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Thirty-Six Wheels

Category: Gay Male
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Nebraska to New York. Nebraska to New York. Nebraska to New York. I guess I've been driving that route for over fifteen years now. It was a long trip and it was a boring trip. Long hours at the wheel of my eighteen-wheel refrigerated trailer-truck, delivering meat from the heartland to the East Coast. I had a good steady job with Macon, Mitchell and Marlin, the big meat company, and I certainly wasn't complaining.
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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Category: Gay Male
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I watched as Dee slipped a short bright red dress over her head and pulled it down her body. She sat down next to me and pulled on her matching high heel shoes. She turned to me and lightly kissed me with her full lips. "I'm ready to go." she said and stood up.
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New Neighbors Move In

Category: Gay Male
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First, let me start by laying down a little bit of my background. My name is Joe. I am 6’3”, 220 lbs, brown hair and blue eyes. I am married and consider myself straight. I have had a few homosexual experiences in the past, but they were with my best friend who is a long distance truck driver. My previous gay experiences were monogamous with my friend and are still completely secret.
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Coercing the College Kid

Category: Group Sex
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"Hon, would you get the door. That's probably Mark" Jenna, like usual, was running late. A pile of dresses lay on the bedroom floor, as she scrutinized the latest choice in the full-length mirror in the upstairs bathroom. Although the latest option was not as flattering as she'd hoped, she realized that it would have to suffice if they were going to make their dinner reservations, and she frantically began the process of applying make-up.
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Category: Gay Male
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Names of Characters in this story are fictitious and any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental. * With my cock straining to get loose from my jeans, I looked forward to seeing him every noon hour. He'd eat his sandwich, some cookies and an apple, while looking in my sport-card shop window. By now, I felt like I knew him. And when he'd left, I'd fantasize him naked in the back room, moaning, ecstatically, and pressing my face into his thick, black, pubic hair. 'Oh, yeah, man, get right down on my big, fat, uncut cock,' he'd shout, and I'd obediently do everything he commanded.
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Sucking at the Picnic

Category: Gay Male
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It was the annual benefit picnic for the VFD, and it was hot. A hundred degrees in the shade, and record-shatteringly humid. As my wife and I sat listening to the band and sucking down the lemonade, a strange sensation came over me. Usually I was not a hot weather person, but this extreme heat felt like a sauna, and as I got used to the sweat, I started feeling the stirrings of desire. My wife was here to hobnob with her friends, though, and I knew she would not be receptive at this place and time.
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Category: Gay Male
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After my divorce, my friends told me to get out more. They were all married, so I was a third wheel to them. I signed up for some continuing education courses at the local community college. I wanted to work out more so I took things like parcourse, weight training, etc. It was something to do at night after work. And I didn't meet anyone I wanted to go out with.
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The Meeting

Category: Gay Male
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Up until a few months ago I never considered myself bi-sexual. And even when the thoughts of being with another man started filtering into my fantasies, I still thought of my self as heterosexual. Sure, I had thoughts like that for the past few years, but nothing like the past few months, and never anything that actually made me hard.
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Video Night with David

Category: Gay Male
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This story is absolutely true and is dedicated to a very special girl. Love ya, Sweetpea! * After my ex-wife left me I did whatever I could to make myself feel better about the situation. This included getting a tattoo and fucking a couple of her friends, but those memories are for another time. This is the story of the wildest thing I did, and it involved someone I never expected to have anything to do with sexually.
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