
It was a cold, damp, gray Monday in the middle of November and Dan was doing what he usually does, driving from one city to the next in his Midwest sales territory. He had left his home in the Chicago suburbs that morning, made a stop in Rantoul, Illinois, and now was on the back roads traveling to Lafayette, Indiana. He liked traveling the back roads whenever he could, as he felt interstate driving was boring.
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It was a beautiful warm sunny day -- well, hot actually -- though the stiff on-shore breeze blowing up from the south made the heat tolerable. Otherwise, it was a perfect day for sailing.
I sat at the wheel of my sailboat, named Felicity, which my wife, Karen, always insisted on calling a "yacht" because it was just over thirty feet in length. Karen wasn't on board with me.
At the last minute on Friday, her boss had asked Karen to fly to Boston for a crucial project and he needed Karen to meet with the proposal team early Sunday -- today -- so she'd flown out last evening.
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Lara had just dropped off her two daughters at school but, instead of turning around and going back home, she waited at the school gates with the other parents. Today was the end of term school party and the parents had been invited to attend a short concert before the party began. Lara noticed that some of the older schoolgirls were still walking in after the bell for the start of class and wondered if they would be punished for being late as some of her classmates had been when she attended this very same school.
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My name is Kashish, and this is the story of how my life changed from an ordinary, conservative young woman to everything I am proud of being today. I was born to a regular middle class family in India and for the 18 years I had stayed there, I had all the values and culture instilled in me and it was always expected that I would abide by everything I was taught.
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Every person I mention in this story is fictional and everyone involved in this story is eighteen and older.
Hi my name is Tiffany Arnold. I was getting ready to switch from public high school to a private all girl school. I was kicked out from my public high school senior year for particular reasons and have to go to a private school for my senior year, you know the one with long plaid skirts and the uniforms and such.
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Sandie had just turned eighteen a month ago but she was so tiny – barely 5' 1" – and with such a pixy face, that she could have passed for 12 or thirteen. Adding to the image of youth was her long sleek black hair, which hung straight to her waist. Whenever I saw her lounging by their pool in her one-piece bathing suit over our neighbouring fence, I swore she had no breasts to speak of.
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I looked down between my shoes. I could see a candy wrapper and an empty firecracker casing floating in the dirty puddle between them. I reached down and picked them up, tossing them into an empty bag with the few kernels of kettle corn that I hadn't finished.
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** All characters are 18+ **
I can't forget the day when I saw him for the first time. He was a little boy with a cute smile, brunette hair and very small, yet beautiful eyes. His little hand held my finger in a firm grip.
Today, tears formed in Aunt Celina's eyes when nurse handed over the little boy to her. She gave a little kiss on his forehead and looked in his beautiful eyes; she was so happy and we were happy for her.
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Caitlyn Morris held her boyfriend's hand for moral support as they made the long trek up the aisle to his teacher's desk. If this talk didn't go well, Bobby would be benched Friday night—the one night the college scout would be watching the game.
Bobby didn't have a lot of options, if he didn't get recruited, he could kiss college goodbye. And with it any hope of getting out of their all-but-dead hometown.
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Ted groaned as he hit the snooze button on his alarm clock. He didn't have to go into work today, but he wasn't particularly motivated to start the day either. He'd gone to bed forty-six years old and woke up forty-seven and felt rather blase about the whole thing. His sex life was practically non existent, his wife gone nearly ten years, and a single daughter who was getting ready to leave for college.
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