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Swing Time

Category: Group Sex
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Sandra looked at herself in the mirror, smoothing down her little black dress. The nervousness she was feeling didn’t seem to show at all, but she wasn’t certain if she would be able to keep up the façade of coolness, or if she would be able to go through with this. She ran her eyes up and down her reflection, pleased with what she saw, even after forty years.

Her sleek ebony hair fell softly to her shoulders, with only a few silver strands woven through as of yet. Her cobalt eyes were still as bright as ever, and her vision had remained strong enough to keep her from needing improvement. Her face was unremarkable, but pretty. She had managed to keep her figure slim, even after two children, by staying very active physically, and it showed in the outlines of her shapely curves. She touched up her lipstick and ran her brush through her hair, then touched some cologne to her throat and wrists. Satisfied at last, she turned to her husband, who was just finishing getting dressed.

Sandra couldn’t help but smile at what she saw. For a man of forty-five, Bob was remarkably handsome, in her opinion. His blond hair was thick and wavy, his skin tan from working and playing outdoors, and his green eyes sparkled with good humor. He had maintained his shape as well, playing tennis and working in their garden alongside her every week. She watched the play of his muscles under his sport coat, and admired his tight ass, as she had when they had first met. He caught her smiling at him, and winked at her. “You look wonderful, Sweetheart.” His voice was warm, and his eyes glowed with his love for her.

“Thank you….you do too.”

“Now Sandy, you know we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I know you’re unsure about it.”

“No, no…I’m fine….well, I will be. I at least want to see what all the fuss is about.”

“Well, just remember, we don’t have to do a thing. We can sit back and observe, or we can get involved. It’s entirely up to you, ok?”

Sandra nodded, and smiled at him again. She was trying to reassure both of them that she would be fine, but she wasn’t convinced yet. It did help for him to remind her that she did not have to do anything she didn’t wish to. As he finished getting ready, she let her mind wander back a bit to when the idea of going to a swinger’s club had first come up. They had begun by joking about it, after hearing another of their couple friends talk about it. They would tease each other when they made love, playfully fantasizing about the idea. Gradually, the teasing had become more serious and arousing for both of them, but particularly Bob. He was not one to push his wife into doing anything she didn’t wish to, but he had casually brought up the fact that he had gotten the name of the club where their friends went, and that they had been invited to come and see what the place was all about.

Bob had explained to her that no one ever had to do anything if they didn’t want to. They could simply observe, or they could participate. All they had to do was decline politely if anyone asked them to join in, if they chose not to, and their wishes would be respected. On the other hand, if they chose to participate, they were more than welcome to do so. They would be allowed to come to one function as guests, then if they chose to come back, there would be a nominal membership fee to join. He had said he would like for them to try it, but it was entirely up to her. She knew he would wait for whatever decision she made and abide by it. Wanting to be fair to him, and quite frankly, wanting to satisfy her own curiosity, she finally agreed, so here they were on a Saturday night, getting ready to see what ‘Swing Time’, the name of the club, was all about.

Sooner than Sandra expected, they arrived. A uniformed valet parked their car and they walked into the lobby of the hotel where the club was located. It was a beautiful old building, with a sense of elegance throughout. They ascended to the top floor, and stepped out of the elevator. The entire top floor of the hotel belonged to Swing Time, and they could hear music softly playing as they moved forward, down the hallway. Two large oak doors stood before them, and there was a small bell, which Bob pressed. Almost immediately, they were opened by a man in a tuxedo, who took their names, checked his list, and then ushered them in. Inside, they could hear voices and were shown into a room, where a number of couples stood about or sat on couches, talking. Sandra felt herself tremble slightly, and she took Bob’s hand, feeling his fingers press hers reassuringly in return.

In just a few moments, they heard their names being called, and turned to see Nathan heading their way, followed by his wife, Amy and an attractive redhead, that they didn’t know. Amy immediately hugged Sandy, making her feel a bit better already. Nathan slapped Bob on the back and hugged her as well. “Guys, I’m so glad you could make it,” he said. “Let me introduce you to Nikki, who got this whole idea going. Nikki, these are our very good friends, Bob and Sandy, the couple we told you about.” Sandra had been looking Nikki up and down, and she saw Bob doing the same. Her red hair was long, and loose, and she was quite tall and slender. She wore a hunter green knit top that hugged her curves, but was not lewd, and a pair of black capri slacks, that did the same for her hips. She was obviously very comfortable with herself, and with others.

Nikki smiled warmly at both of them, her gray eyes sparkling. Her voice was low and slightly husky, as she said, “It is always a pleasure to see new faces here. I know you might be a bit nervous, but please don’t be. Everyone here is very friendly, and very respectful of one another. If you just want to hang out tonight, and get to know everyone, that’s great. If one or both of you wants to ‘play’ with someone, that’s wonderful too. We have rooms all along this floor, for different types of swinging. For example, one of our rooms is for group sex, where everyone just kind of….goes at it…” She laughed, and they laughed with her, Sandy sounding a bit nervous. “There are other rooms for singles to play privately and for couples as well…We even have a couple of fantasy-type rooms, if you like to roleplay…” She stopped, pausing for breath. “I hope I haven’t given you too much information at one time!”

“No, I think it’s good to know how things work,” Sandra said, feeling out of place still. She could tell Bob was already attracted to this woman, and the feeling appeared to be mutual, as she saw Nikki’s eyes slide down to his crotch unobtrusively. She didn’t feel jealous by the other woman’s interest; instead it made her feel good about her husband. She gave him a smile.

“Well, make yourselves at home, and Nathan and Amy can introduce you around. I need to go see to a couple of things. I’ll see you later.” Nikki waved and walked off, and Bob’s eyes followed the sway of her hips.

“She’s very attractive,” Sandra remarked.

“Oh, yes, and so great! I was so jealous of her the first time I met her,” Amy laughed. “Now, though, I couldn’t ask for a better introduction to this place.” Her words were very comforting to Sandra, even though she wasn’t really jealous of Nikki. They got drinks and Nathan and Amy took them around, introducing them to other couples and the few single men and women who were allowed to join in as well. Nathan explained that they kept the singles numbers low, as it could become a problem, but there were a select few that had proven they could be trusted and that truly were single. Occasionally, there would be a married man or woman who would try to come as a single, but it was always found out in the end, and they were firmly asked to leave.

As the night wore on, Sandra noticed people drifting away in pairs, or foursomes, or even groups. It was all very discreet, and she was feeling more and more at ease all the time. She encouraged Bob to go talk to the others, and she sat down to rest a bit on one of the sofas. She was admiring the view out of the window, when a masculine voice asked, “Excuse me, but may I join you?” She glanced up and caught her breath at the dark eyes staring at her. He was tall, dark and handsome, literally. His thick hair swept his shoulders, which were quite broad. He was dressed casually, in an open-collared black shirt, that showed a small patch of hair, and black jeans that fit him like a glove. Unable to speak for a moment, she nodded. He seated himself, his eyes trained on her face, studying it. “You are a very lovely woman.” He spoke seriously, and now she could hear the Highland lilt in his voice.

Finding her own at last, Sandra said, “Thank you very much.”

“Are you here alone?”

“Oh, no….that’s my husband, over talking to Nikki.” She pointed across the room.

He nodded. “I am not surprised that you are with some one. Is this your first time here?”

“Does it show that much?” Sandra laughed a little, and he joined her.

“Only a bit. Are you enjoying yourself?”

Feeling suddenly very flirty and sexy, she answered, “Well, I am now….”

The smile that lit up his face was beautiful, showing even teeth. “Why, thank you. My name is Eric. May I ask yours?”

“I’m Sandra.”

He took her hand and kissed it, holding it in his own. “A pleasure indeed. And what has brought you and your husband here tonight?”

“Curiosity mainly. Something we’ve never done, and decided to see what it was all about. Nathan and Amy, our friends, told us about it. They certainly enjoy it. Yourself?”

“Well, I am a hedonist. I enjoy pleasure in all forms, and I am also bisexual, so this place allows me to explore many options. Also, I can help others achieve their own fantasies sometimes, which I enjoy doing. I’ve been coming here for about two years now.” He smiled slowly at her, and she felt a tingle from her toes all the way up to her hair, and realized he was still holding her hand. He began caressing her palm slowly and sensually. She glanced over toward Bob, and saw he was leaning in close to hear something Nikki was saying, her hand resting lightly on his arm. He had abandoned his sport coat, so her fingers rested on the skin of his bare arm. Satisfied, she turned her eyes back to her companion.

“Would you like to dance, Sandra?”

“Why yes, thank you.” He led her toward the dance floor, where a few others were taking advantage of the music. The song that was just beginning was a slow number, and he pulled her against his hard body. It felt strange at first, to be held so intimately by any man but Bob, but as they moved along, she began to relax and enjoy the sensation. He talked softly to her, learning about her, telling her about him. She found herself immensely attracted to him, physically, as well as his personality. They danced for several numbers, and she allowed herself to be drawn closer and closer to his body as each progressed, until she felt his hardness pressing against her belly. She looked around, and found Bob on the dance floor as well, with Nikki in his arms. The two of them had agreed before they had left the house that if either or both wanted to play, they could go about their business, and not need permission from the other. They would talk about it after they got home, fully expecting to be aroused by each other’s stories if anything happened. As she watched, she saw Bob lean in and kiss Nikki’s full lips, and she felt a hot flash of arousal course through her. She knew he was going to be making love to the redhead before the night was over.

She looked back up into Eric’s face and found his sensual mouth inches from her own. “Does it excite you to see your husband kissing another woman?” he asked softly, his breath warm against her lips. She nodded. “Perhaps it will excite him, then, to see his wife kissed by another man.” He claimed her lips, gently pressing his tongue against them, begging entrance. She opened her mouth and felt the stranger’s tongue slip inside the opening, tasting her mouth, sliding over her teeth and gums, and massaging her own tongue. It was passionate, and she gripped his shoulders, feeling her knees grow weak. In response, his hands were suddenly cupping her bottom, pulling her into him, letting her see just how much he desired her. He drew back, still holding her tightly against him, letting her feel how well his crotch fit between her thighs. “I want you Sandra….I want to kiss you all over and touch you….I want to make love to your beautiful body. I want to feel your mouth on me. Do you want this as well?” Her body was on fire with the need to be touched and loved. She could see Bob still on the dance floor, and Nikki grinding against what she knew was a raging hard-on. Her heart was pounding as she nodded yes.

Eric released her and led her from the floor, and down a hallway, to a room. As soon as they were inside, he caught her and pinned her against the wall, kissing her hungrily, grinding against her again. His mouth moved to her neck, kissing and nibbling, and his hands began massaging her breasts through the dress. She reached down and stroked him through his jeans, feeling the outline of the hard shaft waiting for her. “Yes..oh yes….” He growled, “Feel me, sweet Sandra….touch me…see how hard I am for you….” She moaned at the passion between them. She wanted to feel his bare skin on hers suddenly, and pushed him back, unbuttoning his shirt. As she opened it further, her mouth moved in light kisses over the skin she was baring. He had a thick mat of hair on his chest, but too much. She circled each nipple with her tongue, making him moan.

“You’re beautiful,” she told him, surprising herself at telling a man that, but he merely smiled. Her fingertips found his zipper and slid it down, revealing his shaft, thick and hard, and oozing a drop of precum. He was a bit larger than Bob, and slightly thicker, and her pulse quickened at how he was going to feel inside her. He slid the jeans down over his hips and stood nude before her.

“Now, your turn,” he said softly, and reached behind her to unzip her dress, then stepped back. The dress pooled around her ankles, and she stood there in her skimpy lingerie, her black lace bra barely holding her breasts and her thong showing the dampness waiting for him to plunge into. “God, you’re beautiful too….but I want to see all of you….lose the bra, please….” She reached behind her and let her breasts spring free, her rose-colored nipples hard and begging for attention. Without a word, he moved forward and slid the thong off, then slipped his fingers between her legs, rubbing her clit as he leaned forward to take a nipple in his mouth. She was moaning in pleasure, when the door opened and Bob and Nikki moved through it. Everyone stopped for just a moment, but then Eric said, “Ooops…forgot to lock it, I guess. Sorry about that.”

Bob’s shirt was out of his pants and Nikki’s top was pulled up, revealing her tight stomach, and both their mouths were puffy from kissing. Sandra felt her lust increase at the idea of her husband and his lover in the same room. “Want to stay?” she asked them, and saw the answering light of passion in his eyes.

“It’s okay with me,” Eric added. “That’s a big bed.” Each room was equipped with an oversize king-sized bed, so four people could more than fit. The other two nodded, and Nikki locked the door, grinning, then immediately wrapped herself back around Bob. Eric had not removed his fingers from Sandra at the interruption, and now he continued his play. The moans from the other couple only served to increase the passion in the room for all involved. Bob and Nikki were soon nude, quickly undressing each other, and moving to the bed. She lay back, her legs spread wide, as he knelt between her open thighs and slowly sucked her pussy. Eric lifted Sandra and carried her over to the bed, and lay back himself, pulling her so that her cleft was over his face. He began to slowly lick her, as she took his cock in her mouth and began sucking him, enjoying the different taste. She found herself reaching over and beginning to stroke her husband’s cock at the same time, increasing the movements of his mouth on Nikki’s honeypot. She felt soft fingers slide under her and begin caressing her nipple, and realized that Nikki was touching her. It felt so wonderful, she didn’t want it to stop.

Eric was now tongue-fucking her pussy with practiced ease, as Bob did the same to Nikki. The women moaned in unison, writhing on the bed. She heard Nikki murmur “Oh, yes, Bob….tongue fuck my pussy….eat my cunt….oh God yes….God, that’s so hot….you’re so good…” Her words seemed to spur Eric on as well, and Sandra soon found herself cumming all over his mouth, as she continued to suck him until he filled her mouth as well. Beside them, Nikki was screaming out her own fulfillment. They lay there for a bit, after Nikki had finished, then Bob rose and slipped his cock into her sopping pussy, slowly at first. Eric moved and placed Sandra on her back, already hard again, and slid into her as well.

The two men moved in tandem, urging their partners to talk to them. Sandra had always had a hard time talking in bed until now, but listening to Nikki she found she could do it. “Oh, God, Eric….yes….touch my clit….play with it….suck my nipples….your cock feels so good…so thick….”

“Your cunt feels wonderful Sandra….so tight…so wet…..I love fucking you….could fuck you all night long…Bob’s a lucky man to get to fuck this pussy every night….you grip me so well….”

“Bob…mmmm…..oh yeah….right there, Baby….harder….fuck me harder, Bob….spread my legs….stick it in me….oh….”

“God, Nikki… are so fuckable…..sweet little cunt….pretty tits….want to eat them up….want to feel your mouth on me yet….fuck your mouth….fuck your ass….”

Sandra could hardly believe she was talking this way and that Bob was, much less in the same room, with other sex partners, but it felt so wonderful and free. All the conversation just made her hotter and hornier than she’d ever felt, and she wanted to make love all night. She forgot everything but sex and sensation at that moment.

“Bob…fuck me from behind….do it to me, you stud…..fuck me….Nikki needs to be fucked hard…..spank my ass…..make me cum…..pinch my nipples, Baby…” Nikki was a wild woman, offering her ass to her lover, and screaming as he fulfilled his dream of fucking a woman’s ass. He could scarcely get over how good it felt and found himself wondering how it might feel to fuck Eric as well.

“Eric…feels so good….harder, Lover……faster….bang my cunt….make me want it….I want to cum…please let me cum…..want you so bad….” Sandra couldn’t believe all her inhibitions were gone in one night, but they were. All she wanted was to fuck for as long as they were able. She had always liked sex a lot, but never would she have thought it could be this wonderful, even though her and Bob’s intimate life was indeed wonderful.

“Mmmmm, yeah Nikki….you’re a real slut, huh…..want that cock bad….gonna give you what you want baby…..hard and in the ass…..yeah….” Nikki always liked new lovers, and she loved to see men that obviously loved the dirty, nasty stuff, and that never much got to experience it. It made her hot to let them have it with her, and even hotter when the wife was right there, and obviously turned on by it.

“Sandra….Baby…..yeah….what a sweet pussy…..gotta have more of you…..sweet tight pussy…..nice little clit….beautiful breasts…..perfect fit for my cock, Love….nice big cock just for you, Sweetheart…” Eric loved women and men alike, but it was a pleasure to make love to someone like Sandra who had never done anything like this before. He loved sensuality of it, and peeling back the layers, and having her husband there was a huge turn on. He wondered if he could talk them into trying some bisexual fun, but figured there was always next time. He’d love to see Nikki eating her out, and feel Bob’s mouth on him, or Bob’s cock in his mouth.

The night went on and they all fucked in every conceivable position, cumming again and again, until at last, it was time to stop. As they all lay there, panting, Sandra raised her head and looked at Nikki. “So….how much is the nominal fee, and can we pay it tonight?”

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