
Part One
With hot shower water still steaming off of him, he looks down at the clothes laid out on the bed -- the usual trousers, white shirt and tie, socks...
"Honey?" he shouts into the next room. A few seconds later his wife appears, poking her pale, bright eyed face through the doorway. She has a mischievous grin on her face already.
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Looking around the room, she made sure the candles were in place. So many colors, shapes and sizes, yet they fit with the décor, adding a hint of mysterious shadow in one spot while dispelling shadows in another. Colors, blending with orchids arranged amid baby's breath, complementing framed artwork hanging above them, enhancing deep rich hues of hanging drapery and reflecting off gleaming woodwork, each had its place and was ready for the match.
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I don't know what amazed me more. That Angela, my wife of five years, was confessing to me after all this time that she sometimes thought about eating pussy, or that listening to her talk about it turned me on as much as it did. It was late. We'd been out to an incredible dinner to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary, and one of my wife's good friends, Jenny, had been watching our children.
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It's a scene that won't soon be forgotten. Through the trees and looking out through the mountain peaks is a glorious sunset. Their faces turn a beautiful shade of orange and pink as the sunset reflects on them. The sun shines through the clouds sending rays of light bursting into the sky above them. The Aspens have turned lovely shades of yellow and orange. They provide a beautiful complement to the shades of the sky.
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As the door shut behind us, he attacked my mouth with all the vigor and passion built up all evening. I could only submit to him and moan wantonly into the kiss that has got me weak in the knees, literally. I sagged against the wall with only Jon's arms pinning me to keep me from falling. His thigh slowly found its way between my legs and started the hypnotic grind against my crotch. The wave of ecstasy hit me like I couldn't imagine and I started to beg him.
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Viv and Harv Robinson's anniversary fell on a Sunday. To celebrate the quarter-century of their legally coupling in the eyes of the state and God, Viv had the bright idea of spicing up their perfunctory conjugal interlude that she knew Harv would engage in only as a token courtesy to her (or else face the silent deep freeze for the next six months).
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It's our three year anniversary but you're away for work so I've flown overseas to be with you. I've just finished slipping in to my silky short red dress when I hear a knock at the door. I've organized for us to go out for dinner so I peep through the eye hole to get a quick glance at what you're wearing. You look so incredibly sexy. You're wearing charcoal shoes, a pair of nice black dress pants, white striped shirt and holding a single red rose.
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One moment, one lapse in concentration, and it was all over. It was my fault. She had just stepped off the kerb and I called out "See this evening." She turned, smiled; there was a screech of tyres as a bus pulling in to stop hit her. The love of my life was dead.
I met Clare when I was tutoring in English literature and she a student. I don't know if there is such a thing as love a first sight but it seemed like to me. Six months after first meeting her we were married; she was eighteen and I twenty four.
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Emily awoke to the stillness of pre-dawn. She turned her face to the window and noticed the gray light stealing in through the window. Sighing deeply, she tried to keep still and not wake Ralph. Not yet. This was her time and she cherished it. Ralph's snoring cut through to her and she smiled slightly. How many mornings had she quibbled with him over that? And when had it no longer bothered her? In fact, when had she learned to fall asleep to it?
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"I've got something extraordinary planned for our anniversary," Laurie whispered to me.
I grunted -- unable to think of anything but the next thirty seconds as her oiled hands slowly made another roundtrip up and down my cock. "I'm about to come," I said, hoping she would speed up.
But instead Laurie pulled her hand away and said, "You will come in a week, on our anniversary. But I need your pump to be primed for our special night."
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