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Jessica’s Panties

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Jessica and Travis had known each other for a couple of weeks and were developing a flirtatious relationship. It wasn't too serious yet, but their tantalizing and sexy interaction was starting to build. He had just invited her over to his beach house for the first time. He, also, mentioned to her that he had something daring and sexy planned. This peaked her curiosity. When she arrived, Travis gave her a friendly, affectionate hug and welcomed her in.
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Special Delivery

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My day brightened the minute Crystal walked in the door. Crystal made deliveries to my work place several times a week, and we had gotten to the point where we would flirt playfully a little each time we talked. At about 35, she was 10 years older than me, but that didn't seem to bother either one of us. Crystal was short, about 5'4" and weighed about 105 lbs. She didn't have the hard tight body of girls my age anymore, but her round curves made her more sensual to me.
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Girl on a Raft

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I was swimming the day my chance came. It was a nice day, but for some reason there weren't many people at the beach. I'd swum out to one of the rafts that the council provide and was just lying there, when she also swam out to the raft and hopped aboard. It was definitely my lucky day. Denise. What can I say about Denise. She was our beautiful, virgin, bitch queen. That description isn't a hundred percent accurate. She was definitely beautiful, and even more definitely a bitch.
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Those Bikies

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I was driving cross-country to visit my parents. Halfway across the state I stopped in at a motel to spend the night. It was quite a nice motel, all mod cons, including a swimming pool. And, on a hot sultry night like the current one was shaping up to be, a swimming pool sounded rather appealing.
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Long Weekend

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It was going to be a long weekend. With Monday as a gazetted public holiday I had three days in which to do nothing, and that's what I intended to do. I was going to just relax, bum around the house, maybe work on the car and maybe play on the internet. I was completely unsuspicious when my mother asked if I had anything planned for the weekend. "Nope," I said happily. "Just one long bludge."
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Chip’s Mom

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had just arrived home on break from college and was in Chip’s neighborhood, so I figured I’d just drop in and see if he’d gotten home yet. No one answered when I rang the doorbell and I was about to head back down the driveway when I heard a splash, indicating that someone was using the pool. I walked around the side of the house thinking it might be Chip but stopped before I opened the gate to the backyard. I could see the diving board still vibrating and a figure just surfacing at the shallow end of the pool.
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Girls At The Beach Threesome

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It started early Sunday morning on Memorial Day weekend when I got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. We were renting a beach house in the Outer Banks and I was really thirsty from the veggie pizza we had for dinner. I slipped out of bed and headed to the kitchen. I heard the living room TV on and assumed the two girls had come back late from their meet up with the boys they earlier teased at the beach, watched some TV and had left it on.
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Morning Carwash Delights

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Nice day to wash a car isn't it?" Dean walked up the driveway seeing his friend's mother in cut-off jean shorts and a black bikini top washing the car. "Oh yeah! Nice and sunny out this morning!" She replied back with a smile while pulling the soapy sponge out of the bucket of water. "Hank home?" He tried his best keeping his eyes off her body if she just happened to look over his way while talking.
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Dip in the Lake

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"So?" Jason asked as he rolled up at the bottom of the drive on his mountain bike. Robert held up his phone, showing the message from his older brother with two specifically capitalized words in an otherwise innocuous message — care package. "Sweet. Let's roll." The pair set out on the gravel road, riding even deeper into the middle of nowhere. Living out in the country certainly had its disadvantages, but there were a few things that helped offset the boredom and inconvenience. One of them was the lack of prying eyes.
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Ashley’s Teeny Green Bikini

Category: Fetish
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For as long as I can remember, I've always had a thing for panties. Not wearing them. Seeing them, smelling them, touching them. And, of course, coming on them. I'm almost always turned on when I see a girl's panties. With the current trend of low-slung jeans and pants, my eyes are always on the lookout for a girl whose panties or thong is in view.
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