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Coercing the College Kid

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“Hon, would you get the door. That’s probably Mark”

Jenna, like usual, was running late. A pile of dresses lay on the bedroom floor, as she scrutinized the latest choice in the full-length mirror in the upstairs bathroom. Although the latest option was not as flattering as she’d hoped, she realized that it would have to suffice if they were going to make their dinner reservations, and she frantically began the process of applying make-up.

At 36, Jenna was still quite gorgeous. Although two children had softened her form, her husband still routinely devoured her with his eyes. After nine years of marriage, their love and passion had gown more intense, and when their busy schedule permitted, their lovemaking, although fairly conventional, was very much steamy and enjoyable. Aside from occasionally watching online gang-bang or bisexual porn, commitment to family life in the last six years, as well as their busy work schedules, had tempered some of the sexual experimentation that they’d previously enjoyed, and their brief foray into the swinging lifestyle before the kids were born had come to an end- at least temporarily.

As Jenna applied her lipstick, she thought back at some of the occasions when men had stared or flirted with her recently. Although men of all ages and ethnicities showed interest, often the men were African-American. And she found herself being ogled by high school and college age kids quite frequently. She thought to herself that it must be her incredibly large, beautiful breasts- the size of which she was, at times, annoyed by. Her husband, however, was immensely aroused by them, as were many of the young men (and women) in her painting classes at the college where she’d recently been hired as an adjunct faculty member. The dress that she settled on for the evening, which exposed much of her robust bosom, would surely elicit some hearty stares.

Ben, who had been watching the football game, while Jenna was getting ready, strolled to the front door to greet Mark, with whom they arranged to sit the kids during their date. Ben still possessed an imposing physique. His 6’4″ frame had not changed much since his days as a college quarterback, and although some gray had emerged around his temples, he looked almost ten years younger than his forty years of age.

“Hey Mark, how are ya?” Ben asked as the door opened.

“Good, thanks. Sorry I’m late, Mr. C.”

The two men exchanged a firm handshake, and Ben smiled, “No worries. Jenna isn’t even ready yet. At this rate we’ll be eating at Denny’s tonight. Come on in.”

Mark was nineteen, and although he carried himself with significantly more confidence after a year of college, he was still a bit deferential, much like the young high-school kid who had occasionally babysat Ben and Jenna’s kids when his girlfriend, Ashley, wasn’t available. Several inches shorter than Ben, and a bit more svelte, a year on the college swim team had broadened his shoulders, and resulted in a more muscular body. His loping gait and shaggy blond hair revealed his youthful, carefree demeanor.

“You want to go in and say ‘hi’ to the kids?” Ben offered. “They’re in the den watching a movie. They’ve been excited to see you. I’m going to see if I can hurry Jenna along.”

Mark disappeared into the den to let the kids know that he’d arrived, and from the bottom of the stairs, Ben prompted Jenna to speed things along. In a mildly annoyed tone, she responded, “I’m almost done.” Mark emerged from the den, and Ben asked about how things were going with college, and with the swim team.

“It’s going well. I made the dean’s list last quarter,” Mark replied, “and I think I’m going to have a chance in the 100 freestyle at the conference championships next year.”

“Ya, your mom mentioned that you won conference Freshman of the Year. I ran into her at the grocery store a couple of days ago.” Ben continued, “How are things going with Ashley?”

“We broke up,” Mark said. “It was hard to stay connected. A long-distance relationship wasn’t working, and we wouldn’t have been able to really spend any time together this summer, because she’s doing an internship in London.”

“Sorry to hear that,” Ben offered.

“Ya, thanks. We’ll see how it goes. We’re still close, but a committed relationship isn’t realistic.”

Jenna’s arrival into the living room was met with an enthusiastic greeting from Mark, “Hey Mrs. C, how’s it going?” The two hugged.

“Good Mark! Look at you- you’re turning into quite the young man. It seems like yesterday when you were a cute little freshman in high school, and now- facial hair. How is school going?”

Mark replied, “It’s pretty cool. I partied a little too much fall quarter, but then I buckled down, and got on the dean’s list.”

“Nice. Good for you. How is dorm life?” Jenna asked.

“It’s alright, I guess,” Mark responded. “I’m looking forward to finding an apartment for next year. I might move into a place with my dorm mate and a couple of his football friends.”

“Jenna, we’re so late,” Ben interrupted.

“Right,” Jenna agreed.

“Listen Mark, I put together a snack for the kids. If you could offer it to them once they’ve finished watching their movie. It’s in the fridge. The kids should go down by 8:30 or so. You remember the whole bedtime routine?”

“Yep, I remember.”

We’re going to see a movie after dinner, and should be home around midnight. We’ll call if we’re running late, cool?”

“No worries, Mrs. C.,” Mark assured her. “I was up late last night. I hung out with some friends I hadn’t seen in awhile, so I’m beat. I’ll probably crash out by 11:00. So go have fun! And, by the way, you two look really nice.”

“Thanks, Mark,” Jenna responded. “OK, well, call us if you have any problems. And thanks again for sitting tonight.”

“You’re very welcome. I was looking forward to hanging with the kids again,” Mark insisted.

Saturday evening traffic into the city had been worse then usual, and Jenna and Ben, already late leaving the house, had arrived well after their reservation time of 6:00. Fortunately, the well-regarded sushi restaurant located atop the Hilton building featured a swanky bar with an extensive menu. The balcony bar, which offered a stunning view of the city on a pleasant early summer evening, was packed with hip bar patrons socializing and enjoying immaculate entrees. The couple slipped into the lone vacant table after venturing around the corner from the main outdoor seating area, and marveled at both the breath-taking view and their good fortune at finding an empty table.

The smaller, narrower portion of the L-shaped balcony where Jenna and Ben found themselves had only enough room for three tall round tables pushed near the railing, each with two tall chairs. At Ben’s back were several pots of bamboo, which served as a partition for what was, until the recent smoking ban, a small, secluded smoking area. Unlike the main portion of the balcony bar, there were no windows through which one could see into the main dining area of the restaurant. Conversely, no one could see Jenna, Ben and the four other bar-goers seated in the little nook tucked around the corner of the building, and just as the couple was beginning to feel forgotten by the bar staff, their waitress approached. She cordially introduced herself, presented menus, asked if they had questions, and took their drink order.

“The calamari sounds good,” Ben suggested. “Do you also want to get some edamame?”

“Ya, and let’s get miso, too.”

“Sounds great,” Ben agreed. “Do you think the kids will be alright with Mark? He sure has grown up, huh?”

“Ya, he has. And the kids adore him. They’ll be fine. In fact, they always seemed to enjoy hanging out with than him more than Ashley, when she sat for them.”

“True, but he doesn’t seem to have the same goofy quality that the kids found so entertaining,” Ben continued. “And did you notice at all how much he was salivating when he saw you in that dress? I was about ready to peel him from you when you two hugged.”

“Please, Ben. He’s nineteen,” Jenna said dismissively.

“Oh, he’s old enough. Don’t be coy. Don’t pretend that you’re not at all flattered that a hunky youngster was staring at your tits.”

A devious smile emerged on Jenna’s face, but her response was cut short by the waitress’s return. A large bottle of Kirin, and two small glasses were set on the table, as were the small tumblers of sake that the couple had ordered. The waitress took their food order, and disappeared around the corner. Ben filled their glasses with the Japanese beer, and raised his glass.

“Here’s to your luscious tits that the men, including young, hard college kids always stare at,” Ben teased.

“Stop it,” Jenna scolded, as a smile emerged.

“Oh, and your super luscious ass that they also stare at,” Ben continued.

Jenna rolled her eyes, and leaned over the table to give her husband a kiss. Their lips met, and although the kiss seemed innocent enough, their lips remained pressed together long enough that Ben sensed that Jenna enjoyed the affirmation.

Jenna then held up her glass, and took a sip from her cold beer, and flashed another devious grin. She took her tumbler of sake, held it in front of her, and in her most formal tone, she offered, “Well thank you, my most loving, wonderful, flattering husband. I’d like to propose a toast.”

It was her turn. Despite her best effort to suppress a smile, and maintain her feigned seriousness, her levity was evident to her husband. He raised an eyebrow in anticipation of what was sure to be a witty retort from his wife. Jenna leaned in, and continued in a hushed voice; a sultry voice that Ben hadn’t heard much in the last six years, “I know that you’re secretly jealous that a nineteen year-old was staring at me.” Jenna paused, noticing the expression of anticipation beginning to build on Ben’s face. And again a devious smile emerged on her face. “So here’s to watching you teach Mark a lesson by fucking his tight boy ass with your erect cock.”

“Fuuuuuunny,” Ben responded dismissively, but the notion lingered in his thoughts, and he could feel his penis surge. They both took a sip from their respective sake glasses.

“Actually, the idea is fucking hot,” Jenna continued playfully after several seconds of silence. The warm, summer air, and the sake emboldened Jenna. “I’d love to see you rape his virgin asshole.”

“OK, you’re being silly,” Ben said, trying to redirect the conversation. “He’s nineteen, Jenna. If anything, he wants to get his dick into your delicious, married pussy.”

“Maybe,” Jenna pressed, “but you know you’d want to, right? Maybe while he sucked on my swollen clit?”

Ben shifted in his seat. His cock was fully hard, and Jenna could sense that he was becoming increasingly aroused.

“How fucking hot would it be if I spread his smooth ass cheeks for you, and guided your hard dick into his tight little fuck-hole?”

“Ya, well, it’s not going to happen. He’s straight.”

“Maybe we should try to get in touch with that bi couple from Madison Heights,” Jenna suggested. “She was a little rigid, but he was fun, huh? I think she had issues seeing her assertive, successful husband begging for your cock in his ass.”

Ben paused, clearly reminiscing about the several encounters with the couple they had met through on online swingers site, and offered only a, “ya.” Ben gathered himself, and again attempted to steer the conversation, “speaking of craving… you certainly did crave his massive, black cock, huh?”

“Oh hon, he certainly did have a nice dick. It was fun to suck on, but it was too big. Yours is the absolute perfect size. I can get the whole thing down my throat.” Jenna paused to let the visual sink in, and then continued, “and your beautiful cock fits perfectly in my ass.”

She followed her comment with a low, throaty groan to further reinforce her feeling of sheer satisfaction at the idea of being butt fucked by her husband, and she reached under the table, and began rubbing Ben’s fully erect dick through his pants. He looked over her shoulder at the older couple at the table next to them. They seemed oblivious, and he pushed closer to the edge of his seat to give her better access.

“Your cock is perfect,” she reiterated in a lusty whisper. “I’d much rather have three perfect cocks like yours fill all of my holes. Besides, you know that the hottest part of that whole experience was watching you with another guy. It was so fucking arousing to see your face when you shot your delicious, warm cum into that guy’s tight ass.” She gave Ben’s cock a squeeze, and continued, “mmmmmm, and the idea of pulling it out of his ass, and lapping up your tasty cum that covered your stiff member makes so soooooo fucking wet.” Jenna licked her lips to further tease her husband.

Jenna persisted rubbing Ben’s hard dick. Looking into his eyes, she opened her mouth slightly to simulate taking his dick between her lips, bringing him closer to orgasm. Precum was gushing from his swollen dick, and his wet boxers began to stick to the skin of his groin. Seconds before he was about to release his load into his pants, the waitress emerged with their dinner. The couple quickly straightened, gathered themselves, and projected a feigned excitement over the arrival of beautifully arranged sushi. Dining, however, seemed a bit anti-climatic, and Ben was overwhelmed with thoughts about ravishing his wife, a woman, who had mysteriously and suddenly summoned her inner slut, while also stoking his bisexual fantasies. The waitress left the couple with their meal, stopped at the next table to deliver the older couple’s check, and disappeared around the corner to place an order at the bar for Jenna and Ben’s second Kirin.

The couple ate quickly, not so much due to hunger, but because each was eager to get home for some extended, raunchy lovemaking. Both knew that a movie was no longer part of the evening’s agenda. After receiving another beer from the waitress, they playfully made sexual innuendos over dinner about some of the sushi items that they ate. Jenna joked about how much she craved Ben’s “soy sauce” all over her “bento box.” And Ben playfully fed Jenna a piece of his “freshwater eel.” They continued to tease and stroke each other under the table, growing even bolder by the alcohol, and by the additional privacy offered when the couple seated next to them went on their way. Ben played with Jenna’s pussy through her soppy wet panties, squeezing and rolling her pussy lips between his fingers. Between bites of dinner, he licked her nectar from his fingers, and joked that she was the tastiest dish in the restaurant.

Ben asked the waitress for the location of the restroom when she returned with change from the bill. Rather than leave with Ben, Jenna opted to stay at the table to finish up her beer. As she basked in the view, and the warm evening air, fantasies played in her imagination, and she shifted in her chair, reminding her about her sopping underwear. Ben returned to find Jenna leaning against the railing, examining the cityscape from the small, secluded alcove next to the table where they’d eaten.

He rubbed her back, and asked, “You ready?”

“Mmmm,” Jenna responded without moving from her position against the railing. Ben sensed that the Kirin’s had inspired Jenna’s response, and he wrapped his arms around her chest, and pressed his body against her back. She again offered a throaty response, and pushed her ass back into his quickly swelling dick. Ben’s hand found Jenna’s shapely right breast, and he began to roll her swollen nipple between his fingers through the sheer fabric of her dress, as she continued to gyrate her hips, pressing her ass against his groin. His left hand caressed her hip, and waist, and he pushed his erection harder against Jenna’s ass. Her breathing became noticeably more shallow and rapid, her lips parted, as the subtle movement of his hips rotating against her beautiful ass simulated one of her favorite positions, a position that she was imagining for the night’s torrid encounter.

“I’m so fucking wet for you,” Jenna whispered before Ben leaned in to kiss her. Their tongues swirled in each other’s mouths, desperate to taste each other, to take each other in. Ben looked back toward the corner of the building for any sign of the waitress. His arousal, and the alcohol combined to fuel his primal response, and his thrusting against her was no longer so subtle. The force of his body pinned her against the railing.

“Feel how wet my pussy is,” Jenna offered. Ben’s hand groped at Jenna’s ass. She arched her back, pressing her chest against the railing. His fingers found the wetness between her legs, evoking a throaty groin from his wife.

“Oh my,” Ben whispered, as the tip of three fingers became instantly covered in her slippery nectar, as he teased her swollen clit beneath the wet silk underwear. “We should get going.”

“Slide your finger in,” Jenna pleaded.

Ben looked again at the corner of the building, and then his hand quickly found it’s way under the hem of Jenna’s dress, and into her underwear, feeling the crease of her round ass before easily slipping his middle finger into her gushing vagina. Jenna’s head dropped to her chest, muffling a primal moan, and she further spread her legs for her husband’s finger. Ben pushed his finger deep into her wet tunnel, and began to vigorously fuck his wife, whose legs were on the verge of collapsing beneath her.

“Like that?” Ben playfully prodded.

“Oh my God,” Jenna managed between deep, lusty moans, as her head swirled from the beer and the sexual delirium. “I need your cock in there soon.”

“Really?” Ben teased.

“How about here?” he offered, as the tip of his glistening finger pushed against her tight anal opening.

“Mmmm,” Jenna responded. And Ben pushed the entire length of his slippery finger deep into her bowel.

“Oh fuck,” Jenna gasped, surprised by both the force of her husband’s entry, and the ease at which it slid in. The muscles that clenched Ben’s fingers gradually relaxed, and he slowly slid out half way, before again driving his finger back into her.

“Do you need a cock in here too,” Ben chided before locking onto her lips, and forcibly pushing his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues darted passionately in each other’s mouths, and she then began sucking his tongue like a cock to match the rhythm of his finger fucking her tight asshole.

“Maybe I need two cocks in me!” Jenna playfully suggested. “One for my pussy and one ass,” she continued.

“Ya?” Ben urged.

“Ya, you two could take turns in my holes,” Jenna encouraged, as she pushed back harder onto Ben’s finger, and began to slowly gyrate her hips.

Ben glanced over to the corner of the building to catch a glimpse of the waitress’s back disappearing out of sight. He looked back towards Jenna to notice that her dress had been pulled up to her waste, and her underwear pulled down over buttocks. Jenna’s left hand pulled at her ass check, stretching it open to allow his finger to push farther into her. It occurred to him that, although the bamboo provided some privacy, the waitress could have easily seen Jenna’s exposed ass, as well as the look of ecstasy on Jenna’s face.

“Uh, we should get going, Jenna.”

“Right, we better hurry if we’re going to get to the movie on time,” Jenna joked. Ben’s finger slid out of Jenna’s gradually loosening ass before pushing it, and a second finger, back in.

“Ya, we definitely better hurry,” Ben replied, playing along with his sarcastic wife, and he forced his fingers deeper into her eager ass.

“Or, I can just fuck you right here,” Ben offered. Jenna offered a moan of approval, almost willing to submit to the lust that was washing over her.

“Let’s get home, so I can get naked for you,” Jenna urged. “I need your tongue on my sopping pussy.”

The couple managed to slip back to their table before hearing a throat being cleared. The waitress emerged with a coy smile, and inquired, “Care for another beer? Or dessert?” Jenna and Ben looked at each other, as if to check for the other’s level of interest in dessert, but each knew what the other was really thinking… Ben knew that Jenna was imaging herself in a position with Ben’s dick pounding her ass, and the waitress’ tongue on her clit. Jenna knew that Ben was fantasizing about face-fucking the attractive twenty-something waitress. Devious smiles simultaneously crept across their faces. Jenna responded, turning back to the waitress, “Thank you. We’re going to enjoy a creamy dessert when we get home.”

Ben struggled to focus on driving. Jenna slowly stroked Ben’s throbbing dick, as he caressed her large exposed breast. She squeezed hard, milking more precum all over the bulbous head and onto her hand, stroking it all over Ben’s already slippery cock. “You know how hot I get thinking of watching you fucking some young stud, but I’m becoming more and more aroused by the idea of sharing you with a hot chick like our waitress.” Ben groaned, and for several seconds, closed his eyes, allowing his imagination to see the waitress lapping his gooey cum from his wife’s swollen, spread, just fucked pussy lips. Ben opened his eyes to notice that their vehicle was starting to drift onto the shoulder of the freeway.

After correcting his car’s position on the road, Ben prompted, “What ‘idea’ do you find arousing about playing with another woman?”

“Mmmmm,” Jenna replied, “Oh, so many ways I can image us abusing some young, inexperienced slut.” She continued, “Teaching her to crave the my sweet pussy nectar. Or training her to be a good little anal slave. Forcing her to tongue your ass, while I slobber all over your tasty erection- yum! Then we would switch. How does that sound, hon?”

Ben contemplated pulling to the side of the road. His head began to spin, as Jenna continued to slowly fist his cock, bringing him ever so close to orgasm. Fortunately, Ben was composed enough to veer onto thee freeway off-ramp leading to their home, which was now just a short several minutes away. He pulled into their driveway, expecting Jenna to rush for the door. Instead she unfastened her seatbelt, and leaned over, taking the length of Ben’s cock into her mouth.

Ben’s body sunk into the seat, and he was tempted to release his load into Jenna’s mouth, but resisted, “Let’s get inside, Jenna. I need to see you naked, on your hands and knees. And since we’re early Mark will have a chance to go out with friends.”

The couple was surprised when Mark didn’t respond after Ben had announced that they’d returned. The babysitter wasn’t in the kitchen or the living room, nor was he in the den watching TV. Worry was etched on Jenna’s face. “Go check on the kids,” Ben instructed, as he resumed checking the downstairs rooms. He knocked on the bathroom door before entering to find it empty. Ben then opened the sliding pocket door to his office to discover Mark sitting at the desk, his back turned. He was wearing Ben’s new sound-canceling headphones.

Ben could see the pornographic images streaming on the computer over Mark’s shoulder. The video depicted a slender young man laying on his back, legged pushed back, and spread for a muscular black man, who was thrusting furiously. It became quickly apparent that Mark was masturbating… while watching gay porn! Ben stood frozen, unsure of how to proceed. Mark was completely unaware of Ben’s entry into the office, and he continued to pump away at his exposed, glistening cock. Embarrassment overcame Ben- embarrassment for witnessing the scene in front of him, and embarrassment for the young man, someone that Ben had known since Mark was a toddler. Not knowing how to proceed with the situation, Ben quietly closed the door, and walked down the hall into the kitchen just as Jenna came trotting down the stairs, obviously relieved that the kids were sleeping soundly.

She detected the stunned expression on her husband’s face, and asked “What? Where’s Mark?”

After a pause, Ben muttered, “Uh, he’s in the office?”

“What do you mean ‘he’s in the office?'” What’s he doing in the office?”

“Um, he’s masturbating,” Ben offered nonchalantly, starting to see some humor in the situation.

“What the,” Jenna blurted, not certain how to continue with so many questions racing through her brain.

Ben put his finger to his mouth, and then continued in a hushed voice, “Ya, he’s masturbating and watching gay porn on my computer.”

Jenna was floored. She quickly attempted to process the scenario. Questions came flowing out more rapidly than Ben could respond. Finally, she queried, “Did he see you?”

“Nope, I don’t think so.”

“Holy shit. What are we going to do?

“I don’t know,” Ben responded.

The two of them stood in the kitchen whispering loudly, and giggling like adolescents at a junior high dance, Ben answering his wife’s questions, describing to her what he’d spied in his office. Neither was certain about how to address the situation. The sound of the sliding office door interrupted the couple’s excited conversation, and Ben pleaded with Jenna to, “be cool.” Finally Mark emerged into the kitchen. He stopped in his tracks, appearing a bit startled, but quickly offered, “Oh hi, I thought you were going to the movies?”

“Uh, ya, we decided to make it an early night. We’re having breakfast early with Ben’s mom” Jenna fibbed. “Is everything OK?”

“Ya, I was just shooting a friend a quick email.”

“Oh really,” Jenna quickly retorted, “with your cock in your hand?” Ben released a quiet groan, and turned away, clearly not prepared for his wife’s candid accusation.

Mark stammered, “W-what?” The smile on his face instantly disappeared.

Ben attempted to redirect the conversation, and gently put his hand on his wife’s shoulder, “Jenna.”

She pressed, “Beating off when you’re not responsible for our kids, Mark?”

“Uh, I wasn’t,” Mark responded feebly.

Ben looked over at the devious, smug expression on his wife’s face. He had, on numerous occasions, witnessed his wife’s candor, sometimes bordering on inappropriate. As a bit of a control freak, she thrived in uncomfortable situations where she could lord power over others to get what she wanted, and Ben was feeling uneasy about the direction of his wife’s interrogation. He knew from experience that she was angling for a payoff of some sort.

“Oh, you weren’t beating off?” She responded with feigned acceptance, and then continued more sternly, “so, not only were you jeopardizing the safety of my children beating off in the den with the door closed, but now you’re lying to us?” Mark’s silence, and the obvious desperation on his face further emboldened Jenna’s questioning, “Don’t lie. You were watching gay porn, weren’t you?”

Before Mark could respond, Jenna grabbed him by the elbow, “Let’s go look.” Ben reluctantly followed his wife and the college student down the hall, and into his office. Jenna instructed Mark to take a seat on the plush sofa that occupied one wall in Ben’s dark office, and she vigorously moved the computer mouse, which brought the machine to life. The dark room filled with light from the computer screen, and Ben could more easily see Mark shifting uncomfortably on the sofa, as Jenna scrolled through the computer’s browser history.

” Anal Bitch Boy,” Jenna read from list of recent websites on the computer’s history. “Mark, are you gay?”

“No,” Mark replied, an expression of discomfort etched on his face.

“And, Jesus, maybe erase the browser history next time, huh?” Jenna continued, “Gay Goo Guzzling, Twisted Twink Threesomes. Have you ever been with another guy?”

Mark sat frozen. Ben shifted his weight from one leg to the other, and Jenna turned back to the computer, and opened the website entitled, “Gay Gangbang.” The intro page featured graphic photos of a young white guy being filled by 3 ripped black guys. Jenna clicked on one of the preview photos, which began to fill the computer screen. “Oh my!” Jenna eyes devoured the image of the white kid being defiled by the larger black men. The white guy expertly managed the three large black cocks. An unimaginably large dick filled the kid’s ass, while he fisted another massive black tool. The bulbous head of the third dick stretched the white guy’s mouth, cum splattered all over his face, dribbling from his chin. Ben took a step closer to take in the graphic image, and Jenna shot him a devious look, as if to say, “Follow my lead.” Jenna closed out the pic, and clicked on another one. The new image continued to load, revealing a close-up of the young man proudly displaying a mouth-full of cum. Three enormous semi-erect dicks framed his cum-soaked face.

“Mark, if you’ve never been with another guy, why are you viewing gay porn?”

“Uh, I don’t know.”

Jenna strolled across the room, sat down next to Mark on the sofa. “C’mon Mark, you need to be truthful,” Jenna coaxed, sounding sympathetic. “Look, you’ve really violated our trust here. If you’re honest, then no one needs to know about any off this. Have you done anything with a guy?”

“Well, there’s been a couple of times,” Mark offered reluctantly. Ben sat down in the computer chair, eager to conceal the obvious erection that had emerged after having viewed the pornographic images, and from the anticipation of the sinister situation that might develop.

Jenna moved a little closer to Mark on the sofa, inviting him to continue. Ben noticed swollen nipples poking through the fabric of her gown, and she leaned in with interest, revealing more of her seductive cleavage to their young male babysitter. Mark didn’t seem to notice. He remained petrified, his gaze fixed on some undetermined spot on the wall opposite where he was sitting. Finally, his mouth opened as if to form words, but the gravity of the situation, the realization that family friends were on to him, prevented any attempts to explain. Tears seemed to well up in his eyes, prompting Jenna to move closer still. She wrapped one arm around his broad shoulders, her left breast pushed against his arm.

“Look Mark, you can regain our trust here. You’ve been experimenting at college? What’s been going on?”

After a brief pause, Mark reluctantly confided, “I’ve been with guys a couple of times.”

“Ya?” Jenna prodded.

“Ya, with my roommate. And once he brought a couple of his friends.”

Ben sat up in his seat, suddenly realizing to whom Mark was referring. “No shit, you mean Felix Johnson?”

Mark continued staring blankly at the wall, perhaps not wanting to show interest in the picture still prominently displayed on the computer screen.

“He’s going to be playing in the NFL!” Ben continued, “Is Felix gay?”

“No, he’s bi,” Mark resonded.

Jenna shot Ben a look that implied that Ben was not following the script. She twisted her body on the sofa to face Mark, not bothering to cover her beautiful, exposed legs now that her dress was inching up her thigh.

“He brought friends? What do you mean, Mark?”

Mark weakly cleared his throat, “Well, the first time, it was just Felix. I woke up one night, and he was pushing his dick in my face. He made me suck it.”

“Really,” Jenna coaxed with a feigned maternal concern. Ben could sense that she was growing increasingly aroused. “Was it weird?” Jenna prodded, as if she found his revelation foreign and perverse.

“He forced me to suck his penis a couple of times. He called me his ‘fuck fag.'”

Jenna began to tenderly caress Mark’s back. She seemed somewhat concerned about his well-being, but her devious intentions were obvious to Ben when she asked, “Did you like it? You kept doing it, right?”

Jenna’s inquiry was abrupt and frank, and Mark finally turned to look at Jenna, a woman that he’d known since he was a young boy. A devious, accusatory smile flashed across her face. “You are a fucking fag, aren’t you Mark? You like sucking big, black cock, huh?

Mark was stunned, his silence announcing his guilt. Jenna continued to harangue the young college student, “Then you sucked off his friends too, huh? Did you swallow their cum?”

Mark appeared to be overwhelmed by Jenna’s interrogation, his head nodding. Jenna prodded further, “How much cum did you swallow, Mark?”

“Uh, I sucked four of them one time.”

Jenna called out to her husband, “Did ya hear that hon, Mark is a gay cum slut?”

“I’m not gay,” Mark protested.

Jenna ignored Mark’s plea, and continued, “Ya think he likes it in the ass too, hon?”

Again the tears began to fill the youngsters eyes, and looked away, “I wanted… uh, I mean, he was to big to fit it in. And he said that my ‘virgin ass was for only him.'”

Jenna continue to caress Mark’s back with one hand, while the other found its way to his muscular thigh.

“Look Mark, your secret could be safe with us. No one here in town needs to know.”

“Ya?” Mark responded optimistically.

Jenna continued to caress the young man’s thigh, “Ya, but you’re going to rebuild our trust.”

The hands that Ben had resting in his lap began to fondle his aching dick. Mark turned to lock into Jenna’s sex-fueled gaze, “In order to keep this between us, you’re going to have to do what I say. Think you can do that?”

Mark nodded, and Jenna leaned in, so that her breasts were pressed up against his arm, her mouth nearer to his ear. “Your tight, little virgin asshole is going to get pounded tonight. You want that?” Jenna cajoled in a sinister and sultry tone. Mark continued obediently nodding. “My husband is going bury all of his warm cum deep in your boy bowels tonight. Think you can handle that?”

Mark finally spoke, a course whisper affirmed his willingness, “Yes.”

Jenna beckoned Ben over from his spot in the chair, took him by the arm, and stood him immediately in front of where Mark was sitting on the sofa.

She hissed, “Sit up, you little cock slut,” and when he quickly complied, she pushed the back of his head, forcing him toward the bulge in Ben’s trousers. Mark was given several seconds to revel in the thick member under the fabric of Ben’s pants, and then Jenna pushed harder, forcing Mark’s face to meet Ben’s dick. Only several layers of clothing separating the two men, and Ben released a low moan, slowly gyrating his hips, his erection rubbing against his babysitter’s mouth and cheek. Jenna saw Ben’s eyes roll back, and her free hand found her drenched panties. She began to tease her swollen clit through her underwear. Overcome by lust, basking in her power, her fingers were instantly covered in her slippery nectar. She noticed that a wet spot had appeared on her husband’s pants. Precum had soaked through his trousers, and was now glistening all over Mark’s lips and smooth cheeks.

“Stand up!” Jenna directed firmly. He compliantly moved off the sofa, and turned to face the couple. Ben moved in next to his wife, and she continued stimulating Ben through his pants, while pressing on her enlarged clit, occasionally sliding her fingers along the length of her pussy, transferring more wetness to her clit.

“Take your shirt off,” Jenna instructed Mark. “Mmmmmmm,” she muttered, “look at that smooth chest, hon.” Jenna wanted to soak up the perfectly sculpted chest and arms of the young swimmer, but could not control her desire. “Take your pants off, you little fag.”

Mark wasted no time, and his pants and underwear quickly dropped in a heap around his ankles. Jenna and Ben looked at each, conveying looks of mutual lust for the naked young man standing in front of them. “Oh fuck Ben, our obedient little cock slut has such a delicious looking dick, huh?

Ben moaned in agreement, and he unzipped his trousers, allowing his cock to spring free. Jenna wrapped her fingers around it, slowly stroking, and continued, “Could we devour our sex slaves beautiful cock, hon?” Mark’s dick, although not excessively long, was quite thick, its girth gradually increasing towards the base. Jenna leaned into Mark and kissed him lustily, their tongues darting with desire in and out of each other’s mouths. Jenna continued fisting her husband’s slippery member, while working her sensitive clit.

“Turn around,” she commanded Mark.

“Yuuuuum,” she cooed, “such a smooth ass. It’s going to look so sexy filled with cock.”

Ben moaned in agreement, and Jenna continued, “Get on all fours, you little cocksucker.”

Mark eagerly moved into position, his knees spread beneath him just enough to expose his smooth anal opening, his cock and balls visible between his legs. Jenna leaned forward, and reached for Mark’s shapely ass cheek, spreading it for a better view. The tip of her middle finger gently caressed the young man’s anal ring, tracing slow circles around it, encouraging him to move his hips up and down in anticipation. The finger, lubricated with her slippery nectar, easily slipped into his eager ass, a low moan revealing his pleasure. With the hand that had been jacking her husband, she reached between Mark’s legs for his thick dick, pulling it back toward her. Mark released a audible sigh, and pushed back on Jenna’s finger, while she rubbed the dripping precum all over the head of his dick. Eager to taste his gooey honey, she pushed her middle and forefingers into her mouth, licking the precum off so that Ben could watch. Once her left hand found the young man’s aching dick again, she pushed the middle finger of her right hand into her mouth, covering it with saliva, before sliding it back into Mark’s ass. He was bucking with pleasure, desperate for to be filled, his groans begging for more.

“Mmmmmmmm, you like that, huh? What do you need, huh, you little cock slut? Tell me!”

Ben continued to slowly stroke his throbbing dick, incredibly aroused by the sight of his wife dominating their young friend, fingering his tight hole.

Mark obediently replied, “I need to be fucked.”

“Oh, you do, huh?” Jenna teased. “So, let me get this straight… you want a cock to fill your ass, is that it?”

Mark was on the verge of exploding with sexual pleasure, his head had fallen to his chest, and his breathing became rapid and shallow. He could barely respond, “Please butt fuck me, Ben. I need you to use my ass.”

Jenna responded, “Yaaaaaaaa, that’s it. Ben’s cock in your tight, virgin butt. So hot! I wish I had a big dick, so that I could fuck you.”

She slid off the sofa between Mark’s legs, her hand still wrapped around his throbbing dick. She leaned in to bite his ass cheek, and then without any warning, without any teasing, she pushed her tongue into Mark’s ass. She skipped the teasing that was usually offered to Ben when she rimmed him. She didn’t tenderly flick her tongue across his anus, or make slow circles with her tongue. Instead she forcefully tongue-fucked his ass, spreading his cheeks with both hands to gain deeper access. Ben slid forward on the sofa to get a better view of his twisted wife tonguing Mark, her head pounding into him. Ben couldn’t contain his primal lust, and with one hand he desperately groped at his wife’s luscious tits, squeezing them, pinching her nipples, while his other hand pushed the back of her head, forcing her tongue deeper into Mark’s ass. Ben’s desire continued to overwhelm, and his hand, now full of his wife’s hair, relentlessly pushed her face in and out of Mark’s ass cheeks, while tugged hard on her left nipple. Jenna finally reached up, pulled her husband’s hand from her head. She gasped for air, and between breaths asked her husband, “do you want a taste?” before burying her tongue into her husband’s mouth. The two’s lips remained locked, as Jenna offered her tongue for her husband to suck on like a small, fleshy dick. Meanwhile Mark had collapsed on his stomach on the floor, his hips gyrating against the plush carpet, his eyes closed, still imagining the ass-fucking that would invariably occur soon.

Jenna’s wet pussy was gaping for attention. She pushed Ben back onto the sofa, turned on all fours between her husband’s strong legs, looked over her shoulder at Mark, and roared, “fuck me.” Mark dutifully positioned himself behind her, and pushed his cock into her velvety cunt. As he entered, her eyes rolled back in her head, and her head collapsed onto her husband’s lap, her mouth just inched from his aching dick. Ben pushed his wife’s head nearer his cock, and slipped it between her lips, as Mark continued pounding away. She was dizzy with rapture. Mark massive girth stretched her pussy. She was hardly able to focus on her husband’s dick, and he grabbed her hair with both hands and forced her head down on his long dick. He looked down between his legs into her eyes, which were now starting to water. His cock pushed deep in her throat, her look implored him to not push harder, but animal lust consumed him, and he began thrusting his hips up, forcing his dick deeper down his wife’s throat. The control that she has relished earlier had evaporated. She was now being filled with cocks by two men both driven by primal lust, and she gagged on her husband’s swollen dick before he finally released the back of her head, allowing her to gulp in several deep breaths.

“Fuck that beautiful pussy,” Ben commanded. “This is the best pussy you will ever get in your life, you little fucker.”

Mark’s appreciation was evident as he continued to pound into Jenna from behind, jilting her entire body forward with each thrust. Jenna pushed her husband’s legs back, and began probing his ass with her tongue, which was flickering feverishly, while slowly stroking the foreskin of wet cock with her hand. With her other hand she reached back and began playing with her ass. Ben was deliriously with ecstasy, his wife’s tongue pushed into him each time Mark pounded her pussy. She loved seeing the expression of gratification on her husband’s face, and she considered remaining in their current position, so that Mark could release deep in her pussy, and her husband in her mouth, but she began imagining taking a cock in her pussy and one in her ass. She slid her finger deeper into her ass, and her groans grew more audible, further arousing her husband. He pulled her onto the sofa, climbed between her splayed legs, and entered her.

Their tongues met again, and as Ben desperately pushed into his wife, he said, “You are such a sexy slut.” Her lusty eyes met his, adequately reciprocating the sentiment, when Ben felt Mark’s two hands exploring his lower back and ass. Soon, he felt his ass cheeks being spread, and the warm sensation of a tongue enter his ass as he pounded his wife with abandon.

Jenna pulled her husband’s head back by his hair, and said, “mmmmm, our little anal slut is rimming your asshole. Feels incredible, huh?” Mark was determined to get his mouth on Ben’s dick, and positioned himself to lick the base of Ben cock as it easily slid in and out of his wife’s dripping pussy. Ben pushed his wife’s legs farther above her head, driving his dick deeper inside of her, offering easier access for Mark, who was alternating between licking Ben’s dick, his ass and his wife’s ass.

Ben’s head began to spin, so he climbed off his wife, and directed Mark to lie down on the sofa. The void in Jenna’s aching pussy needed to be filled, so she quickly climbed on top of the youngster, and sat on his thick tool. As she bounced up and down on his shaft, Ben fondled the base of the dick that was stretching his wife’s pussy. Jenna growled, “Fuck me. Ya, fuck me.” The sight of a young stud so consumed by fucking his wife was immensely arousing. As Ben groped and sucked on the large nipples of Jenna’s ample breasts, Ben began caressing his wife’s shapely ass, and a finger found its way into her opening. After allowing her muscles to relax around his finger, he began fingering rapidly, driving her nearer orgasm. He eased his finger from his wife’s ass, and replaced it with his tongue. Jenna moaned in delight, the sensation was dizzying, and she reached back to spread her ass for her husband. She knew that soon he would join Mark inside her, and enter her ass.

The anticipation enveloped her, and she leaned her body against Mark’s Chest, and whimpered, “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me,” as Ben pressed his tongue into her anus. Jenna felt the head of her husband’s cock pressing against her opening, and she ceased bouncing on Mark’s tool. She looked at Mark, and whispered to him, “I love to get ass-fucked. It feels so incredi…eeeeee,” the word trailing into a groan as her husband slowly eased into her slippery asshole. Jenna pulled at her ass cheeks. She needed her husband deeper inside. The ecstasy of two cocks sapped her strength, and as she went limp between the two men, she weakly said to Mark, “You’re next. He’s going to fuck your ass next.” She thought she heard him agree with a feint “ya,” but her moans, and the grunts of the two men filled the room.

“I need a tongue on my pussy, hon,” Jenna whimpered as the two men continued thrusting into her. The pressure of two cocks was incredibly intense, and she loved the idea of being used by multiple cocks, but she was ready for an explosive climax, one that could only be achieved by a cock in her ass, while her clit was being stimulated. The pressure created by Mark’s thick dick in his wife’s pussy was overwhelming, so Ben reluctantly slid out of her ass. Jenna sat on Mark’s face, and began grinding her sopping pussy on his tongue, but Ben’s patience was short-lived, and he pushed Jenna down to access her ass. Positioned beneath her, Mark continued to lap at Jenna’s clit, as she carelessly licked the foreskin of his still throbbing dick.

Ben looked down as his wife and the college swimmer locked in the 69 position, and he moaned his approval, “Ya, lick that delicious pussy.” As Ben positioned himself behind Jenna’s beautiful ass, Mark dutifully pulled her cheeks apart for Ben’s re-entry. Mark nibbled and sucked on Jenna’s clit, and guided Ben’s rigid pole into Jenna’s ass with his fingers. The sounds of Jenna’s pleasure echoed in the room, and after just seconds of anal pounding an orgasm vibrated through her body. Soon afterwards Ben bellowed as he came, releasing several waves of cum deep in his wife’s rectum. The bodies of the couple twitched in physical euphoria, their near simultaneous orgasms sweeping across their bodies. Ben collapsed, much of his weight pressing against his wife’s back.

Ben was still surprisingly erect, and Jenna lovingly requested, “Stay in my ass, hon. Your cock feels so nice.” She went on, “Mmmmmm, look at this young man’s beautiful cock. Should we suck it?” Jenna took Mark’s dick in her mouth. Ben’s face was just inches away, and she offered him the thick dick. He cautiously licked the head of the tasty cock, and finally wrapped his lips around it, as she held it by the base. Jenna had only seen her husband suck cock on several occasions, years ago. Watching as Ben closed his eyes to savor the fleshy dick was immensely arousing, and she began pushing her ass back onto his still rock-hard member, and rotating her hips. She moaned, “Mmmmmmm, that’s it, suck that cock,” and Mark’s warm breath on her thighs became more noticeable, she started jacking the dick that was in her husband’s mouth. Ben was emboldened by his wife, and began bobbing on the young man’s cock, as Jenna worked it like a jackhammer with her fist. Jenna whispered into her husband’s ear, “Ya, that’s hot…mmmmmm…. Suck it.” Ben began pushing into his wife’s ass more deliberately now, as he continued to blow Mark. His movements were in unison, increasing in rhythm. Mark’s moans grew louder, and Ben felt streams of warm cum hit the back of his mouth, as the young stud’s hips gyrated wildly. The expression in Ben’s eyes was obvious.

“Oh hon, did Mark cum in your mouth?” Jenna smiled, as Ben continued to look at her with uncertainty, semen beginning to dribble out of his mouth. “It’s OK, just swallow. It tastes pretty good, huh?” Ben gulped, and released Mark’s cock. “Ya, that’s it. You’re so fucking hot. Come here.” Jenna lapped up the cum that was oozing down her husband’s chin. “Mmmmmmmmm,” she purred before forcing her tongue into Ben’s mouth, searching for more of Mark’s warm, salty seed. “I think we need to feed Mark some too, hon.” Ben slowly pulled his dick out of Jenna’s ass, leaving it gaping and leaking his viscous liquid. Her sphincter muscled contracted, forcing more cum out of her ass, which slowly dribbled down her pussy lips, and onto Mark’s face and waiting tongue. He lapped up the glistening goo from Jenna’s swollen labia, and his tongue traced up to her violated ass, coaxing more of Ben’s cum out onto his eager tongue.

Jenna swung her body around, straddling their new young lover. She reached down, and squeezed his jaw between her fingers, “Mmmmmmm look hon, your cum all over this cock slut’s face. Delicious!” She leaned down and eagerly lapped the creamy goo from his cheek and lips. “Mmmmmmm,” she cooed, as she licked her lips. “I can’t wait until next time, Ben, when I lick your cum straight out of our new cock slut’s freshly fucked ass. She pulled her husband’s glistening cock toward her, and swirled her tongue around the bulbous head of Ben’s dick, lapping up the remnants of semen that was not deposited into her ass, before taking it deep into her mouth.

“Mark, you don’t need to go anywhere tonight, do you? You still need a good butt-fucking, don’t you?” Jenna chided, as she fed Ben’s semi-hard dick to the teenager, who cautiously began licking the head. She slapped it on Mark’s tongue and lips, while she pressed her sensitive clit on the youngster’s still throbbing dick. “Ya, that’s it, you little faggot, lick that dick… it was just in my ass. And soon it’s going to be deep in your ass. You want this big dick in your ass? You want to be our slut?”

Mark’s hesitation began to wane as the primal lust overwhelmed him. Before his mouth completely enveloped Ben’s growing dick, he responded, almost pleading, “Ya, in my ass. Can I please be your ass slut?”

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