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Swinging Among the Vines

Category: Group Sex
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We were an average couple, married for about ten years, busy with our lives and maybe looking for a bit of excitement. We had discussed swapping partners, or at least I had tried to introduce the topic, but Jill was always quick to change the topic. That's why this turn of events took us both by surprise.
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A Roll of the Dice

Category: Mature
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The naked woman next to me takes the five dice with her right hand, cups it with her left, and looks at me as she shakes them up. There's a sparkle in her hazel eyes and a wry smile as she watches me watching her tits shake up and down as she jostles the dice in her hand. I'm thinking that perhaps they're the size of baseballs, and the weight makes them slightly sag. I would love to heft one in my hand to see if I got the size right. "Come on, give me 250."she says dropping the dice on the table.
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A Married Couple’s Fantasy Cruise

Category: Group Sex
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Jenn's Story: My husband and I have been wanting to take a cruise for years but just haven't been able to find the time to get away. We've only been married for three years and haven't had a real vacation together before and have heard nothing but great things about cruising. It sounds like the perfect vacation, great food, fabulous destinations and world class accommodations.
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Body Swap

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I'm Sam. Or at least I was. I woke up to the sound of an alarm. I'm not sure why I didn't notice at first that something was up, but the only light was a crack in the window curtains and that was on the usual side of my bed. The alarm was a different tone, but my mind was groggy from having just woken up so it didn't register. I sat up, and flicked on the light switch for the lamp to my left. I had to stretch slightly further than usual.
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Hot Tub Party

Category: Group Sex
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My wife Susan and I have been married for eight glorious years. We are both thirty years old now. I met Susan in College at Boston University during my Junior year. We were both studying to be attorneys and took a few of the same classes together. The first time I saw Sue I was floored with her beauty and sex appeal. She was the smartest woman in class and quite frankly the most intelligent person I've ever me.
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Wonderful Neighbors

Category: Group Sex
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They had become our closest friends. Since moving to Florida we had not had much time with work and the kids' schools to meet many people. Luckily, John and Anna lived next door and had befriended us on the day we moved in. They were close to the same age yet a few years older and we all seemed to hit it off well from that very first day. John was the large muscular type that is always helpful to have when you are moving.
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Grand Opening

Category: Group Sex
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My husband and I have wanted to open our own club for several years. I have the business sense and he has the people skills. About a year ago we lived out another fantasy, that of having another couple join us in the bedroom. Now we are both full fledged swingers. So it's no surprise that our "club" idea quickly took another direction.
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