
I don't know when he's coming home or if he'll be alone, but I wait. Won't be long till the bars close. But I swear to myself I won't wait long. Not more than a half hour. It'll take him at least that long to get home. No longer though.
Finally he walks up to the door alone, his breath hanging in a cloud on the cold air. For a minute he doesn't see me and I just look at him - what a cocky way he moves. Even when there's nobody watching he walks like he owns the world. And maybe he fucking does.
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There is nothing so simple as getting what you want.
I get everything I want. Come hell or high water.
I’ve seen you before running down the street around midnight. You choose the oddest hours for a run. I love the way you run so graceful without making a sound on the concrete. I love the way you sweat, the way it runs over your body in caressing rivulets.
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She was lovely as she walked down the isle. We were both 23 and in love. The first few years it was exciting. We were having sex almost every day and it was good. As the years went by, and the three kids arrived, it became more of a chore. We were still in love, but the kids were born only a year apart and the sexual excitement kind of faded.
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Stacey walked down the dull corridors of Green Ridge Retirement Home with her head in the clouds. Stacey was a 21 year old nursing student, and let's just say that maintaining her long blond hair and amazing figure wasn't all she had to worry about.
Currently in her 2nd year of college, Stacey was in serious debt, and had no time to get a job because she spent most of her time here at the retirement home volunteering.
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I just had finished my work out. I'm 46, married with three children. I took off my clothes and headed to the shower to get rid of the sweat. When I opened the door there was no one but a boy, 18 at most. I had seen him before cause he visited, as I do, the gym every Wednesday. I couldn't help but to shoot a quick glance at his youthful cock and then took the shower right opposite his.
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