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Category: Anal Sex
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I know you and you know me, but you do not know it is me writing you now. You are married with kids and I am married with kids. You love them and they love you, just as I love mine and they love me. There is good sex in both marriages, but I know that you are overwhelmed by your feelings of sexual desire, just as I am.
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No Harm in Asking

Category: Anal Sex
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I was around thirty-eight at the time. I'd been off work for a few weeks after I'd broken my arm on the least that's what I'd told the doctor. Once I got the sling off, he told me to do some light exercise to help fix the break, and he suggested I go to the Y in town and do a couple of lengths of the pool a day. I'm a big guy anyway, and I've never had much need of exercise, but it certainly sounded like a change from looking for jobs and watching the tube all day.
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No Small Business

Category: Mature
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So the truth was, I'd hired her for her tits. The benefit was, she was sharp as a tack, the heart and soul of the daily operations as it turned out. The fact that Theresa had looks, and like I said a great pair of tits that she (sort of) enjoyed showing off was an obvious factor when I had hired her on. Being damn intelligent and multi-functional, I only learned after she had started working for me. Theresa had an olive complexion, long dark hair with deep-set brown eyes and full lips that were just begging to be kissed every time she looked at you.
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Freeze, Asshole!!!

Category: Mature
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The muscular buttocks did not even pause in their rhythmic tightening and loosening as the strongly built young man continued fucking the helpless young woman he had bent over the back of the couch. He was semi crouched over her long white back and had one hand under her pelvis, his forearm muscles bunching as he abused her clitoris while his other hand alternately milked each of her elongated teats.
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My Hawaii Beach

Category: Anal Sex
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Sure, it all sounds great. I'm 29, I have my own business. A great house with way more bedrooms and bathrooms than I'll ever need. Plus, my work brings me to Hawaii every 6 months. You see I own a surf gear company. We make wet suits and boards, tees and shorts with our logo on them. Every six months I go to Waikiki to our head plant. I check that everything is being made properly and legally.
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Truly Irresistible

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Television just wasn't cutting it. I couldn't get her off of my mind. I'd fallen right into the same routine I had every night. Beer and TV usually made me groggy quick, especially on a full stomach. One pull of a lever, and my aching feet were up and my hands were behind my head in the recliner. The same recliner where she had climbed into my lap without her panties and rode me like a stallion.
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Not Such a Bad Job

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"Come on Ronald!" Shouted the officer in charge. "Get this bloody mop and bucket out of the way will you!" "Oh s...sorry sir," answered the timid little man, " sorry." "Yes, well, just think will you, someone could have an accident with that thing there, not only that but it looks unsightly too." "Y...yes of course, I....I'll move it right away sir s...sorry."
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Young Jason Experiences Rhonda

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Alright, so I last told you about Becky in Young Jason's Experiences. Becky had received a call from her friend Rhonda when we were together, and that planted the idea in my head that Becky would have some friends possibly as gorgeous as herself. After Becky and I parted ways, I felt so satisfied and I just hoped that she felt the same way. We both agreed that we would have to get together again, and the thought that she had enough fun to want more in the future made me feel great.
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Into the Woods

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Chapter 1 My eyes tracked her as she warmed up at the head of the jogging trail. My body stayed still and silent, only my eyes moved. From this vantage point I would be able to see her for the first quarter mile before the trail curved out of sight. Then I'd creep back into the brush and navigate to my next observation post.
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She and I

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I always felt I couldn't take my eyes off her whenever she fell anywhere near my line of vision. I don't know if it was her flowing dark shiny waves of soft hair, her intense dark eyes, or her full sensuous lips. Maybe the generous curves of her body. Her soft arms, large swelling breasts, the ample curve of her hips. I did know that my thoughts always became sexual in her presence, but the reality was all of this was in my mind.
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