
When I was a younger man, 20 years ago now, I was just 68 and I lost my wife. That same year Edna lost her husband. She was 81 or 82 at the time. Our houses were across the street from one another. She's gone now but I remember her well. I enjoyed her company as she did mine. We always found things to talk about. Our relationship kept the wolves of loneliness at bay and illumined the approaching darkness that would spell the end of our twilight years. And as it turned out, she retained a lively interest in and enjoyment of sex.
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I sure had a wild time at the poker game and it was something I never expected. After we talked about it, I was clear that our friends did not think any less of me and that they had a great time too. Cheryl and I were lying in bed, in our matching panties, the following night, just kind of snuggling and talking about it when she reached down and started caressing my cock through my panties.
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My father-in-law, Robert, is more than just my wife's father. We have much in common. We both like to read and watch sports. We both like working with our hands. He likes to fish more than I do, but it's another thing that we do together. We help each other with our yard work and home maintenance. We can talk to each other. He's my friend and a buddy.
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Derek and Jackson were relaxing one night mindlessly watching the tube, when, out of the blue, Derek said, "I wish I could get my dick sucked."
Jackson replied, "That was random, Dude. What's going on between those ears?
Derek continued, "You know what I mean, Dude. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to really get a great blowjob? Not like the girls we hang with.
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Susan Jackson, Anne's friend was a bored eighteen-year-old horny senior. She was tired of the pawing hands of her male classmates who all wanted her to suck their cocks and fuck but had no idea about how to please a girl. They thought a lick at her crotch was all a girl wanted before being fucked for three minutes.
What Susan wanted was an adventure: a loving experience that she could treasure, not some quick fuck in the back seat of some sweaty boy's car.
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We had been friends for some time, we had met at the restaurant where I was working, and had become drinking buddies. At the time of this story, I was 22, and he was 45.
Paul and I would often go out together pubbing. At some point (I really don't remember when) he told me what he wanted to have sex. The thought didn't offend me, but made me very nervous; my only male experience had been a public washroom masturbation encounter, so I told him I wasn't interested.
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Dr. Randy Wolfe, PhD, stared with purpose into the bathroom mirror as he applied the last bit of near fluorescent, ruby red lipstick to his mouth. Setting it aside, he used a piece of toilet paper as a blotter to dab away any excess, then stepped back to admire his handiwork. Suddenly his deep voice began to reverberate off the walls and ceiling of the small bathroom.
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It's Wednesday morning and I wake up early. It's the one day of the week I stay home and look after our toddler. Carrie is working part time, keeping in touch with her job as an academic so she can take up full time work again in a couple of years. Our little one goes to crèche two and a half days a week and I (being a sensitive new age guy) take care of her on Wednesdays. That way Carrie gets three days a week at the university.
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Summer – the first time.
I followed her into the house, still not really knowing why I was invited. I guess I was a little in awe of a woman as beautiful as she, quite speechless, once I had realized who she was.
After all, she was rumored to have been (until recently) the lover of a foreign prince;
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I don't claim to speak for all cock suckers but what I'm about to reveal isn't going to come as a surprise to those who have given this subject any thought at all. Married cock suckers, in general have a guilt complex! That's right. If you think about it why would a normal, healthy, married man actively seek out men to "service"? Something is rotten in Denmark.
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