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The Christmas Present

Category: BDMS
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“Hey gorgeous, I’m at the airport and on my way home. I should be there in about an hour,” I said into my cell phone as I flagged down a cab in front of the main terminal.

There was a soft laugh and then my girlfriend said, “Then look over your left shoulder. I’m on the second plane to the left and on my way to China.”

“You’re kidding me! I bust my ass to get home and they send you out? I’m not sure whose company is the worse, yours or mine.”

“Poor baby,” my girlfriend Shellie said. “I’ll have to see what I can do to make it up to you when I get back.” She paused a second and then added, “Or maybe I can make it up to you even sooner, since I left you a Christmas present at my apartment.”

“You know it’s always more fun to unwrap our gifts together,” I said as I got into the cab.

“That’s good since I’ve already partially unwrapped this present and left it tied to the wingback chair in my bedroom,” Shellie whispered. “You remember Casey, don’t you?”

“Casey? Redheaded Casey, as in your assistant, Casey?” I said with amazement in my voice.

“The one and the only,” Shellie replied with a laugh and then added, “You do know she’s a virgin, right?”

“Uh, no, I didn’t know that.”

“It’s oral only, I’m afraid. That is, unless you wouldn’t mind fucking that luscious ass of hers,” Shellie said and then made a soft whimpering sound. “Remember the first time you tied me up?”

I chuckled and said, “That is something I will never forget. You naked with nothing but a blindfold on tied to that old wooden chair. I’m not sure who was driving whom crazier. You with your arms tied behind the chair so your breasts stuck out. Your knees wide apart with that beautiful pussy of yours on perfect display. Your ankles tied to the outside of the chair legs.” I paused to sigh.

Shellie was silent for a few second and then whimpered softly. “I want to touch myself so bad.”

“What would you do if I set up the web cam so you could see what happens to Casey?”

There was a soft moan and then Shellie said, “I won’t be in Peking until tomorrow. It’s thirteen hours at the very least.”

“Then I’ll capture it to a file and send it along.”

Shellie laughed softly. “You were going to save it to a file anyway. You always do and did even that first time. I still get off watching myself.”

“No touching until the file gets to you and you had better start the web cam before you open it so I can watch you as you watch Casey.”

Shellie moaned and whispered, “Yes, Master.”

“Does Casey have any idea of what is going on and why isn’t she with you?” I asked sharply.

“She dyed her red hair with green streaks for Christmas and that wouldn’t go over too big in Peking, I’m afraid,” Shellie said and then was quiet.

“And?” I asked.

She whimpered softly and I could mentally see her squirming in her seat. “Well…. Uh…. You see…. She….”

“Out with it,” I commanded.

Shellie groaned and then whispered, “She found a couple of our home movies on my laptop a while back. Since then, she has been asking all kind of questions about the lifestyle and how things work. I always thought she was a submissive but now I know for sure. She got all excited when I told her she had to be punished for missing this trip and making more work for me.”

“Then you should wait until you get back and Top your own sub,” I told her.

There was soft whimpering moan on the other end of the call. “I wanted to but I didn’t have the time. Plus I was kind of testing her out to see if she really wanted what she thought she wanted. I had her strip and then put her in my dark green corset and laced it up. She got so wet.”

“And you got even wetter,” I said.

“Yes, Master. Wet enough that I had to change panties before I left for the airport. Tying her to the chair was very exciting for both of us. That was as far as I was going to go and started to untie her. She looked so disappointed and unhappy, so I retied her and told her you would be home soon.”

“And what did she say to that?”

Totally out of character, Shellie giggled. “Not much, I had the stick gag in her mouth. Her eyes got big but she didn’t shake her head or fight the ropes.”

“What if I hadn’t come home tonight?” I asked.

“I called your office to see when you would be home. They said you were in the air as we spoke.”

“I definitely see a spanking in your near future when you get home,” I said softly.

“Yes, Master. If you please, Master,” Shellie whispered demurely.

“So, lets see if I have this straight. You’ve left an untested, unknown sub, naked except for a corset, bound and gagged in a chair in your apartment while you fly to China. And now you expect me to give her what she wants, without so much as talking to her.”

“Yes, Master,” Shellie, whispered.

“This should be very interesting and could go very well or very bad. Maybe I should just untie her and postpone things until you get back. That way I could start her off by letting her watch you get a spanking.”

Shellie whimpered softly and said, “Yes, Master. Please.”

I had to take the phone away from my ear as I tried to hold back a chuckle. Shellie came hard from being spanked over my knee and she would come even harder with Casey watching. She had strong exhibitionist tendencies but was afraid to let them out except when we were out of town together, which was seldom.

Putting the phone back to my ear, I said, “We will see how things go when I get to your place. I’ll have to play it by ear. Either way, I will call you later.”

“Yes, Master, I love you.”

I grinned as I replied, “I love you also. So be careful over there.”

“I will,” Shellie whispered and broke the connection.

I dropped my phone in my coat pocket and tapped on the glass between the front seat and the back. A few seconds later the cabbie asked on the intercom, “Yes, sir?”

“A slight change in plans,” I said and gave him the address of Shellie’s apartment building.


I went over what I knew of Casey in my mind as I rode the elevator up to the twenty second floor. Petite and slender with small breasts and a nice ass from what I had gathered from Shellie and from what I had seen of her in business suits. She was shy and retiring for the most part, blending in with the background except when she was needed.

She had to be in her mid to late twenties. She was a college graduate in business and stayed on top of things where her work was concerned. I knew little about her other than that. That she was a virgin was interesting but not unheard of in these days. Shellie had mentioned anal, which made me wonder.

I took out my cell phone and called Shellie. She answered on the second ring and I asked, “Which of our movies did she watch and did she just watch and nothing else.”

“She watched the one of my first time and she was masturbating as she did,” Shellie whispered. “I caught her in the middle of things and that pushed her over the edge into a monster of an orgasm.”

“What do you know about her and anal, since you mentioned my fucking her ass.”

Shellie whimpered softly. She loved a dick up her ass after a spanking while her ass was all hot and red. “She had a finger fucking her ass while she rubbed her clit like mad and she jammed the finger deeper when she came,” Shellie reported.

“I’m in the elevator and I should be at your apartment in a few minutes,” I told her. “I’ll call you later.”

“I’m so horny,” Shellie whispered.

“It serves you right for making this mess and not being around to fix it,” I said and then added, “Anticipation makes all things better. Just think how hard you will come on cam for me when you get to the hotel.”

Shellie groaned with a mixed note of frustration and anticipation in her voice. I closed the call with a smile on my face as I pictured her squirming in her seat. I wondered who was sitting next to her and if they had heard any of the conversation. That also would keep Shellie on a razor edge.

The elevator stopped and the door opened. I rolled my suitcase out and headed down the hall toward Shellie’s apartment. The hard-on in the front of my pants showed I was anticipating things to come myself.


I walked across the living room and down the hall with slow measured steps. As I passed Shellie’s bedroom I glanced to my left, took two more steps, and stopped. Casey was magnificent the way she was tied to that old wingback chair. I straightened my suitcase and stood it up before I removed my laptop.

Taking two steps back, I stopped centered in the bedroom door, my eyes exploring Casey’s lush little body with leisure. Her hands were tied high over the back of the chair which lifted her small cones shaped breasts even more than the corset and thrust them forward. Her knees were over each arm of the chair, her ankles tied to the back and the front leg. Shellie had done a masterful job.

Casey shiver as I looked at her breasts and then try to close her knees as my eyes centered on her sex and the little puff of fine carrot red hair on her mound. I licked my lips and asked, “Now what do we have here? A snack after a long flight or maybe a Christmas present from Shellie.”

Casey’s eyes got big and she squirmed in the chair, not pulling at the ropes as much as moving from uncertainty and anxiety. I smiled as I moved to Shellie’s makeup table and placed my laptop on it. I spent several minutes getting it set up and recording.

When I turned around and walked back over to the door, Casey’s eyes were flicking back and forth between the laptop and me. “Yes, it is on and yes, you are being recorded in all your glory. And yes, I will send it to Shellie as soon as she lands in China.”

Casey made a soft muffled whimpering moaning sound and squirmed even more than before. “Do you like that idea?” I asked.

She looked at me for a moment and then shook her head slightly and then nodded quickly.

“Nod your head for yes, shake your head for no, and shrug your shoulders if you don’t know. Nodding your head and then shaking it means yes and no.” I told her. She nodded and then shook her head.

“You watched the movie of her first time tied up, why shouldn’t she see yours. Maybe she will masturbate to it like you did hers.” Casey’s eyes got big at my last statement.

“Ok, you think about it while I go change clothes and mix myself a drink. Then we will see what we have here.”

She made the whimpering moaning sound again as I walked out the door.


I returned to the bedroom wearing a pair of soft cotton shorts and a t-shirt. I had a glass with three fingers of bourbon over ice in one hand and a glass of water with a straw in the other. I sipped my bourbon as I let my eyes wander over her exposed body again. She did not shiver or squirm, her eyes were on the glass of water.

I sat my drink down and walked over to stand in front of her. I held the glass out in front of her as though she should take it from me. She looked up at me and then back down at the glass of water.

“Power and control, that is the name of this game,” I said softly. “I have the power and control, you have none. I am the master and you are the submissive.” I paused a second and asked, “Are you a submissive? Shellie said she explained the term.”

Casey shrugged her shoulders a few seconds later. “I think you are and Shellie said she knew you were, so the only one who doesn’t know is you. In any case, I don’t know of many dominate types that would allow someone to strip them naked, put them in a corset, and then allow themselves to be tied up like you are.”

Casey’s eyes kept going to the water. “Yes, I know, you’re thirsty but there are a few rules you must learn first. I am to be called Master or Sir; Shellie is to be called Mistress, if she decides she wants to Top. You remain silent unless asked a direct question or you feel the need to use your safe word.” I paused a moment and asked, “Do you have a safe word?”

Casey shook her head and I sighed deeply. “That’s two spankings Shellie has coming. The first for leaving you here alone and the second for not giving you a safe word.”

I sat the glass of water on the side table and reached forward with both hands to remove the dog bone shaped gag. “Hold you head in place while I remove this.” I told her. She pulled her head back and the gag came free enough for me to slip it down around her neck.

Casey worked her mouth for a moment as I noted the thin lines of drool at each corner of her mouth running down on each side of her chin. “Shellie choose an interesting gag for your first time. Normally a ball gag is better on first timers, it doesn’t strain the jaw as much.”

When Casey licked her lips, I retrieved the water and stuck the straw in her mouth. Her eyes were on mine as she sucked the water down. After the third long pull, I took the straw away from her. “Too much water and you will have to pee. Peeing in the position you are in is tricky and very messy.”

“I…. Uh…. I….” She stammered for a moment and then leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “I think I’ve made a big mistake.”

“The only mistakes were made by Shellie and she will be punished for both of them.” I paused a moment and looked at Casey. If she was having doubts then…. “Ok, I’m calling a time out.”

Casey opened her eyes and looked at me as a grin slowly spread across her lips. “I’ve heard of standing in a corner or sitting in a corner for a time out but this position leaves something to be desired.”

“Left to yourself you can’t get in any trouble like you are, as you found out when Shellie left,” I reminded her.

She shivered and then whimpered softly. “When she was tying my feet, her head was only a few inches from my sex several times. I’ve never been with another woman but….” She left the sentence hanging as she whimpered softly.

I went and got the chair from the vanity table and sat down in it in front of Casey but over enough so I did not block the camera. I let my eyes wander over her lovely body openly. After a minute or so, she squirmed and whimpered.

“Do you like to be looked at?” I asked.

“I…. Uh…. I….” She stammered and then she nodded her head. “I like the way you look at me and the way Shellie looked at me. Both make me wet and horny. I feel so helpless the way I’m sitting and I can’t cover up. Normally, I don’t like to be looked at even when I have my clothes on. I’ve always been shy.”

“It is the same reason why Shellie being so close to your pussy made you want her to lick you. You were not in control and could not stop her if she did. Giving up control means you can do things and have things done to you without the normal guilt associated with those things. All you have to worry about is enjoying what you do and what is done to you.”

Casey squirmed and flexed her hips. “I…. Uh…. I….” She stammered and then moaned softly as her hips flexed even harder.

“Are you on the edge of an orgasm?” I asked sharply. Casey moaned loudly and nodded hard and fast. I leaned forward and ran my tongue along her inner thigh. Halfway to her pussy, she gave a soft yell and bucked her hips up hard several times. I could see the opening to her vagina opening and closing as a few drops of lubricant rolled down into the crack of her ass.

I chuckled and sat back in my chair. “Your first orgasm tied to a chair,” I whispered. “When you get your breath back, tell me how it was to come with no one touching your pussy.”

Casey groaned and flexed her hips hard several times. “Is that a second or is the first one still going on?”

“I…. I…. I can’t…. stop,” she said loudly as her hips continued to flex and jerk.

A smile was on my face as I sat there watching her. It was several minutes before her hips stopped moving. “I take it you have never come that hard or long before,” I said as Casey got her breathing under control somewhat.

“Never. Nothing like that, before,” she said and groaned softly.

“The brain is the biggest sex organ in the body and if you feed it little tidbits like I was doing to you then wonderful things can happen.” I told her.

“You sure hit the right buttons,” she whispered a moment later.

“That’s my job as the dominant one or at least one of them. Normally, I would have told you to hold it back for as long as possible but in this case, letting it go was best for you. I have to know you and your limits as deeply as you know them and sometimes I have to know even more than you do.”

“Hold it back?” Casey asked.

“If you hold it back, it builds in strength and intensity. If you can get to the point where you are right on the ragged edge and can stay there, some say it is even better than having an orgasm.”

Casey moaned and flexed her hips. “If that orgasm had been anymore intense, I would have exploded.”

I chuckled and stood up. “Little One, you haven’t felt anything yet.”

Casey’s eyes were on mine and then they grew wide as they dropped down to the tent in the front of my shorts. “I…. I…. I….” She stammered.

“That is something you need to stop. You can say anything to me or Shellie that you can think of. Is that understood?”

She nodded and then whispered, “I was going to remind you I am a virgin.”

“I know you are a virgin and that you want to stay that way but that doesn’t mean I can’t stick my dick down your throat or up that beautiful virgin ass of yours.”

Casey’s eyes got wide and her mouth worked but nothing came out. I grinned and said, “I take it those ideas hadn’t crossed your mind yet.”

Casey shook her head quickly and whispered, “No, they hadn’t and the fact that I can’t do anything to prevent either just hit me.”

“Do you remember that red butt plug I put up Shellie’s marvelous ass her first time tied to a chair?”

Casey nodded sharply and then moaned long and loud.

“Are you coming again?” I asked sharply.

She shook her head. “Not yet but it’s getting close. That’s the part Shellie caught me watching.”

“You mean, she caught you masturbating to that part,” I corrected.

Casey moaned and flexed her hips. When I gave her a light slap on the inside of her left thigh, her hips flexed even harder. A slightly harder slap to the inside of her right thigh had her hips jerking and bucking as she gave a soft yell and pulled her butt off the towel she was sitting on, with her arms.

“How long has it been since you’ve had sex with someone else?” I asked a few moments later. Casey yelled again and then went limp.

“I think you’ve had too much of a good thing,” I whispered as I set about untying the unconscious woman in the chair.


I carried Casey over to Shellie’s bed and laid her down on her stomach. Her breathing was still a little fast, as was her heart rate. I went over to the vanity and opened the lower left hand drawer. I took out a set of padded handcuffs and a small black butt plug. I moved the laptop so the camera now covered the bed.

The cuffs went on Casey’s wrists with them behind her. The small butt plug was in my mouth. Casey moaned as I slipped my left arm under her hips and lifted her ass up in the air. Her anus was a dark shade of pink. Not a good sign for anal play in my experience. The darker brown the better, is what I had found over the years, although there are exceptions to every rule.

Shellie had said Casey was fingering her ass so now was the time to test the waters, so to speak. The butt plug was slick with my spit as I pressed it to her asshole. It slipped in half way with ease and then moved slowly a little more. Casey whimpered loudly and flexed her hips. The butt plug went home suddenly.

Casey kept flexing her hips slowly as I lowered her back to the bed. I checked her breathing and heart rate, they were almost normal. I pulled the comforter up over her, got my drink, switched off the camera in the laptop, and went to the living room.


I was dozing in the recliner when Casey came in the room. I woke up to her loudly asking, “What the hell did you stick up my ass and why won’t it come out?”

It took me a moment to focus and then I grinned. “It’s a butt plug similar to the one I put in Shellie’s ass and your ass doesn’t want to let go of it, would be my guess on the second part of your question.”

I sat up in the chair as she asked sharply, “Why are my hands tied behind my back?”

She made a squawking sound as I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down across my lap. My left arm held her upper body as my right hand landed solidly on her naked upturned ass. The spanking was short with moderate pressure and a cupped hand. It was more sound than fury but her ass was warm and very red by the time I stopped.

She was crying softly but her ass flexed and jerked as I rubbed the heat into her firmly. “I am the Master and you don’t ever use that tone of voice with me. Is that understood?”

Casey nodded slowly, her crying down to a soft whimper as I rubbed her ass. When I tapped the base of the butt plug her ass jerked and she moaned. “The time out is over, so from now on it is Yes, Master or No, Master and all requests are to be made with a Please or Sir at the beginning or the end. Do you understand that?”

Casey nodded and my hand landed solidly on her ass. She gave a sharp yell and quickly said, “Yes, Master!”

“That is much better,” I replied as I went back to rubbing her ass lightly.

She shivered and pushed her ass up to make firmer contact with my hand. “I’ve…. I’ve never been spanked before,” she whispered.

“Can you feel the heat and how wet your pussy is?” I asked softly.

“Yes….” She said with a hissing sound in her voice and then she quickly added, “Yes, Master.”

I turned my hand and pushed it between her upper thighs to cup her sex. She whimpered loudly as her legs opened wider. Her outer lips were slippery and my middle finger slipped between them easily. “You are very wet,” I said as I ran my finger up and down her slit.

Casey’s hips flexed as I moved my finger and then jerked as I touched her clit. She took in a sharp breath and then moaned as I continued to roll her clit around. A few moments later, her hips jerked again and I took my hand out from between her legs. She made a whimpering moaning sound of frustration, when I did.

I chuckled and patted her ass firmly. “You are a very greedy girl,” I told her. “Two huge orgasms with no one touching your pussy and now you want one with me touching you.” I paused to tap the butt plug again. “Your hands are behind your back to keep them out of your pussy.”

She moaned loudly when I tapped the butt plug. “Hold onto your orgasm and keep it in,” I told her as I tapped the butt plug again.

Her moan was softer but her ass flexed slightly. I tapped the plug again and remembered the laptop. Shellie would be mad if she missed too much. “Ok, off my lap while I go get the laptop. Shellie will want to see what is going on,” I reminded her.

Casey shivered as she raised her upper body and sat back on her heels. I stood up and turned so the tent in my shorts was right in front of her. I rubbed the soft material with my hard dick under it against her face. She whimpered softly but held still as I did.

“What would happen if these were Shellie’s panties, if she had any on, that is?” I asked her softly.

She moaned loudly and shivered hard, “I would probably come my brains out,” she whispered and then glanced up at my face as she added, “Master.”

“You’re going to have to do better than that, unless you really want another spanking,” I said as I stopped rubbing her face and stepped back.

Casey looked at the floor and whispered, “Yes, Master.”

I grinned. She was a submissive all right. “Is that yes for doing better or for another spanking?”

“For doing better, Master.” She replied quickly.

“So, you don’t like my spankings. Is that what you are saying?” I asked sharply.

“I…. Uh…. I….” Casey stammered as she tried to figure out the best way to answer and not get another spanking. Finally, she said, “I’m not sure I’m ready for another spanking yet, Master.”

I chuckled at her tact and honesty. “Stay where you are. I will be right back.” I went to get the laptop.

Returning, I set it up on a small table and turned on the camera. Once it was recording, I walked over to Casey and said, “Shellie is going to be annoyed when she finds out she missed your first spanking.”

Casey glanced at the laptop and then up at me for a second before she looked back down. Smiling I said, “Walk on your knees over to the coffee table and lay down across it.”

Without a word, Casey did as she was told. Once she was draped across the table, I walked over and turned the laptop camera her way. “This should give Shellie an idea of how red your ass is and how wet your little pussy got. Not to mention how pretty your ass looks with a butt plug shoved up it.”

Casey shivered and then whimpered softly.

“Spread your knees farther apart, let her get a good look at your sex,” I said and grinned as she moved her knees a few inches out in either direction.

I stepped forward and slapped her ass hard. She jumped and then spread her knees even wider. “Much better,” I told her as I rubbed the handprint on her right ass cheek.

When I bumped the butt plug, Casey flexed her hips. I put two fingers on the end of it and rocked it up and down. She whimpered and flexed her hips. She had a very sensitive asshole it seemed. “Does that feel good?” I asked as I continued to move the plug around.

“Yes, Master,” she whispered.

“How do you think it would feel if I fucked your ass with it?”

“Master, I don’t know. It would probably feel good if it didn’t hurt.”

I went to the bedroom and returned a minute later with a bottle of lube and a long tapered dildo that had balls along its length that got bigger from the tip up. “Did it hurt when I put it in?” I asked.

“I don’t remember, Master,” she said softly.

“Then I will have to take it out, apply some lube to it, and see if it hurts going back in,” I said as I laid the long dildo down on the coffee table so she could see it.

Casey whimpered as she saw the long dildo and then she moaned loudly as I tapped on the butt plug sharply. She moaned even louder as I pulled it slowly out of her ass. I squirted lube on it and slowly pushed it back in. She groaned loudly and flexed her hips when it was fully seated.

“Did that hurt?”

“No, Master, it felt good.”

I pulled it out again and then pushed it back in. Her hips flexed as it locked into place. I slowly fucked her ass with the butt plug until her hips quivered. Then I asked, “So you do like having your ass fucked with the butt plug?”

“Oh yes, Master. It feels even better than my finger ever felt.”

“In that case, are you ready to try something else?”

Her eyes had been closed until I asked that question. They popped open and grew wide as she looked at the long dildo. She chewed her lip a second and then nodded her head and just as quickly shook it.

I chuckled and slowly pulled the butt plug from her asshole. I laid it next to the dildo and let her look at both. A minute later she groaned and whispered, “Yes, Master.”

“Now that wasn’t so hard, now was it?” I said as I picked up the dildo and applied the lube to it.

Her ass flexed in anticipation, as she said, “No, Sir.”

I let her wait a moment or two and then pressed the first ball against her asshole. She jerked as it entered easily, as did the second. The third ball was slightly larger than the butt plug and slowly slipped inside as I held a light pressure on it. Casey groaned and wiggled her ass hard. The fourth ball disappeared before I could stop it.

Her ass was flexing up and down and she lifted her arms up and down several times, as her ass moved. “I take it you like this even better than the butt plug.”

“I…. I feel…. Feel so full… and tingly,” she whispered as her hips kept moving. She had forgotten all about Master with the dildo up her ass.

I pulled the dildo out of her ass slowly and laid it on the table. She whimpered and moaned as I did and then her ass moved up and down and around in a circle as if it was hunting for the dildo. “It’s on the table,” I said.

Her eyes jerked open and she said, “But… but,” as she saw the dildo lying next to the butt plug again.

I slapped her hard on one ass cheek and then the other. “What did you forget?” I asked her and swatted her ass twice more.

She flexed her hips hard and almost yelled, “Master!”

“Thank you,” I said and rubbed the handprints on her ass cheeks. Her hips moved slowly up and down as I did.

I reached over and picked up the dildo, swapped hands with it, rubbed her ass with my left hand, as I pressed the small ball against her asshole. It went in slowly to the third ball and I held it there letting the fourth ball ride against the tight ring of muscles as her ass flex up and down.

When she gave a little moan of frustration, I pushed the fourth ball home and started to fuck her ass with the third and fourth ball. She shivered and flexed her hips faster. I slapped one ass cheek and then the other. “Be still and let me do the work.”

She moaned loudly and answered, “Yes, Master,” as her hips stopped moving. “I’ll try to be still but….” The rest of the sentence was lost to a long drawn out moaning groan as she started to come and come hard. Her ass was jumping and jerking.

I continued to fuck her ass and at one point pushed the fifth and last ball up her ass. She had almost stopped jerking but when that last ball entered her, she started all over again. I let go of the dildo, sat back on my heels, and watched her ass jerk and buck.

At one point, I turned to the camera and grinned. “She reminds me of someone else we both know,” I said.

A few minutes later, Casey was down to an occasional twitch and whimper. When I reached over and patted the end of the dildo, she gave a jerk and groaned. “It’s still in there,” she whispered in disbelief a few seconds later and flexed her hips rapidly up and down.

“It’s all in there,” I said and then patted the handle of the dildo again.

She groaned again and wiggled her ass. A moment later, she giggled uncharacteristically and whispered, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.”

“Horns, hooves, tail and all,” I said with a grin.

Casey giggled again and then sighed deeply. “Master, can I just sleep here? I don’t think I have the energy to move anywhere else.”

“How about supper?” I asked.

She giggled again and whispered, “I’m too full to even think about food, Master. My mind is too focused on my ass at the moment.”

I went to the bedroom and found the keys to the handcuffs. When I took them off her wrists, the first thing she did was to reach down and feel the end of the dildo. She used a fingertip to trace the point here the handle stretched her anus.

Looking over her shoulder at me, she asked, “Master, what is keeping it in?”

“The muscles are in a ring at the opening. The largest ball is inside that ring and there is not enough force to snap it back past that point,” I explained.

She felt of the taught skin again and slowly came up on her knees. She slowly worked her hips from side to side and then back and forth. She whimpered softly several times and then asked, “Will it fall out?”

“As tight as your ass is, I doubt it. Go ahead and stand up slowly but remember it is back there and don’t sit down or it might get a little hard to retrieve,” I told her with a grin.

She shivered. “It’s a little hard to forget, believe me,” she said and used the coffee table for support as she slowly stood up. Her ass was pointed directly at the camera, so I knew Shellie would get a great view of it, as she had all of the events earlier.

Standing, Casey wiggled her hips and then rotated them. She took a deep breath and turned around slowly. “Not too bad,” she whispered and then she took a short step. The second step was longer and she shivered. She bent slightly forward and slowly walked around the room.

She was quivering by the time she stopped. “I…. I think…. I could come just walking around,” she said breathily.

I took a few steps back and said, “Straighten up and walk to me as you normally would.”

She straightened up and took a deep breath. She took the four steps with her normal stride and speed. Her eyes got wide and her mouth opened. I held onto her arms as she tottered back and forth. “Oh! Oh, my….” She whispered softly.

“Wait until you try it with high heels on. It changes the angle completely and from what Shellie says, it’s mind blowing.”

Casey groaned and whispered, “I can hardly wait.”

I laughed and replied, “Ok. As for now, just relax and let your body get used to the idea of something up your ass and moving as you do. Remember to sit on the side of your ass and not flat down on it.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered as she straightened up again.

“The scene is over,” I told her and then added, “I will need to get you a collar if you come back for seconds. Putting it on starts the scene and taking it off ends things.”

“A collar? You mean like the choker Shellie wears now but didn’t a year ago?”

“Yes, something like that,” I replied. “She wears hers all the time as an honor to me and to tell others in the lifestyle who and what she is.”

Casey looked at me hard for a moment and then smiled as she came up on her toes and brushed her lips gently against mine. When she dropped down off her toes she gasped and flexed her hips. She chuckled and shook her head. “That was a jolt.”

“Do you want me to remove it?”

She laughed and shook her head. “I feel like I’d fly around the room backwards, if you did, at the moment.”

I walked over, turned the camera off, and then shut down the laptop. Looking over my shoulder at Casey, I asked, “Are you staying here or going home?”

“I hadn’t thought about it, I’ve been a little tied up,” she said with a grin.

“If you take off with Shellie’s favorite toy still stuck up your ass, she is not going to be happy.”

Casey looked at me and tilted her head to the side. “Mad enough to give me a licking, I mean, spanking?” she asked softly.

I laughed and nodded my head. “Something like that.”

She walked around the coffee table and lay down on the couch on her stomach. She wiggled and then pulled a throw pillow down and stuffed it under her hips. Her ass was now angled up and elevated enough so the handle of the dildo showed barely above her ass cheeks.

She crossed her arms under her head and asked, “Are you going to turn the camera back on when you remove the toy?”

Her eyes jumped to the tent in the front of my shorts. “Are you going to fuck my ass when you do?”

“Do you think I should?”

She stifled a soft moan and nodded slowly. A moment later, she pushed her hands over toward the end of the couch and closed her legs tightly with her toes pointed at the opposite end of the couch.

I grinned and said, “You want to be tied down with your legs together when I do.”

She nodded and then flexed her hips. “That’s my biggest fantasy,” she whispered as her hips moved harder and faster.

“Hold it in,” I told her. “Let it build and build.”

She groaned and froze, holding her hips still except for a quivering at the backs of her thighs. Slowly she relaxed and then sighed.

“Good girl,” I said with a smile.

She opened her eyes and gave me a shy smile back.

I sat in the reclining chair and watched Casey on the couch as I finished my watered down drink from earlier. It was not long before she dozed off and I wasn’t far behind her.


My phone buzzing woke me up. I picked it up off the table next to me and said, “Hello?”

“I’ve had two meals, three drinks, and a nap and I’m still four hours from China,” Shellie said softly.

“And you are about to go crazy with curiosity.”

“That also,” Shellie whispered and then added, “I need to change my panties again worse than I did before I left.”

“Go to the restroom, take off your panties, hang them on the hook on the door, wash yourself and then return to your seat and call me back,” I said in a soft but commanding voice.

“But… but….” Shellie started to protest.

“Speaking of butts, you already have two spankings coming and now it could be three. Casey has already had one and a few disciplinary swats. Right now, she is asleep on the couch on her stomach, with a pillow under her hips and your favorite anal toy stuff up her beautiful ass,” I said and then waited.

Shellie whimpered softly and then groaned as I spoke. When I finished there was silence, and then she whispered, “I’ll call you back, my panties are now an even bigger mess and my neighbor is looking at me funny.” The line went dead.

Casey stirred on the couch and opened one eye. Seeing me looking at her with my phone in my hand, she smiled and asked, “Is that Shellie?”

“It was but she had to hang up and go take her panties off.”

Casey looked confused and shook her head. “Huh?”

“Time, anticipation, and a good imagination had her panties as wet as they were before she left here. A few details and I think she came sitting in her seat on the airplane,” I explained.

Casey laughed and shook her head. “Miss Prim and Proper came in public. I would have loved to be a fly on that wall.”

“It’s not the first time, nor will it be the last,” I said with a grin.

Casey looked thoughtful for a moment and then laughed again. “That explains a lot, believe me.”

My phone buzzed and ended whatever else Case was going to say. “Hello?” I said into the phone.

“I’m back sans panties, a little cleaner, a lot cooler, and still horny as hell,” Shellie whispered on the other end of the line.

“Shellie sends her regards,” I said to Casey.

“Hey, Shellie,” Casey called out.

Shellie groaned on the far end of the line and asked, “Is she still laying the same way on the couch?’

“Yes, she is, shall I turn on the camera for a few minutes?”

“She can’t be in China yet,” Casey said as I stood up.

Shellie said, “Please, Master.”

And to Casey I said, “For later.”

“Later than what?” Shellie asked in confusion.

“I told Casey my turning on the camera was for you later, when you land.”

“Have you fucked her ass, yet?” Shellie asked in a whimpering whisper.

“Not yet, we fell asleep.”

“Are you going too?” she asked in the same sort of voice.

“She asked me the same question not too long ago and I’ll ask you what I asked her, “Do you think I should?”

Shellie moaned loudly and then whispered with a hiss in her voice, “Yes, and I want you to fuck my ass when I get home with us watching you fucking her ass.”

“You are going to shock your neighbor again talking like that,” I cautioned her.

“He went to the bar or at least I hope that’s where he went and not the bathroom,” she whispered and then laughed.

“Either way, he’ll have a stiff one,” I said with a laugh of my own. Shellie laughed along with me.

When she quieted down, I said, “Ok, hang up the phone and call me when you land.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered and then made a kissing sound just before the line went dead.

I closed the phone and looked at Casey. “She will call again when she lands.”

Casey pushed up onto her hands and knees and then stretched forward and back like a very large cat. Then she put one foot on the floor and stretched again with her ass angled more toward the camera.

“Play to the camera girl,” I said and chuckled.

She arched her back and then dipped it low as she moved the other knee to the floor. Her ass was now pointed directly at the camera. She flexed her hips up and down as she watched herself on the laptop screen. She spread her knees wider, arched her back lower and did it again.

With a shiver she said, “I’ve never done anything even remotely like this and damn, I look sexy and wild.”

“Shellie will go nuts watching you do that with her toy up your ass. She knows exactly what it feels like and there will be mental transference.”

Casey looked at the front of my shorts. The tent was back from watching her. “Can I have my ass fucked now Master. Please,” she whispered softly.

I stood up and took my shorts off. Casey moaned softly as my hard dick came into view, her ass bobbing up and down at the same time. “I’ve…. I’ve never wanted anything so bad in my life,” she whispered.

“In that case, why don’t you crawl into the bedroom like a big sensuous pussy cat while I follow you with the camera. Then I can tie you to the bed.”

Casey shivered and turned to get down on her hands and knees. She crawled around the coffee table and made a snarling face at the camera as she passed it. With a smile, I picked up the laptop and followed her down the hall. Her ass swayed from side to side as she crawled. The handle on the dildo looked like a short stubby tail.

She crawled over by the bed and lay down on her side on the fuzzy rug next to it. I put the laptop on the Vanity and went across the room and got a hard wedge shaped pillow out of the corner. I placed it in the center of the bed and went back to the vanity for a pair of leather cuffs and a handful of straps.

“Up on the bed and on the pillow with your ass this way,” I told Casey.

She snarled at me and climbed on the bed. She was playing the big cat to the hilt and having fun with it. I wondered if I had hit another one of her fantasies but that was for later. Right now, I had much more interesting things to do.

I put a cuff on each of her wrists and then ran a strap from each of those to the slats in the headboard. Three shorter straps, one around her upper thighs, one just above her knees, and one around her ankles, held her legs together. I clipped a strap to each side of the one around her ankles and ran those to the corners of the bed.

“So far so good?” I asked as I pulled the ones at her feet tighter. She nodded and wiggled her ass from side to side.

I added one more strap around her waist and ran a strap off it to each side of the bed. Tying those off to the bed rail, I pulled them tight. Casey wiggled again but could only move a little. When I pulled her arms tight above her head she moaned softly and tried to wiggle. She could but it took effort against the dense foam.

“One more thing and we are good to go,” I told her.

I moved the laptop to the side of the bed so Casey could see it. Then I strapped a remote camera to a stand and positioned it near the left corner of the bed, high up, and pointed directly at her ass. I plugged the lead into the laptop and switched views.

Casey gasped as her ass came into view with the dildo handle sticking out of it. Then she moaned softly. “I can watch as you fuck my ass,” she said in a trembling voice.

“You can watch, I can watch, and later, Shellie can watch.”

Casey shivered hard and tried to flex her hips. I smiled as I reached over and patted her ass firmly. “Shellie likes her ass fucked after a hard spanking while it is still hot and red,” I said softly. Casey groaned loudly.

“She has spankings coming when she gets home and wants me to fuck her ass while she watches me fuck yours. I wonder what she would do if she knew I was going to strap her down this same way and let you watch from the corner of the bed.”

Casey groaned even louder as her ass twitched and barely moved. Her mind was working on her big time. I wondered if she would come when I removed the dildo from her tight ass. With a grin, I reached for it; there was no time like the present to find out.

I pushed in on the handle a quarter inch and then let go. Casey gasped and then whimpered as the last ball eased back to where it had started. I did this several times with the same results. The next time, I pulled the largest ball out of her ass after pushing it in. She gasped even louder and then moaned softly as I pressed it against the tight ring of muscles for a moment.

Easing the fourth ball out and then the third was easy. I held the toy still and watched her asshole contract around the shaft below the third ball. When it did, I slowly fucked her with the third and fourth ball.

Casey groaned loudly and tried to flex her hips. I slapped her ass cheek and said, “Lie still.” She groaned even louder in frustration. She wanted to be fucked harder and faster.

A minute or so later, she whispered, “Please, please, please,” rapidly.

I smiled as I rammed the dildo into her ass all the way to and including the fifth ball. She let out a soft yell of surprise and then groaned long and loud. I could see the opening to her vagina pulsing. “Are you coming?” I asked softly.

When she did not reply, I slapped her ass hard enough to leave a red handprint. She yelled again and shook her head. “No Master, but I am very close,” she said in a very tense, quivering voice.

“Good,” I said as I turned away and went to get the lube.

When I returned, I lowered the camera and centered it on Casey’s sex and asshole. I also moved a light over closer to the end of the bed. Casey shivered at the new view and then moaned softly. “I have a handprint on my ass.”

“It is only temporary I assure you. If you like it, it will have to be reapplied regularly.” She shivered and moaned again.

I removed the dildo as I had earlier and ended up fucking her asshole with the number three and four balls as she watched. She whimpered and moaned the whole time but remained as relaxed as she could the whole time. When she started to tense up, I removed the dildo and went to the bathroom to wash it off and left it there.

When I returned, Casey was staring at the screen intently. “What is so interesting?” I asked her.

“My…. My asshole was, uh, open and then it slowly closed. I… uh….” She whispered and then she saw me lubing up my dick out of the corner of her eye and moaned long and loud.

With a grin, I climbed up on the foot of the bed and straddled her hips. I pushed my dick down and bent my knees until the spongy head touched her anus. Casey gasped; her eyes were wide as she watched the laptop screen. I rubbed the head firmly over her neither opening but did not push it in.

“It’s…. It’s so warm,” she whispered in a trembling voice.

Then she groaned long and loud as I pushed down and slowly sank my dick in her tight hot asshole. When my hips touched her ass cheeks, her asshole grabbed me tightly as she gave a loud yell. She was coming as I started to slowly fuck her ass. My dick was a little longer than the toy and close to as big around as the fourth ball, so it moved easily in her ass.

Her ass grew hotter and tighter as her orgasm peaked. A few moments later, it began a pulsing, grab and release along my shaft. I continued to slowly fuck her with full deep strokes. Ever so many strokes I would pause with my dick fully planted, and whisper, “You have a dick completely in your asshole.”

Each time I did, Casey would yell softly and her inner muscles would grab me tightly. I wasn’t sure if those were small orgasms or just realizations in her mind causing the reaction. Over the next few minutes, I sped up the strokes and drove in harder to spank her ass with my hips.

Casey was now moaning almost continuously. At one point, her eyes snapped open, she stared at the screen for a moment and the she yelled, “Harder,” and closed her eyes again. She gasped loudly and went back to moaning even louder as I slammed into her ass even harder on the next stroke.

My orgasm was building fast now but I tried to hold it off to see if she would come again. I need not have worried, as a few minutes later she gave out with the longest and loudest yell yet. Her asshole was now trying to crush me. That put me over the edge and I came as I planted my dick as deep as it would go and held onto her hips.


Casey seemed to be out of it again as I slowly climbed down off the bed. I stood by the end of the bed and watched as her asshole slowly closed. There was a wet streak from her vagina leading all the way down to her clit. For Shellie’s benefit, I said, “She has an asshole full of cum and her pussy is wet enough to rival yours.”

From the bed, Casey mumbled, “Yes daddy, I’ll be a good girl.”

I gave her a hard look and went to switch the camera and laptop off. I had an idea that I had stumbled onto something that Casey did not even remember herself, or maybe she was just having a dream. Only time would tell.

With a shake of my head, I headed for the bathroom for a shower.


I checked on Casey after my shower. She was snoring softly. I decided to let her sleep until Shellie called from the airport. I went to make some breakfast, as I was suddenly ravenous.


I had finished breakfast and was doing some editing on the video file, cutting out some time lapses, as I sipped on my third cup of coffee. My phone buzzed and I picked it up and said, “Hello?”

“I’ve just cleared customs and I’ll be at the hotel in an hour,” Shellie said in a rush.

“When is your first meeting?”

Shellie sighed and said, “It was supposed to be this afternoon but has been postponed until in the morning. If I had know that before I left, I could have taken a later flight.”

I grinned and said, “Meaning, you could have played with Casey longer and been here when I got here.”

Shellie chuckled and whispered, “Yes, Master.”

“I’ll send the file in a few minutes, so go get settled in your room and call me when you receive it. Don’t open it until I tell you to.”

“Yes, Master,” Shellie said and then added, “I’m about to explode. I think I had a couple of small orgasms during my last nap. The dreams were so good.”

“The actuality will be even better,” I said and then closed the phone.

Grinning, I went to wake Casey and to untie her. She was still a little groggy as I helped her off the bed. “Time for a shower, some breakfast, and some coffee.” I told her as I guided her to the shower.

“I… uh, I have to pee first,” she whispered.

“Are you going to be okay by yourself? I need to finish editing the video and get it sent to Shellie. She’s in Peking and headed for the hotel.”

Casey waved her hand at me as she raised the lid on the commode and sat down. “I’ll be fine when I wake up,” she said with a grin. “Someone and something knocked me out again.”

I smiled and gave her a wink. “I have no idea what you are talking about. You must have been having as good a dream as Shellie had.”

Casey chuckled as I left the room.


It took another fifteen minutes to finish the editing and to start the file on it’s way to Shellie. I was making a fresh pot of coffee when Casey came padding into the living room with a towel wrapped around her head. She sniffed the air filled with the aroma of brewing coffee.

“I’m so hungry I could eat a cow whole,” she said and then laughed as she added, “Horns, hooves, tail and all.”

“There’s bacon and scrambled eggs, and toast on the stove. Help yourself,” I said as I walked over to the kitchen counter and sat down on the stool next to the laptop.

She came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. With a light blush she whispered, “That was awesome to say the least.”

“A kiss on the cheek, awesome? You’re sure easy to please,” I said teasingly.

She grinned as she walked over to the stove and looked the contents of the pans over. Getting a plate out of the cabinet, she dished up the food. She found a mug and poured her coffee. With a plate in one hand and the mug in the other, she joined me at the counter.

She looked at me over the rim of her mug after she took a sip. “My asshole still tingles.” When I just smiled, she glanced at the laptop. “Is the file on the way to Shellie?”

“Yes, it is,” I said and then sipped my coffee.

“Are you going to watch her as she watches me and us?”

“No, we are going to watch her masturbate as she watches the file,” I replied.

Casey shivered as she sat her mug down and picked up her fork. “Will I be allowed to play with myself while she does?”

“Lets just say, I’ll be recording us, watching her, watching the recording of us. That should either make a full circle or a time warp, I’m not sure which.”

Casey grinned and took a bite of her eggs. A moment later, she whispered, “I’m betting on a nuclear meltdown on two continents.”

Changing the subject, I said, “Tell me about your father.”

Casey shrugged and replied. “There is not much to tell. He died before I was three.”

“Did you have a stepfather?”

With a shake of her head, Casey said, “Mom never remarried, she always said she wouldn’t make that mistake again.” She paused and asked, “Why all the questions? Are you still trying to get into my head?”

“Just something you said while you were out of it earlier. Who is Daddy?”

Casey paused with the fork halfway to her mouth and giggled. Setting the fork down, she whispered, “Daddy is my fantasy guy since I don’t have a real guy to use that I like enough.” She paused a second as she looked me in the eye. “Maybe that has changed now.”

I nodded. “You had me worried there. I thought maybe your dad or stepfather had molested you at some point.”

She laughed and said, “The only person who has ever molested me was me.” she paused again and smiled. “And now you and hopefully Shellie at some point in the near future.”

“You can just about bank on that,” I said mostly to myself as I took a DVD disk out of a case and a felt tipped marker. I wrote “Virgin Casey’s beautiful and luscious ass” on it and then under that I put (First Time). Casey giggled as she saw what I wrote.

“Too bad we don’t have a recording of you getting in that corset and being tied to the chair.”

“Uh,” Casey said and then thought a moment. “Maybe we do. Shellie’s laptop was open on the vanity but I don’t know if she was recording or not.”

I chuckled. “She was recording, believe me. She learned from me the importance of first times and good times,” I said as I put the disk back in the case. “I’ll wait until I have her laptop so I can put that at the front of this file so we will have a full record.”

Grinning, I said a few seconds later, “I’ll put the file of her in Peking and us here on a second disk. It will make one hell of a home movie.”

Casey laughed and shook her head. “No one will ever be able to watch the whole thing in one sitting. Not with dry panties anyway.”

“I don’t think anyone watching it will start out with panties on in the first place.”

Casey laughed again and nodded. “Ain’t that the truth.”

“Now we wait for Shellie.”


I had the laptop set up on the coffee table with my coffee on one side and my cell phone on the other. As time dragged by, Casey came over and lay down on the couch with her head on my thigh. Her eyes were on the laptop screen. Her hand came across my lap and she touched my dick for the first time. It was semi hard and laying on my opposite thigh.

Casey grinned as she ran her fingertips up and down its length and then slipped her fingers around it. She squeezed it gently and then ran her closed hand up and down as it slowly hardened to full length.

I reached for my coffee and as I sat back, I asked, “Are you having fun?”

She nodded and then whispered, “I’ve always been too shy to openly play with one like this.”

There was a piece of Christmas ribbon lying on the floor next to the foot of the coffee table. I had noticed it earlier but now I had a thought. “Hand me the ribbon off the floor,” I told Casey.

She rolled forward, looked down and then reached over and got the ribbon. The ribbon was wide with red and green stripes. It was curled up tightly, probably the end of a roll. Casey rolled back and unrolled the ribbon. With a grin, she wrapped it around my dick several times.

“Pretty but I have a better idea,” I told her as I unwrapped it from around my dick. “Come straddle my lap and let me show you something.”

Casey giggled and eyed my dick, which was much firmer and starting to stand up against my belly. “I think I’ve seen this trick before but in a different position.”

I shook my head as I looked down at her. “You might see that trick again once we get Shellie on the video camera but right now, I have something different in mind.”

Casey shivered hard and rolled over to come up on her knees. “I don’t know if I could with Shellie watching,” she whispered as she started to straddle my lap facing me.

“Turn around with your back to me.”

She tilted her head and turned around. She lifted her left leg and moved it across my lap. Her feet ended up next to my hips and her knees were next to the edge of the couch. As she sat back, my dick was pressed to her tailbone and lower back. She whimpered and then settled her weight onto my upper thighs. The laptop was directly in front of her.

She shivered as my hands came around her sides and stretched the ribbon in front of her chest. With a grin, I rubbed the ribbon across her breasts and against her nipples. She leaned back against me and rested her head against my right shoulder.

“Tying the ribbon around your breasts might be festive,” I whispered as I twisted the ribbon around her right breast and pulled it tight. She moaned softly and lifted her breasts by arching her back.

I laughed. “I don’t have enough ribbon to do the job right, so lean forward.” She leaned forward and I wrapped the ribbon around her neck once and then twice. I still had enough to tie a bow in the back.

Checking the tightness around her neck twice, I got the bow tied. “Now you have a Christmas collar,” I said. “If you stick around, we will have to find something better for later.”

Casey shivered and explored the ribbon with her fingertips. “Go check it out in the mirror,” I suggested.

She wiggled forward off my lap, turned and whispered, “Yes, Master,” and then trotted into the bedroom.

She returned with a big grin on her face. “I love it and I love the way it makes me feel. I feel like I’m part of something much bigger than just me.”

Suddenly there was a chat request on a messenger service on my laptop. “Come sit on my lap, Shellie is requesting a video chat.”

Casey moaned loudly and climbed up to sit on my lap, as she had been earlier. My thighs spread her legs wide and her sex looked very wet as I activated the web cam on our end. I split the screen and brought up Shellie’s web cam. She was laying on her side on a bed, her head, shoulders, and the upper part of her breasts filled the small screen.

Shellie’s eyes were not looking at the camera but at the screen of her laptop. She licked her lips and groaned softly. “You two sure look comfortable.”

“So do you but we can’t see all of you. Do you have your remote camera with you?” I asked. Shellie nodded. “Then get it and attach it to the post on the footboard to the left of your laptop. That way we can look up along your whole body.”

“Uh, how did you know this bed was a four poster?’

“I can see one post behind you so….” I let the sentence trail off.

Shellie grinned and shook her head. “You are sometimes much smarter than you look,” she whispered.

I frowned and said, “Be careful or Daddy will spank.” Then I noticed she was not wearing her collar. “Where is your collar?”

Shellie squirmed on the bed and said, “Uh… I… uh…. Casey is…. Uh… I thought….”

“If you were home and topping Casey then you would still wear your collar if I was here.”

Uh, yes, Master. I’m sorry, Master. I didn’t understand,” Shellie said quickly and then she rolled away from the camera.

Casey squirmed on my lap. “Can I ask what a top is, Master?” As she spoke, her hands moved from my thighs to her own and then folder across her belly. It was as if she didn’t know what to do with them.

I took a wrist in each hand and pulled her arms behind her back. I placed her arms so they were parallel and had her grab the opposite elbow with each hand. “This should keep your hands out of trouble,” I said teasingly.

A moment later, Shellie’s camera view went black. “While she is setting up the new camera, I’ll try and explain topping. You are both subs, to keep from getting things confused about Master/sub, the one who is in charge is called a top, and the submissive one is called a bottom.”

A few seconds later, Casey nodded and I went on, “Since Shellie is submissive but wants to try being dominant, that makes her a switch or switch-hitter.”

Casey was silent for a moment and then said, “I think I understand. It’s just a set of names to keep the players straight.” She paused to giggle. “That is if they want to stay straight and not cross other lines.”

“Very good,” I said, as I reached around and gave her breasts a gentle squeeze.

I caressed and squeezed her breasts until Shellie’s camera came back on to show her laying on her side with her left knee lifted, her left foot behind her right knee. Her smoothly shave pussy was in full view and looked as wet as Casey’s.

Casey shifted and whimpered softly as I said, “We will record here and you will record there as you watch the file I sent you. Just remember one thing, you can not touch yourself below your belly button until I say you can.”

Shellie’s hips flexed as she said, “Just seeing my beautiful Casey sitting in your lap with your hands on her breasts makes me want to touch myself.”

“Wait until you see what happens with her tied to that chair in the bedroom,” I said with a grin. Both women whimpered softly. “Play the file,” I added a moment later.

I pulled Casey back until she was leaning against me with her head on my shoulder. My hands caressed her breasts gently and teased her hard nipples. She whimpered softly as she watched Shellie. Her forearms were pressed against my manhood behind her back.

It was not long before Shellie’s right hand found her left breast. She caressed it and raked her nails lightly over the sensitive skin. She was chewing on her lower lip, her eyes focused on the screen and Casey’s openly displayed body. A moment later, she moaned softly, her hips flexed and she pinched her nipple hard and twisted it.

“She’s at your first orgasm. The one where I licked your inner thigh,” I whispered to Casey. She moaned and flexed her hips slightly.

I smiled and pinched her nipples firmly. She shivered and arched her back. I twisted her nipples and then released them. She jerked and then gasped as the pressure came off her nipples.

Shellie looked at the camera and shivered, she was pinching her nipple and rolling it again. “That first orgasm was awesome. It reminded me of my first,” she whispered.

“Keep watching,” I told her.

Shellie’s eyes returned to the laptop screen. When they did, I had Casey move so she was on her knees. I pressed my hard manhood downward and then had her sit back down. My dick was now held down by her sex. I could feel the heat where her opening pressed against the shaft.

Casey shivered and wiggled from side to side. The heat increased as my shaft nestled down into her slit more. Casey flexed her hips and I could see her clit rub along my shaft to the head on the laptop screen and I could also feel it. She moaned softly, her eyes on the screen where mine were.

I looked at the view of Shellie and smiled, her eyes were wide and she was chewing her lip again. “Is that the second orgasm?” I asked.

Her eyes flicked over to the other screen and then back to the file screen. “Yes, Master.” Then her eyes got even wider and she moaned loudly.

With a grin I whispered in Casey’s ear, “Butt plugging time. She’s at the part where I put the butt plug in your ass.”

Casey moaned softly and whispered, “I wish it was in there now, Master.”

I grinned. “It’s in the master bathroom. Go get it, if you want it.”

Casey hurriedly got off my lap and trotted into the bedroom. As she did, I saw Shellie looking at me. “Pause the file and I’ll fill you in on a couple of things that got missed on the recording.”

“Yes, Master,” she whispered as she hit a couple of keys on the laptop. “That butt plug looked great going in her beautiful ass. Uh, where did she go?”

“She went to get the butt plug. She wants it back in her ass.”

Shellie groaned and whispered, “I don’t have one with me.”

That’s probably a good thing with Chinese customs at the airport and all.” She nodded and I filled her in on Casey’s first spanking. She whimpered softly and rolled over on her back. “Don’t worry, you will definitely see the end result, her red ass and very wet pussy.”

Shellie groaned and flexed her hips. “If I think about it too much I will probably come without touching myself.”

I chuckled and then looked up as I heard a moan from the bedroom. A moment later, Casey gingerly walked into the living room and then across it to stand next to me. She had the bottle of lube in her hand and I knew where the butt plug was. She had already stuck it up her ass.

Looking at the camera, I grinned and said, “Our greedy little girl put it up her own ass, already.” Shellie rolled back over on her side and stared at the screen intently. I had Casey straddle my thighs with her ass toward the camera. When she bent over and rested her head on the back of the couch, Shellie whimpered loudly and so did Casey.

A moment later, Shellie whispered, “Beautiful, just beautiful.”

I ran my hands up and down the taught backs of Casey’s thighs several times and then caressed her ass cheeks. I used both hands to spread and close the crease of her ass several times giving Shellie an even better view. When she moaned softly, I patted Casey’s ass and told her to sit back down, as she had been earlier.

“Yes, Master,” she said softly as she straightened up.

Shellie groaned as she heard what Casey said. I smiled. She had just had a demonstration of what she sounded like, saying that exact thing. The submissive tone was very evident. I wondered what the effect on her would be the first time she heard, “Yes, Mistress,” in that same tone of voice directed at her. It should be interesting.

When Casey was seated again with my dick back in her slit, I told Shellie, “You can watch the next part now and raise your knee back up so we can see your wet pussy.”

“Yes, Master,” Shellie said and then shivered. She raised her left knee and put her foot back behind her right knee. Se reached for the keyboard and then paused to ask, “Do I sound the same way she does when I answer you, Master?”

I nodded and smiled, “Yes, you do.”

Shellie whimpered softly and hit a couple of keys. A moment later, she gasped and moaned. I knew she was looking at Casey’s red ass with the butt plug stuck in it while she was lying across the coffee table.

I caressed Casey from her shoulders to her thighs as we watched Shellie watch Casey getting her ass toyed. Shellie had a hold on her nipple again rolling it and pulling on it. Her face was flushed and she whimpered or moaned from time to time. Her left knee was moving as she tried to squeeze her thighs together but couldn’t.

When she reached the part where I had turned to the camera and asked it Casey reminded her of anyone, she looked at us, nodded and then groaned loudly before she whispered, “Yes, Master. It is exactly like me.”

I nodded. “You can touch your ass during the next part but not your clit or your pussy until I say so.”

Shellie shivered and said, “Yes, Master. Is this where you fucked her ass?”

“The first part is Casey showing off for you and playing as a big cat. I think you will find it interesting and stimulating.”

Shellie nodded and then moaned softly. “My favorite toy is still stuck up her ass,” she whispered. A second later, her hand left her breast and went to her ass cheeks to caress them.

I caressed Casey’s inner thighs and then moved one hand up to cup her wet sex. Casey moaned and shifted her hips from side to side. I rubbed her pussy lightly in a circular motion as we watched Shellie rake her nails over one ass cheek and then the other.

On the screen Shellie was watching, Casey must have been crawling down the hall because, Shellie whispered, “So sexy, so erotic, so fucking hot.” Her hand moved to the crease of her ass, a nail of one finger teasing her anus.

Moaning, Casey watched Shellie and her hips flexed back and forth. I leaned closer to her ear and whispered, “When she gets to the part of me fucking your ass, I want you to lift up, and remove the butt plug. I will apply lube to my dick and then you will sit down with it in your ass.”

Casey whimpered as I spoke and then groaned deeply, her hips moving even more. I took my hand off her sex and then lightly slapped it. She gasped loudly, her hips jerking sharply. Her hips quivered hard and I whispered, “Hold it in.”

She groaned long and loud before she said, “Yes…. Yes, Master, I will try.”

I rested my hand on her sex and returned my full attention to the screen. Shellie now had a finger in her asshole to the second knuckle, her hips moving just enough to make the tight ring of skin around the finger move inward and then outward. She had shifted her upper body slightly so she could pinch her nipple with the other hand.

“What are you watching?” I asked sharply.

“You are fucking Casey’s ass with the ball toy,” Shellie said and then she moaned softly. “I can almost feel it in my own ass.”

“When you see me climb on the bed, let me know. At that time you are free to touch yourself any way you like.”

“Yes, Master,” she said with a quick glance at the screen showing Casey and me. “Are you going to fuck her ass again?”

I grinned and replied, “No, she is going to fuck me with her ass and in the same position she is in now.”

Shellie groaned and flexed her hips harder. Casey flexed her hips and then jerked as I patted her sex firmly with the hand covering it. “I wonder which one of you is going to come first and who will come the hardest.” Both women groaned and moved their hips again.

When Shellie’s hand moved off her breast and slowly moved down her stomach, she said, “You are getting on the bed, Master.”

Casey quickly moved up onto her knees and fumbled around trying to get a grip on the butt plug. It was harder to get out than to get it in. I smiled as I pushed her hands away and pulled it out. She gasped loudly as her hips jerked back and forth.

I leaned forward, laid the plug on the coffee table, and picked up the lube. I lubed up my dick, closed the bottle, and dropped on the couch next to me. I used one hand to guide Casey back onto my lap as I used the other to position my dick.

When her ass touched the head of my dick, Casey whimpered softly. When the head touched her anus, she moaned and sat back quickly. Then she yelled as my dick rammed home in her ass several inches, her hips were jerking and bucking as she sat down even more. Her inner muscles were grabbing at my dick hard enough to stop her downward slide on it. She was coming the whole time she was moving.

Her ass cheeks touched my thighs and she stopped moving on the outside but her inner muscles were going ninety to nothing massaging my shaft from the base to the head. It took all of my control to keep from coming deep in her ass right then and there.

Shellie was moaning and groaning as her eyes swiveled back and forth between the file view and the web cam view in front of her. The finger in her ass was plunging in and out, as three fingers of the other hand rubbed back and forth over her swollen clit. She was well on the way to coming herself.

Casey had came first but I had the idea that Shellie would come harder. Her body was as tight as a bow and her stomach muscles were jerking and contracting as her orgasm built even higher. A moment later, she let out a long drawn out moaning wail as she came and came very hard. Her hips were jerking and bucking so hard she could not keep her fingers on her clit.

As Shellie started to come, Casey groaned deeply and slowly lifted her hips about three inches. Then she dropped back down sharply to sit on my lap. She continued to do this for several minutes. When she paused sitting on my lap, her asshole would grab my shaft and squeeze it.

I heard Shellie say, “Lean forward, rest your hands on his knees, and rock your hips up and down.”

My eyes popped open. I had not even realized I had closed them. I saw Shellie peering intently at the screen on her laptop as she watched Casey fuck herself on my dick. Casey moved as Shellie had instructed her and then her ass started to move up and down tentatively at first and then with more confidence.

She settled into a rhythm that soon had me breathing raggedly as her tight ass slid up and down my dick. It had a tight grip and seemed to grow hotter and even tighter as time passed. I was fast losing control. A few moments later, I was right on the edge of coming, when Casey gave a sharp yell and sat down hard. My dick was rammed all the way in her ass and it was trying to crush me as she came. The next thing I knew, I was coming right along with her.

In the back of my mind, I could hear Shellie groaning from what seemed like a long ways off. I opened my eyes to see her sprawled out on the bed; two fingers rammed in her ass and her other hand flying over her clit. She was coming as hard as we were.


Casey was lying on the couch next to me, asleep. Shellie was under the covers in her bed, and yawning. I smiled at her and said, “I hope you put in a wakeup call with the front desk or you’re going to sleep through your meeting.”

“I did earlier when I went to clean up,” she said and then yawned again.

“You get some rest and call me when you are headed for the airport.”

“I hope everything can be taken care of during this one meeting. I sure would like to be home for Christmas Eve,” she said with a grin on her face.

“Did you notice the collar Casey had on?” Shellie nodded. “I started to take it off when we were cleaning up but she wouldn’t let me. She said it was going to be her Christmas collar every year.”

Shellie shivered under the covers and whispered, “Every year? That sounds like a long term commitment on her part.”

I smiled and replied, “We’ll see when the endorphins wear off if she still feels that way.”

Shellie blew me a kiss.

“Just so you know, I plan on having Casey tied up in the wingback chair just the way you left her, when you get home, so get lots of sleep on the plane.”

Shellie’s eyes got big and she moaned softly. A moment later, she whispered, “I won’t get any sleep at all thinking about that on the way home.”

I chuckled and said, “Don’t forget the three spankings you have coming and the ass fucking you want while watching me fuck Casey again. I might just let Casey sit on the corner of the bed and watch me fuck your ass at the same time. Or I could sit her up at the head of the bed so that every time I slapped your ass with my hips, your nose bumped against her pussy. The possibilities are endless.”

Shellie was whimpering and moaning by the time, I stopped talking. “And you are to keep your grubby little paws off your clit and out of your pussy and asshole until you get home, understood?”

With a deep groan, Shellie whispered, “Yes, Master.”

“Good night and sweet dreams,” I told her with a grin just before I cut the connection.

I was still grinning as I covered Casey up, shut down the laptop, and headed for bed. This had already been a very good Christmas and it would only get better when Shellie got home. I was whistling Jingle Bells as I headed down the hall for the bed and some much needed sleep.

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