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Stinky, Sweaty, Strap-On Fun

Category: Fetish
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Janet and Clarke had a pretty good sex life, right from the get go. They had that special chemistry that allowed them both to trust each other enough to be comfortable so that they could both get right down to the core of what turned them on. They both had their share of kinky things that they each liked and they always seemed to be discovering new fetishes and turn-ons. But, as comfortable as they both were with each other, there were still things that hadn't been fully realized between them.
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Strap-on Twins

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It has been almost a week since my sunset encounter with my lover and I have been worried she might be so turned off by my strange fetish that she no longer wants to see me. Sex had been good before she used a strap-on to fuck me and we had seemed to hit it off outside of bed also, but the tone of our conversations since have been a bit weird.
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College Clinic Doctor

Category: Fetish
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As the only female doctor on staff at the health center of a large midwestern university, my work has afforded me numerous occasions when I'm asked (even begged) to describe certain of my work experiences to "the girls"---four girlfriends whom I've known since college. We gather three or so times a year at a spa or for a cruise or just to kick back for a few days away from husbands and boyfriends and, now, a couple of kids among us.
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Intimate Fantasy

Category: Anal Sex
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After several weeks of flirting and sharing sexual fantasies on Lit, the Massachusetts lawyer had become obsessed with the sexy young nursing assistant from the deep South. They had shared one of his deepest fantasies, the fantasy of having his ass opened by a strong, firm yet gentle woman. The more they discussed it, the more his urge to live out the fantasy intensified.
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The Experience

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Part 1 - Wakeup call The blonde in the chair frantically blinking at me is the client. We'll call her Wife or Wifey. She's blinking because, like most clients on their first experience, she's panicking early. The blink is her safe "word".
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The Cameraman

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My new tenant is such a joy to have around. Take right now, for instance. This is my day off and as I write this story he is under my desk curled up keeping my feet warm like a good housecat. Later, he'll help me get ready for my date. Then, if and when I make it back, he'll be waiting to take care of all my illicit desires.
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My Neighbor the Cop Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I found myself walking across the street from my neighbor's house with the taste of cum in my mouth. I walked into my house, not my house, but my wife and I's house. I was married, my wife is out of town for the weekend, and after helping my neighbor with some yard work I end up sucking his cock and being his pussy boy. What got into me, other than my neighbors cock that is?
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Helping Sela Has Surprise Benefits

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Alana drove home confused, worried, upset. So why was she also aroused, wet, nipples hardened and aching? It was Sela's comments at the bar. Off-handed, outrageous comments made under the influence of way too many tequila shots — and anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of alcohol's effect on the human brain wouldn't give a second thought to the ramblings of a thirty-something divorcée celebrating a little too enthusiastically with a couple of friends in a South Beach bar.
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Bend Over, Bitch!

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Danny and I were ready to set off to go on a hike. It was a sublimely beautiful day and we were going to drive to a National Forest and then hike one of its easy, secluded trails. Then suddenly I had an idea, something that would add a little spice to our hike. I looked at Danny, a sly, wicked smile lighting up my face. "Hey, pull down your jeans and your briefs for a minute, will you?"
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Not What You Think

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My back was killing me by two o'clock. At eighteen I'm in good shape but, Damn! My sister has a lot of crap! Some how it's become my job to move it all. My dad would help, but at sixty his back doesn't need the strain. And he's working on the family barbecue grill.
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