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Fucking Three of My Friends

Category: Group Sex
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Was it true? Did it really happen? Everyone always wants to know, don't they? It makes it hotter, doesn't it, to know that it really happened. I guess because they think if it actually happened to someone then it could happen to them, too. Well, it can. That's all I'm gonna say about my last story. It can happen to you, too, if you want it to happen.
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Another Boring Friday Night

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Another boring Friday night at home, Tammy thought to herself. She slumped into her computer chair and decided to surf the net. When she signed on, her home page popped up showing an ad for a new bar in her neighborhood. She decided to get dressed and give it a shot. She decided to walk the five blocks to the bar, and as she approached it she noticed that there were no Grand Opening signs or anything like that.
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Driving Me Reckless

Category: Anal Sex
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"Am I glad to be leaving the office, I have been here for twelve hours!" As I exited the building, the security officer Scott locked up behind me. Thinking about the hour drive home, I remembered the toy in my purse. Scott was just walking back to his desk as I knocked on the door. He walked back over, unlocked the door and smiled. "Forget something?"
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Teased and Denied?

Category: BDMS
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I lay on the bed, naked, spread, bound at three corners. Only my right arm is free, holding in a numb hand my vibrator, waiting. Finally you come to me, and sitting down, your weight dips the bed, creating a well of gravity that I can feel, pulling my helpless body towards you.
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No Negotiating

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I was just out of the shower, recuperating and basking in the glow after a night of incredible sex with my 23 year old girlfriend, Sasha. She had already left unhappily for work, complaining about her boss. What this beautiful, sexy young woman with a killer athletic body sees in a 41 year old divorcee is beyond me, but I'm not one to complain.
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Natasha’s Ploy

Category: Group Sex
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"Fffffffff!" Emma seethed as she slipped the dildo into her pussy, all six inches being swallowed whole by her desperate cunt. She sighed with relief as she slid it inside as far as it would go. Satisfied it was in deep enough, Emma lifted her legs up and slipped her panties and tights on, and put her jeans on over the top, all still while lying on the bed. She paused a moment, her jeans hadn't yet been buttoned or zipped up.
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Lara Goes Back to School

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Lara had just dropped off her two daughters at school but, instead of turning around and going back home, she waited at the school gates with the other parents. Today was the end of term school party and the parents had been invited to attend a short concert before the party began. Lara noticed that some of the older schoolgirls were still walking in after the bell for the start of class and wondered if they would be punished for being late as some of her classmates had been when she attended this very same school.
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Tori’s Bound Feet

Category: Fetish
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My ex-girlfriend Tori and I dated for five years, and we had an interesting sex life during that time. She had a thing for kink, which I happily indulged in as well, but one particular encounter sticks out in my mind. We had a great time that day. We went to dinner and a movie, walked around the mall for an hour or so, and browsed the local bookstore. All the while we kept shooting each other flirtatious glances. I could tell, from experience, that she was in the mood for something, and I hoped she was picking up the same signals from me.
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Thomas for Hire

Category: BDMS
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"Kathy? Short for Kathleen? Katherine?" Thomas asked lightly as he poured them both a drink. A strong one for the pale redhead sitting in his easy chair nervously fidgeting. "What? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess...I guess just actually being here...well, I'm very...this just isn't me, something I would normally do," she replied with a drop of her head.
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Welcome to College

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Becky Freeman couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, an eighteen-year-old girl visiting a sorority house at the college she planned on attending in the fall, stuck sitting bored on a couch instead of exploring campus or checking out any of the weekend parties. As part of the school's orientation program she was paired up with one of the current students as a chaperone of sorts.
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