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Nick and Eric and a Hidden Camera

Category: Gay Male
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I couldn't believe this was the guy I'd be working with. I stopped in my tracks at the doorway and furrowed my brows at the script. TWINK: [Needs to be expressive, bubbly, seductive, cute] The description listed all of the stereotypical roles of a twink, but this guy sitting beside Dave—or should I say on the same couch as Dave, as they were by no means near each other—was anything but. Dave insists upon introducing his actors in his house beforehand, to sort of break the ice in a relaxed atmosphere (instead of an awkward first meeting on set).
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My New Life

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I was born into a working class family that was always struggling to pay the bills. My three siblings and I never had any luxuries. Mom and Dad divorced when I was five, and Dad disappeared. We all worked at part time jobs; there was no talk of me going to college. But in my case something extraordinary happened when Dad's wiggly little tadpole met up with Mom's so porous membrane—as Emeril would say, "BAM": a perfect combination of genes, DNA, or whatever produced a female of exceptional beauty.
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Valentines Blindfold

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Every time I tried to bring up a Valentines Day date with Chris, somehow we ended up not discussing it. It wasn't that he changed the subject, not at all, but somehow I would look back ten minutes later and realize that we didn't talk about it. It was very sneaky of him, perhaps. Or maybe he just happened to be pretty scatterbrained lately.
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Sodomy in the Moonlight

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
He met her at a regional training conference being held at a well known, North Florida resort. A number of attendees had taken the resort van to a restaurant a few miles away from the main conference center. He was sitting at the small restaurant bar having a drink; she came up and took the seat next to him and started a conversation. From his perspective, she was not the type of woman he would pursue or attempt to seduce.
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Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The gentle breeze from the sea stirred small grains of white sand and tickled the tiny hairs on Alice's brown skin. It also ruffled her fine, blonde pubic hairs and she opened her thighs slightly to enjoy the sensation more. Lying naked on a French beach in warm, late summer sunshine was proving to be one of the most enjoyable experiences so far of her backpacking holiday with her boyfriend Tom, who now lay on his towel dozing alongside her.
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Santa Max

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This move was a big step for me. After being married for thirty years I finally had my kids raised and was left without a life, neither; personal, professional nor sexual as we'd been living apart in the same house for two years. I finally made the decision to leave and make my own way again. Needless to say, much was my own fault as I tolerated the neglect and did so from personal fears and the loathing to be on my own with two kids, but none the less, as I approached my thirty year anniversary I kept asking myself, "Do you want another thirty years like this?" and the answer came back every time as "fuck no!".
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Night Train

Category: Group Sex
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I was taking the night train from Paris to Perpignan. There were no sleeping compartments left, and, as the train pulled out of the station at 7 p.m., I was resigned to spending the night dozing upright in my seat. That was annoying enough, but what irritated me more was that I had eaten an unpleasant hamburger on the way to the station.
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Running On Empty

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'm out running alone, along the river road. It's a beautiful warm sunny day out, and I'm feeling great. Wearing a T-shirt and a pair of tight black spandex shorts. I stop to stretch at an overlook, and feel the sweat bead up and run down my tight leg. If only there was someone else there who appreciated the sight. "Having a good workout?" asks a masculine voice behind me.
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This Changed Everything

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She felt a sharp tug on her dark hair from behind as her head was jerked back. The suddenness of it almost caused her to fall down. She was able to maintain her balance as her body was pulled back sharply until it hit the chest of the man behind her. Another hand reached around her. He roughly took her left breast in his big hand and squeezed it. Suzanne emitted a gasp as the pain and firm control he exerted over her was combined with an erotic jolt that sent tremors through her body.
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The Park

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I strolled through the local park, one warm April evening. It was just getting dark, and the path was clear in front of me. There was enough light for me to finish my circle and head for home. I usually jogged for exercise, or took a trip to the gym, and it showed. But I enjoyed a pleasant walk as well.
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