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Swim Team

Category: Group Sex
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“It’s broken, I’m afraid.”

Devastation. No, this couldn’t be happening.

“You’ll need a cast for 6-8 weeks, and plenty of rest with no strenuous activity. Then some therapy to get the muscles in your arm back in shape. But swimming should take care of that for you.”

No, no, no, no, no. No. Damn trampoline. I looked up at Dave.

“I’m gonna miss the Championship Circuit,” I whispered. I could feel my voice wavering. Dave stared stonily at his feet.

“Don’t worry there will be plenty of opportunities to compete again. This won’t be permanent,” said the doctor with a somewhat reassuring smile. He looked to my coach for support.

He offered no consolation and after a moment stormed out of the clinic room muttering all manner of expletives with the word “trampoline.” All that effort into swimming. All of it wasted.

I looked down at my toes and felt a blurring in my vision as tears began to fall.

~ 5 weeks later ~

“Pick it up! Go, go, go!”

Of course I only heard the faint sound of yelling through the rush of water in my ears. I turned to take a breath and caught glimpses of Coach Dave cupping his hands and hollering at me. I got the jist of his message and propelled myself as hard as I could into the finish. He yelled out my time. 55 seconds and 26 hundredths. Not even close. After a moment I shrugged out of the water and painstakingly limped over to Dave.

“Don’t go. Not with shitty swims like that.” No eye contact on either of our parts.

“Then what, just sit on my butt for another week? I’m not gonna sit around anymore Coach. C’mon, I’ll get faster. Please,” I gasped through jagged breath.

“When you’re eight seconds off your best 100 free time you shouldn’t be trying to compete at a Championship meet. It’ll be an embarrassment to you and to the team. Don’t go.”

I waited for a moment to see if he’d say anything else, but nothing more was said. Sure, I’d recovered from my broken arm quicker than expected. Quick enough, maybe, to compete at the Circuit. But with only a week of training coming out of my broken arm, my lack of fitness was blatantly obvious. And with the Championship only a week away, it looked like I wouldn’t be fast enough to even be near my times before the accident. I hurried through the locker room trying to avoid my teammates’ eye contact and rushed hurriedly out of the pool when Coach Sammie’s voice called out from behind.

“Hey Will? Will! C’mere a sec.”

I turned and obliged grudgingly. She looked me up and down for a moment.

“Well? What’d Dave decide?”

“He said I’m a no-go. I’ll be staying in town when you guys head out to Minnesota for the Circuit.” I cringed at the thought of sitting around my house with nothing to do like I’d done for the past month.

“Ah, bummer. But hey, I’ll be staying in town to run some private practices with Brooke since she won’t be going either. Want to join us? It’ll be good for you to stay in shape while the team is gone.”

Relief. No more Glee re-runs.

“Definitely, count me in,” I said immediately.

“Alrighty, see ya Monday!” Sammie smiled and gave me an encouraging pat on my chest. She turned back into the pool and I watched for a moment as her sleek body disappeared from view. Back in the day she swam for USC before coming to California to pursue a coaching career. Her body was still in extremely fit condition, and she flaunted it by wearing tight elastic fitness clothing nearly every day. During long sets my mind often wandered to the image of her ass and breasts in tight spandex. And I wasn’t the only one. Since she’d arrived, male attendance had skyrocketed.

I climbed into my car and drove home not as disappointed as I had been ten minutes before.

By Monday morning, the team had gone out of state to compete at the five day meet and no one was at the pool besides Coach Sammie, Brooke, and me. The boys’ locker room was eerily quiet as I sleepily pulled my speedo on and headed out to the pool. Brooke had already gotten in and was warming up while Sammie wrote a workout on the white board.

“G’morning Will!” I was greeted by a radiant smile from Sammie and a high five that jiggled her breasts under her tank top. My eyes were glued to her chest as the tank top revealed a good portion of her cleavage. I realized my mouth was slightly open and quickly looked up and returned her greeting with a quick “Good morning.” Sammie looked mischievously at me then glanced quickly at my crotch before resuming writing the workout. Looking down, I saw that my suit had been filled with a massive erection that strained to get out of the tight confines of my speedo. Embarrassed, I quickly dove in and the cold water soon cleared my head of all fantasies concerning Sammie.

The relief, however, was short lived when, to my astonishment, I noticed that Brooke was swimming in a little yellow bikini. Her body was gorgeous, with long limbs and curves in all the right places. Her breasts were swishing up and down as she swam butterfly up and down the pool. Once she’d finished she glanced over surprised at me.

“Oh! Sammie didn’t tell me you were coming! I… my suit… I should change…” She stammered embarrassedly as she tried to explain her skimpy swim wear.

“No, no, it’s fine don’t worry about it,” I laughed nervously. “It’s not like I’ve never seen a girl in a bikini. I have been to the beach, you know.”

Visibly relieved, Brooke gave me a dazzling smile which I did not notice as my eyes were trained on the parts of her body that were visible above the waterline. I took a mental picture of the water streaming down the curves of her breasts then began the workout Sammie had written on the board. The minutes dragged by as my body churned through the water while my mind ran through the images of Sammie’s cleavage and the erotic sight of Brooke swimming in a bikini.

“Alright guys, climb out and lets do some dry land!” said Sammie once he’d finished swimming.

Brooke and I pulled ourselves out of the pool and headed over to the yoga mats to do a set of assorted torture to keep our midsection in prime condition. Walking behind Brooke, I couldn’t help but notice the small fabric covering her ass was doing a poor job of concealing her backside. Internally, I screamed at myself not to get hard in my speedo again.

“Okay, you two are going to alternate and hold each other’s feet firmly on the ground while the other does 50 sit ups. Got it?”

We nodded in acknowledgment.

“Good. I’ll be doing some dry land as well with you guys. I’m getting out of shape!” Sammie grinned wryly. “Go ahead and start on the sit ups!”

Brooke got down and lay down on the mat. I kneeled and held her feet down as she began to raise her upper body up and down. Not wanting to get hard, I pointedly looked away from Brooke’s body but stiffened at the sight of Coach Sammie leaning over in a yoga pose that revealed the absence of a bra under her tank top.

I hurriedly looked down at Brooke whose eyes were closed in concentration and strain as she muttered “thirty one, thirty two, thirty three…” My eyes went straight down to her crotch where the bikini bottom had hiked up and revealed a cameltoe that immediately got me hard.

“Forty nine, fifty! Ugh, that hurt,” Brooke sat up slowly then switched places with me and held my feet. I heard a slight gasp as her eyes drifted over the bulge in my suit but I kept my eyes on the ceiling as I began my sit ups. I didn’t get far though, because she was struggling to hold my feet down adequately due to our size difference. Sammie noticed and walked over.

“Here, let me try,” she said as she leaned down and took the position at my feet, revealing her entire upper body in the process.

My boner was now bursting at the seams of my suit, and I tried to create as much pain in my abs to counter act my horniness. Unfortunately, holding my feet was also a struggle for Sammie, who grunted in effort to keep me grounded.

Brooke stood hovering nearby, watching Sammie’s struggle to keep my feet down and my inability to lose my boner. Sammie, realizing how futile her attempts were, called Brooke over.

“Brooke! C’mere and sit on him. Maybe that will help keep him down.”

Brooke hesitantly stood over me then I watched as she slowly lowered her beautifully body down onto my crotch. My cock was pressed against her butt, and with every sit up my face came within an inch of her breasts.

“Forty six, forty seven, forty eight, forty nine, fifty,” I stopped and laid back while Brooke quickly jumped off my body.

Sammie stood up and stared down at me with a mischievous look in her eye. Her eyes drifted down my upper body and stopped at my penis which was incredibly hard.

“Great work guys! Hey why don’t you guys hit the hot tub and relax?”

Brooke appeared hesitant but began making her way over to the spa area and Sammie and I followed suit. Brooke and I completely submerged ourselves in the hot water and let it soothe our aching muscles. Fortunately, the bubbles from the spa covered the surface of the water so no one could see me quickly slip my speedo off to get my penis out of the tight confines of the suit.

“Oh man that looks nice,” said Sammie. “Mind if I join you?”

“You have a suit?” Brooke asked in surprise.

“Nope, but that’s not a problem!” and with a laugh Coach Sammie peeled off her top then shucked her shorts and stood stark naked in front of us.

Sammie looked naughtily at me for a moment then hopped in and sat next to Brooke. Brooke seemed dazed at having her coach sitting naked next to her, but then she laughed and said, “Heck, why not? No one’s here.”

I stared with eyes wide open while Brooke reached behind her and undid her bikini top then put her hands underwater and fidgeted a bit to peel off her bottom. I could not believe I was sitting in a hot tub with two, beautiful naked women.

“You don’t mind, Will, do you?” asked Sammie. I quickly shook my head no. “Of course not,” Sammie laughed.

I sat and compared the two pairs of tits in front of me. Sammie’s tits were dark and large, and her breasts were probably a C cup. Brooke’s nipples were pink and did not have the same mature look that Sammie’s had, but she was substantially bigger than Sammie with double D size breasts. I could see Brooke was comparing her breasts to Sammie when Sammie began to inch her way across the hot tub to me.

I panicked. “Uh, I’ve got to go… I mean… thanks for practice and everything,” I stammered then hopped out of the tub and walked briskly to the men’s locker room. Only once I made it in did I realize I’d left my speedo at the bottom of the tub, and that Brooke and Sammie had seen my junk as I had fled the tub. Not knowing what to do, I went into the showers and closed my eyes as hot water cascaded down from the shower head. Images of the Sammie and Brooke naked in the hot tub replayed through my head. Not a minute later, the door to the locker room opened and Coach Sammie, wrapped in a towel, came in to the locker room holding my speedo in her left hand.

“Here, I think you forgot this,” she grinned slyly.

“Um, yeah, I don’t know how that came off,” I said lamely. I was glad that for once today I didn’t have a boner in front of Sammie. But then she dropped her towel. My eyes devoured the site of her perfect breasts that bridged across her flat tummy to her pussy. She hadn’t had it shaved completely off, but rather had a small, neat triangle of brown pubic hair. My soft penis quickly got hard.

Sammie laughed. “You know what Will? I don’t think we’ve worked out enough. Here, follow me.” She grabbed my hand and led me out of the boys’ locker room and into the adjacent girls’ locker room. Brooke jumped when the two of us walked in naked, and only had a damp pair of panties on. Sammie grabbed her hand too and led us to the showers and sat us down.

“You two okay with another quick work out? This one will be fun. I promise,” Sammie whispered the last two words seductively.

A nod from me. Several seconds later, Brooke nodded too.

“Alright then! Brooke you first. Come stand in front of me and sway your hips sorta like you are hula hooping.”

Brooke stood up in her soaking wet panties and began to make circular movements with her hips. Sammie, smiling, stood face to face with her then began to make a similar movement and soon the two were grinding each other’s pussies together in rhythm.

A groan erupted from one of the two, I couldn’t tell which, but then another groan responded in pleasure. Pre cum was glistening on my rock hard cock. After a minute or two, Sammie slowed to a stop and Brooke did as well. Brooke stood frozen for a moment then sat back down on the shower floor in a daze. Sammie had her hand rubbing her clit. Brooke recovered and turned to me.

“Will, why don’t we try those sit ups again?” asked Brooke. Both Sammie and I looked at Brooke in surprise then I nodded in consent. I lay flat on my back and Sammie came down and kneeled at my feet. Brooke came and stood over me, and with a smile, turned around and dropped her panties. She began lowering her ass down onto my midsection, with the tip of my penis pushing against the folds of her vagina.

Sammie and Brooke, now facing each other, began to kiss passionately and as they progressed Brooke pushed up closer and closer to my cock until with a hard thrust I shoved myself into her.

A gasp from all three of us, then things erupted. Sammie stood up and held her pussy above Brooke’s face, who began to eat her out passionately. While Sammie was groaning in pleasure Brooke rocked up and down on my cock. From my vantage point, all I saw was the back of Brooke’s beautiful ass bouncing up and down as she penetrated her pussy with my penis deeper and deeper. Groans were emitted from all three of us.

Suddenly Sammy was kneeling with her dripping pussy inches from my face and with no hesitation I began to lick her and penetrate deep into her vagina with my tongue. Brooke turned around and began riding my cowgirl style in order to continue making love with Sammie.

“I’m going to cum! Fuck I’m gonna cum!” screamed Sammie then my face was flooded with her sweet juices and I drank as much of the nectar as I could. I felt myself reach an orgasm and shot my sperm as deep into Brooke as I could. I felt Brooke’s vagina tighten around my penis as she herself reached her orgasm and soon the shower floor was not wet with water but with our sweat and juices.

Brooke collapsed in ecstasy and lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling as she caught her breath. Sammie crept over her on all fours until they were both facing the other’s dripping pussy. Slowly, Sammie began tickling Brooke’s clit with the tip of her tongue while Brooke began to finger Sammie.

Not wanting to miss out, I crept up behind Sammie and pushed my cum/pussy juice lubricated penis into her ass. She flinched in surprise, but soon her groans of approval gave me permission to ravage her anus.

I pounded her ass while Brooke ate out her vagina and soon Sammie was rolling on the floor in orgasm. Brooke took the opportunity to take my penis in her mouth and she pushed it deeper and deeper into her throat. Sammie had presently recovered and came up behind Brooke stared straight into my eyes and with a little groan began to kiss me intensely. While our tongues flayed each other, I grabbed Sammie’s breasts and teased her nipples until they were as hard as my penis.

I found myself screaming that I was going to cum, and Brooke completely inhaled my entire cock and swallowed every drip of my semen.

Brooke and I sat down on the shower floor in exhaustion. Sammie turned on the water to flush out the evidence of our orgy.

Sitting under the pouring water, we all caught our breath and reran through the incredulous experience we’d just had. Coach Sammie piped up.

“So, you guys coming for another practice tomorrow?” Another mischievous grin.

Two fervent head nods responded.

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Benjamin wrote

I like this story adults and kids seeing each other naked and teen girls comparing there boobs. I like that and it includes there bra size,s to.