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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I watched as Dee slipped a short bright red dress over her head and pulled it down her body. She sat down next to me and pulled on her matching high heel shoes. She turned to me and lightly kissed me with her full lips. "I'm ready to go." she said and stood up.
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Pam, Jim and I

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
A number of years ago my wife Pam and I moved to Arizona. We'd been married 10 years and I guess we just started fantasizing more in the bedroom. Actually, it was probably a lot more of me fantasizing than her. Before long I wanted to take it to the next level and actually bring another guy into the whole situation but of course there was a lot of resistance.
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The Leatherneck Comes Home

Category: Mature
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My parents had prepared a welcome home party for their Marine Sergeant son coming back from a tour of combat duty. It was a food and booze feast attended by various relatives, neighbors and family friends wanting to hear war stories. As glad as I was to be home among relatives, I had a problem that overshadowed all feelings. I was horny, extremely horny after a year of living in a hostile land, masturbating to keep my sanity.
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Angela’s First Kinky Threesome

Category: Group Sex
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I had been doing some contract work for a large multinational company and had the pleasure of dealing with a young legal secretary who had only been with the company a few months. Angela was in her early twenties and quite petite with lovely natural blonde hair and a great little body. She dressed a little old for her age, but always looked immaculate in her business wear, sometimes wearing a suit with a skirt and fine tan pantyhose.
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Brotherly Love

Category: Group Sex
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Karen: I've heard lots of women talk about their horny husbands and that many of these wives are not as interested in sex nearly as much as their mates. It's pretty rare when I've had a woman friend tell me that she wants more sex than what hubby is giving her. But, that's me. That's me to a tee.
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Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Kerri dragged herself up the last flight of stairs to the door of her fifth floor walk-up. She fumbled for her keys, causing one of her grocery bags to crash to the floor. "Fuck!" Of course the can of tomatoes would have landed on her toes. Jamming her key into the lock, she jiggled the stubborn thing and finally got her door opened. She kicked the stray bag inside figuring she couldn't do much more damage to the items inside.
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Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was hopelessly lost. The company had sent me to meet with a potential client, so here I was, hundreds of miles from home, driving a rented car, with no clue where the hell I was. The map the girl at the convenience store had drawn me was totally fucked up, and I was sure I'd made at least one wrong turn anyway, so there I was.
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Two for the Price of One

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was the long holiday between school and University. Guy and Billy had come back from back-packing round Europe together, and were now completely broke. They had bumped into Gemma and some of her friends in a pub in town, and over a few cocktails (for which they had to scrounge some of the money), discussed their various experiences since leaving school, and what they were planning to do next.
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Motorcycle Cop Turns Bi

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes

I had just closed escrow on a house I found in Manhattan Beach, a better part of Los Angeles County than my old digs--closer to the beach. I spent the day moving in my furniture, and as the sun went down, to celebrate I drove to a restaurant I saw on Sepulveda Boulevard. I sat at the bar and ordered a Knob Creek and soda--a little 100 proof whiskey was just what I needed. 

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