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French Lessons

Category: Anal Sex
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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy)
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Tongue Tail

Category: Gay Male
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Once upon a time, there was a magical shower head. The thing was super adjustable, the water pressure just right, and I was able to dial in a concentrated, pulsing stream; one which, when I faced away on hands and knees and arched my back just so, perfectly targeted my tight, tawny, nineteen-year-old bullseye, pummeling me into steamy, protracted spasms of anal bliss.
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Coercing the College Kid

Category: Group Sex
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"Hon, would you get the door. That's probably Mark" Jenna, like usual, was running late. A pile of dresses lay on the bedroom floor, as she scrutinized the latest choice in the full-length mirror in the upstairs bathroom. Although the latest option was not as flattering as she'd hoped, she realized that it would have to suffice if they were going to make their dinner reservations, and she frantically began the process of applying make-up.
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Category: Gay Male
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Caleb ran down the alley trying to make it back home. Lucien was in town and the master vampire wasn't very happy with him. Dodging a street merchant, he found the fire escape for his apartment and quickly climbed the three flights to his window. It wasn't always like this. Caleb had been the mate for a master vampire. The master of London if you want to be more technical, however he had always felt out of place in London. Lucien had tried to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked too well.
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Fuck Friends

Category: Anal Sex
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"I have never...had a one night stand." I lifted my glass and took a drink. Dan and Serena did likewise, smiling as they drank from their large mugs while Erin sat back and watched with a smug expression. "Okay," Dan said, wiping his mouth as he set his beer back down on the table. "My turn." We all turned our attention towards him as he stroked his chin as if trying to think of something to say.
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8 Days

Category: Anal Sex
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I sat with my feet up, flipping through random television channels as I repeatedly glanced at the clock on the wall. Although I fully trusted my fiancé, I knew how crazy bachelorette parties could get. Even so, it wasn't Lacey's behaviour that I was concerned about. I was far more worried about how my friend Jenna was fitting in with my girlfriend and her comparatively snooty friends.
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Wedding Day

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It's a beautiful day. A cool breeze blows, lessening the warming effects of the shining sun which has already begun its descent into the horizon. The smell of freshly cut grass and fragrant flowers adds to the ambience, creating a soothing environment as the sounds of music begin to fill the air. I lounge back in my seat, relishing the warming sensation that begins to fill my body as I enjoy my fourth gin and tonic of the afternoon.
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Lesbian Takes To Anal From A Guy

Category: Anal Sex
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PRELUDE Cathleen walked into my office and as she had so many times, she closed and locked the door and then put the door brace in place. This was so no one would walk in on us unexpectedly. I looked at her and smiled but I reminded her of my schedule. "I have to go to President's Council in 30 minutes," I told her.
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Category: Anal Sex
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It was dark. It was raining. I was tired. I was also nervous. I considered calling the whole thing off, but it was too late now. She was waiting. I peered through the rain spattered windshield, between the squeaking wipers in a vain attempt to make out the names written on the overhead street signs. "I really should get some glasses," I muttered to myself as my eyes squinted to see through the driving rain.
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Teased Too Far

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Jordan was being tortured. It was the day before Valentine's and Glen was torturing her with her gift. He wasn't torturing her with intrigue and suspense. On the contrary, she knew exactly what she was getting. She had known for a long time, and he had purchased it a long time ago. It arrived a full two weeks before Valentine's Day. But rather than give it to her, he taunted her with it. He constantly flaunted it in front of her but wouldn't let her have it.
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