustained single note. The sound got increasingly louder, so loud that she could feel vibration coming from the floor through her feet. As it began to intensify, the shuddering sensation coursed through her body, tingling her arms and legs. Another crescendo, and Stacy began to feel the strange sensation in her crotch. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, in fact quite the opposite. Stacy was finding herself getting aroused as the vibrations continued.

It was just like all those old campfire stories about young teenage girls having their first orgasm by sitting on the clothes dryer as it span. Her clit quivered as the low bass sound continued, and she felt a wet spot in her underpants as her pussy began to moisten. Stacy’s hands pulled at the restraints, as hoping to get a hand free so she could thrust it between her legs to play with her now engorged clit. She visualized her fingers rubbing herself furiously, making her all the more aroused. She felt like she could come right then and there. But just as she felt like she could not take any more, the sound ceased as abruptly as it began. The only sound was now that of Stacy panting in her heightened state. While she tried to bring her breathing back to normal, the sound of trickling water could be heard overhead.

“Is it raining?” Stacy thought.

She felt the answer soon after. A very fine mist of water came from overhead, however the mist was colder than an Antarctic winter. As the first few drops hit Stacy’s skin, the freezing cold woke her up like a huge slap to the face. Goose pimples sprouted all over her body as small glistening rivulets of water cascaded down the length of her body. The thin blouse that she now wore clung to her skin like Glad Wrap, her nipples rock hard with the frigid temperature.

The mist lasted several minutes, soaking Stacy thoroughly from head to toe. Icy streams were still slowly making their way down her legs when the mist eventually subsided. Stacy hung there, dripping from head to toe, when another sound appeared that chilled her worse than the freezing rain.


They echoed as they slowly walked towards her, deliberately and methodically. The sense of panic returned although there was now a hint of exhilaration as well, her senses heightened with the various stimuli she had just encountered. She could hear the footsteps walk towards, and then slowly around her body. The footsteps stopped right in front of her, if her hearing perspective was correct. There was silence for a few seconds, then the footsteps came towards her once more. Stacy caught a whiff of cologne, a sweet yet masculine scent, but she was unable to identify what brand it was. The scent became stronger as the footsteps came ever closer. He (she assumed it was a he from the cologne) was close enough now to her to also smell the man’s natural scent. A musky, heady aroma that blended very well with the scent of the cologne.

She shuddered slightly, as she felt the touch of his hands for the first time on the small of her back. He ran the tips of his fingers up and down the length of her back, her body arching naturally in reaction to the delicate yet exciting sensation. His hands worked up and down her back several times, before slipping down past her hips and onto her ass. His hands massaged her cheeks gently yet firmly outside the underwear, and Stacy’s arousal began to blossom once more. He had stepped right in close to her to massage her ass, and her nostrils were assaulted with the manly scent of him and the cologne.

Shortly after she felt his lips pressed against hers. It was a firm, yet passionate kiss, and she parted her lips slightly to allow his tongue to intertwine with hers. They began to kiss with more vigour, his hands clenching tighter and kneading faster as the sexual tension intensified.

Every so often he would give her ass a slap, which excited Stacy even more. His hands felt soft, but there was a definite strength about the way he grabbed her cheeks and slapped them.

He broke away from the kiss and she heard him take a step back. A few moments later she felt his hands gently sliding down the front of her body, from her shoulders to her waist over her now translucent blouse. As he passed her breasts, he gently cupped each one and gave a slight squeeze. Her breathing shallowed noticeably as the fingers danced over the tip of her nipples, which were still rock hard from the icy water. He played with them for a moment, before violently ripping open her blouse in a hail of buttons. Her naked breasts standing proud in their unencumbered state.

Stacy let out a little moan as she felt his mouth close over her left breast and start to gently suck. His tongue danced around and over the nipples making them stiffen even further. At the same time, his right hand moved slowly down towards her crotch. She parted her legs a little, and allowed his fingers to find the hooded glory of her pantied clit. His mouth and his fingers worked almost in unison, tongue and mouth having their fill of Stacy’s ample breast, while his fingers rhythmically drew small circles over her clitoris. Stacy’s pussy was incredibly wet, wetter than anything she had ever imagined. She wondered how long (or little) it would take for her to climax. She could feel her knees weakening as the mysterious man’s fingers worked their magic. Just as she felt like she was going to come, the fingers and the tongue stopped suddenly.

As her breathing began to return to normal, she felt the man working on her hand restraints over her head. At last, she thought. After a few moments she felt her hands release and she collapsed to the floor, betrayed by her jelly legs. As she raised herself up on her knees and tried to stand, the man said

“No. Stay on your knees” in a gruff, resonant voice.

Stacy did as she was told. At the same time she heard the familiar sound of a zip being pulled down.

“Open your mouth” the man commanded.

Stacy hesitated for a moment, before doing so. A few seconds later, she felt the man’s cock inside her mouth. He did not feel very big, and he was quite flaccid. Stacy began to suck his shaft slowly, moving her head up and down in precise, controlled movements at the same time running her tongue over the tip. The saltiness of his skin filled her mouth with each stroke. After a few minutes, Stacy almost gagged as his cock lengthened considerably inside her mouth as he stiffened in arousal.

She quickened the pace of her sucking, using her now freed hands to stroke up and down his shaft as she worked her mouth. She could hear soft groans and sighs coming from the man, an obvious indication she was definitely succeeding in pleasuring him. However just like before, the man suddenly stopped proceedings by pulling his cock out of her mouth.

Seconds later, a pair of strong hands grabbed Stacy and virtually yanked her to her feet. The man pinned Stacy’s arms behind her and began to walk her forward. Her progress was stopped by a soft rounded object hitting her just below her stomach. The man leant her forward until she felt a flat surface beneath her, like the top of a table. While face down on the table, the man raised her hands forward over her head and began to put them into another set of restraints. This time Stacy did not resist. Once the restraints we locked in place, Stacy felt her underpants being lowered to the floor. Wordlessly she stepped out of them and spread her legs, anticipating what might happen next.

She was half right. Instead of a cock sliding inside her, she felt a tongue tracing a path around her labia before stopping on her clit. The tip of the man’s tongue flicked delicately as Stacy felt her pussy getting even wetter. Her breathing quickened noticeably as he alternated between the tip and the rough flat of her tongue. Stacy was delirious with pleasure. She wanted him to be inside her so much.

“Please fuck me” she said breathlessly “Fuck me hard”.

The man ignored her at first, continuing to taste her sweet pussy. His tongue now probed in and out as Stacy moaned uncontrollably. He continued for a few minutes more before Stacy felt his tongue move away. This feeling was replaced with that of the man’s hard cock pressed into the cleft of her ass. He teased as he ran his cock up and down the cleft, pausing briefly over the entrance to Stacy’s pussy to push the very tip ever so slightly inside her and then out again. Stacy ached for him to enter her, a feeling she hadn’t thought possible when she regained consciousness an indeterminate amount of time ago.

He finally gave her what she wanted, as he slipped the full length of his cock inside her. Her pussy lips gripping tightly to his shaft as he very slowly began to stroke in and out. As the pace increased, Stacy could feel the man’s balls slapping against her as he probed her deep and hard. Her muscles were beginning to spasm as the pleasure intensified. She could feel her climax building like a surging river towards a dam. The man continued to fuck Stacy hard as she felt herself pass the point of no return. A few strokes later was all it took for Stacy’s body to shudder as her orgasm unleased wave after wave of pleasure through her.

As he continued to pound away, the man started to make short guttural sounds, as he himself neared point of release. He emitted a long loud grunt, and Stacy felt his cock pulse as he expelled a huge amount of his seed inside of her. Both of them slumped over completely spent, and stayed that way for a few minutes as their breathing regulated. The man then withdrew from Stacy, and could be heard pulling up his pants and fastening them. The smell of lavender once again permeated the air, and along with the wind chimes, the last sounds Stacy heard before passing out again was that of footsteps walking away on the hard floor.

When Stacy awoke this time, she found herself on a small single bed in another plain room (grey walls, naturally) with a doorway to an adjoining room. She was completely naked, save for a nightgown that she had been dressed in. Her clothes were neatly folded at the end of the bed. As she sat up and swung her feet to the ground, the tall gentleman from before entered from the adjoining room.

“Good afternoon” he said “I trust that you enjoyed your experience with us”.

Stacy simply nodded, as she was still a little groggy.

“Excellent” the man said “There is a shower in the next room, should you wish to use it. When you are ready to leave, just go through the red door. Have a good day”.

The man bowed ever so slightly on the last remark and then went back into the next room. Stacy heard the door close behind him. She went into the next room and took a hot shower to revive herself, then got dressed and prepared to leave. She walked through the red door, and to her surprise found herself back in the reception area.

“How could this be?”She thought to herself “This was the door I went into before and it led to somewhere else.”

After the experience she had just had, she didn’t feel the need to think about it in depth. She walked to the front door and left. It was still quite bright outside. Stacy checked her watch, and was amazed to find she had only been at Erotic Inc. for just over 2 hours. With the blindfold, and having been passed out twice it felt almost like days. Shaking her head, Stacy went back to her apartment.

Two weeks later, Stacy went back to see about having another appointment. However, where Erotic Inc. once stood was now just a vacant store with a “For Lease” sign in the window. She walked up to the building and pressed her face up against the window to see if she could see anything inside.

“Can I help you?” she heard.

Stacy turned her head. An older lady was standing there with a broom, sweeping out the front of the store next door. Stacy guessed she worked there or was the owner.

Stacy said “Do you know what happened to the business that was here two weeks ago?”

The lady gave Stacy and incredulous look. “Two weeks? Lady, there’s been nobody in that building for MONTHS”.

She shook her head and continued sweeping. Stacy stood there perplexed for a few moments.

“Did I dream all of this? She questioned.

Everything she experienced felt so real.

She walked away contemplating all of this. Whether this was a dream or not, one thing was certain. Whenever she heard wind chimes or smelt lavender, she felt a distinct twitch and wetness in her loins. A trigger for an experience she may or may not have had, but will not soon be forgotten.

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