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Not a Sub

Category: BDMS
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Gaven waltzed through the room secure in his roman gladiator costume. Standing at a powerfully built 6'2", he commanded the attention of every lady in the room as well as over half the men, but each time he met another Dom's gaze, he lowered his eyes as expected of a Sub.
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Hidden Fantasies

Category: Group Sex
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Catie stood at the door, one hand on the knob and breathed deeply. She looked up at the men around her and wondered if she really could do this. It was a fantasy, had been one for years, and of all the men in the world, she trusted these three most, may well be something they'd never recover from. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes, blocking the hand that would've touched her to reassure her.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My Adventures into becoming a switch were thrust upon me one evening, whilst, after a good seeing too, my boyfriend and I were engaging in pillow talk. It had been a particularly enjoyable and energetic session, and, as was the norm, I was left feeling deliciously sore. I was bathing in the tender feelings of my spanked ass, which was now resting against the bedsheets, and my throbbing pussy.
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Power Play

Category: BDMS
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Alex couldn't stop thinking about Serena. The paperwork below her was an unintelligible mess; her computer screen was a blur. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Serena's bound body, writhing on the bed as she exploded with orgasms. Every beautiful facet of that experience was tantalizing her in that moment. All desire beforehand, tempered in comparatively tame fucking, built up to an excruciating release.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I finally managed to beat you home from work; usually you are home before I am because you go to work at a different time. I have been trying for weeks to beat you home from work because you told me that you would let me have you as my toy for part of a night if I could manage to make it home before you without skipping out of my own work.
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Cobalt Blue

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sometimes I wish I'd kept track of just how many times I've been in my favorite coffee shop. Surely it was in the hundreds by now. Somehow they survived the invasion of chain coffee shops, probably because they always had some vegetarian food and fresh soup ready for the college kids. It was an odd layout that only a small town without city planning can create.
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The Masters’ Heart

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Antoinette walked into The Hollow with her puppy, Christopher. Immediately, he took her coat, took his off and handed them to the coat check girl. Antoinette was dressed in a long leather dress, custom made for her generous curves to give her an hourglass figure. The dress was black with red flames licking up from hem to knees; the skirt was split on both sides to mid-thigh, where corset style lacing closed the dress to her armpits.
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