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Perversions in the Penthouse

Category: BDMS
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Carolyn couldn't sleep. Restless in her queen-sized bed, she glanced at the digital alarm clock. The numbers cast a faint green illumination in the still blackness. 2:37 a.m. Damn. She needed her sleep -- and her energy. But it was proving difficult. Tomorrow was the day. Now only hours away. The exhilaration coursed through her body again and her nipples began to harden.
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Ashley Always Wins

Category: Anal Sex
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I want to tell you all a little story about a former fuck buddy of mine. I'm using the term "fuck buddy" here relatively because we never technically fucked per se. Suffice to say that I met a crazy girl who did some crazy things with me. OK, I'm being too vague now, and I'm probably confusing you. Here's how it all happened:
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Melons in the Morning

Category: Anal Sex
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"M...m....Melons..." My stammered exclamation hung there in the laundry room as the young woman and I stared at each other. I could not for the life of me recall her real name. She was, after all, not my son's girlfriend. If anything, she was a hanger-on, an occasional presence drinking beer or occupying a lawn chair while the boys worked on trucks. All the guys just called her "Melons" because of the balloon like breasts she so proudly paraded in front of her.
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The Scooter Club

Category: Fetish
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Could I really be doing this? I'm following some guy at a garage to the back room - seriously, the back room - where he is no doubt going to fuck my brains out. I'm watching his muscular ass ripple in his tight jeans, and I'm already unzipping my leather jacket. It was barely holding me in to begin with, and since I don't seem to be wearing anything underneath it, I'm already bouncing free by the time that my surprise lover opens the stock room door. We slip in, I slam the door closed with my foot, and he reaches for me.
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June’s Panties

Category: Fetish
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"No! It can't be lunch time already!" The thought screamed through John's brain as he looked at the clock in the bottom corner of his computer monitor, and realized he was nowhere near getting this presentation done by the close of business today.
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A Little Work Related Anal Fun

Category: Anal Sex
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Anyways, so I was at work finishing up some end of the day shit after everyone else had gone home for the day. For whatever reason my mind started to drift to my happy places and gradually I became more aroused and less concerned with work. After a few minutes of daydreaming about a beautiful set of ass cheeks spread before me, I decided to sit back and pull out my cock.
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Twenty Seven Minutes in Heaven

Category: Anal Sex
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Julia picked up another glass of champagne as she glanced around the room. "Pompous assholes," she thought to herself, taking a sip of the drink, watching the endless parade of rich old men arm in arm with their trophy wives. Julia hated these functions and cringed at the mere mention of attending one. It was her duty, however, as her husband expected her to be there hanging off his arm like all the other fake plastic gold diggers that frequented fundraisers such as this one.
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Dream Come True

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Kiss my ass!!" It's amazing how long I had wanted to hear those words and how much they would change the relationship between myself and the person that said them. However, I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Scott. I'm a forty-two year old, divorced male that works for a large-sized manufacturing facility close to Daytona Beach, Florida. I love the weather here so I tend to spend the majority of my free time doing something outdoors.
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Hair Removal Treatment

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Bobbie is 28, she is about 5'9", dark haired with beautiful eyes and long lashes. she has large firm breasts which are a D cup or more, and a ridiculously happy go lucky nature. She is one of those slightly ditsy sorts who bumbles through life without much of a plan. Basically she is gorgeous. She is also my wife's cousin!
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A Creamy Friday Night

Category: Fetish
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It had been a long week. Not a bad one, but just long. There had been so much going on for both of us, that at the end of the day we barely had the strength for a kiss and a hug goodnight, much less anything else. The only thing that I really had going for me was our showers together in the mornings. I don't think she fully realizes that after all our years together, I find her even more beautiful each day than the day before.
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