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Start without Me

Category: BDMS
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Victoria didn't know why she bothered. If she had known, she wouldn't have spent so much time on her outfit. She arrived at Simon's place a little after sunset, so she wasn't too worried the neighbors would spot her in her slutty clothes. But... just to be safe, she put on a long skirt and overcoat as camouflage. She used the key Simon gave her last night and stepped inside the duplex.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It wouldn't have happened, Dianne decided, if she hadn't been so damn conscientious about the job. She'd assured her boss that the amended tender he wanted would be on his desk when he arrived in the morning. And then she'd had to go home early for a family emergency. An emergency that wasn't, as if turned out. Her mother had been panicking over nothing. She should have got more details before rushing home, expecting to have to take someone to hospital.
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Birthday Girl

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She answered the door to me wearing the same robe as the previous week, short and low cut leaving no doubt that she was naked underneath, the outline of her nipple bars clear to see. "Hi Marco, come in." "Thank you Mrs Morganite."
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Melanie Gets A Job

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It all began when Steve, my husband of fifteen years came home and told me that he had been made redundant from his job with a big software company in Phoenix. He had worked for the company for twenty years in total since he left school, but they had just lost a big contract and addressed the cash crisis by restructuring the management team.
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The Edging Arrangement

Category: BDMS
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I must admit, I was impressed as soon as I set my eyes on him. His wrists were bound tightly together with a piece of rope that was fixed to the ceiling through a single brass loop. His feet were drawn back toward his buttocks with another piece of rope pulled through the brass loop, keeping them firmly in situ.
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Tell Me Your Secrets

Category: BDMS
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Going through emails was normally quite tedious when you owned a website. Joseph's website, however, was a niche site that only attracted specific viewers, so the emails he received were very specific, and much more interesting.
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New Orleans

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Night never falls quickly enough on New Orleans. Interesting by day, certainly, but darkness brings the true city to life. The barkers and harkers, bodegos and cafes. The places seeking merely to move money -- from your pocket to theirs. And oh the promises. This night will bring something else to the city of cadence and creole. She feels, rather than hears, the calls for attention ringing and melting together in her ears as she stands looking out her window.
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Riding the Rails

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I knew he had been planning something unusual for several days before he broached the subject - there was just something in his manner that suggested he was thinking, analyzing, and preparing some new exploit. It's one of the things I love about him - he's always working out new things to try and new experiences for us to share. He finally came out with his latest idea as we were rinsing the dinner dishes and putting them in the dishwasher.
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An Intruder

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Wells Estate / New York / 6:37 p.m. / August 12, 2033 The crunching of the gravel stopped abruptly. Kate pulled the handbrake on her Camaro SS and gawked out the open window. Just twenty minutes (or fifteen if you could drive fast enough) outside the city, Wells Estate stood proudly. Three stories tall, the dark stone and pillars gave it a slight gothic atmosphere. It was relatively new, built in 2028, but the owner had given it an older look. Maybe 1800's, she guessed.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It's always like this. He's gone for a few days or a week. When he comes back, he's so needy he can hardly wait. His cock leaps free of the encumbrances as soon as the zipper is down and the cloth parted. Hard and forceful, pushing out of the cotton embrace, pressing for her.
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