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Outrageous Bet

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I had been invited by my boss to dinner at his home. Marek Jablonsky was a paunchy, well-set man in his late forties, sort of overweight, a non-nonsense character who had a constant disapproving frown on his face. He was your typical ill-bred working class lout who enjoyed making others squirm with his offending comments. He hated everyone and thought everyone was a complete asshole. And to make matters worse he was a drunk. He had a bottle of Vodka in his office and made sure that he never ran out of it. It was my job to see that he didn't.
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Yes! Please Yes!

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Caitlyn was surprised when she awoke in her own bed. The last thing she remembered was passing out in the kitchen as Neil was commencing round four. The big rapist she had met at the Grocery store had claimed her for his own, and she was surprised to have awoken alone. Were it not for the condition of her body, she may have been tempted to believe the night before was all a dream.
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Public Justice

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Jenny was having a great day. During the morning shift she'd sold tons of clothes at the retail store where she had worked for the past year, and as usual received the enthusiastic praise of her boss Giulio. The sun was shining. She'd been out to lunch with her old friend Madeline for the first time in months, and they were heading back to the store side by side, chatting casually yet happily in the way you only do with really close friends.
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Violated Valerie

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Valerie was already there when I arrived. I was early and was surprised to see her sat at the corner table. I had hoped that I would have a little time to calm my nerves before Valerie showed up, but it wasn't to be obviously. I took a deep breath, fixed a confident smile on my face and walked in.
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Heavy rain hammered loudly on the roof of our porch. Strong winds whipped through the mesh screening, blowing the heat of the summer day quickly away. The wind pushed raindrops through the screen, vaporizing the droplets into a fine, refreshing mist. The random lighting strikes that brilliantly lit the night-time sky were quickly followed by deafening claps of thunder. The room was pitch black, interrupted only by the persistent flashes of bright white light. Being out in the elements, experiencing the power of mother nature was intensely stimulating.
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Kristina’s Punishment

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Eighteen-year-old Kristina entered the Dean's office. The busty blonde was wearing her school uniform which consisted of a white blouse, which was currently unbuttoned enough to show her ample cleavage, a short skirt and her white knee-high socks with black shoes. "Miss Mitchell, please come in and have a seat." said Dean Whitmore.
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Erica was in my humanities class. I haven't seen her in five years. At the time, I was already looking for a real job and she was living in the dorms. We started talking—complaining really, early in the semester. The first time we spoke we were grumbling our annoyances with our professor, but a week later she was punctuating her sentences with emotive slaps to my shoulder as she shared her worries about our midterm.
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Not Such a Bad Job

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"Come on Ronald!" Shouted the officer in charge. "Get this bloody mop and bucket out of the way will you!" "Oh s...sorry sir," answered the timid little man, " sorry." "Yes, well, just think will you, someone could have an accident with that thing there, not only that but it looks unsightly too." "Y...yes of course, I....I'll move it right away sir s...sorry."
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Erotic Furry Tale

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1 King Galdon ruled his kingdom with a ruthless but fair and even hand given the period in history. This was just prior to recorded history as we know it when myths and tales of great and valiant deeds were passed from lip to ear. His father, King Redor, had just died leaving the entire kingdom to him by decree. Galdon had killed two of his brothers and several other interlopers defending his fathers wishes.
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When I awoke, I was surrounded by white. Confused, I blinked a few times before registering that it was the comforter on the bed I was laying in. I sat up. Sunlight streamed pleasantly through the windows that covered one of the walls, warming my skin where it hit. I smiled. My skin... I was naked.
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