
Lorraine Marie Burk checked her e-mail every day before going to bed; no one ever really mailed her anything personal. But she did use it for reminders of special TV programs she wanted to drop in on and other special dates of interest.
She was going through the inbox this particular day and spied a message with slut written in the subject field.
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Have you ever had a dream that you were having erotic sex with a gorgeous girl, only to wake up in the morning disappointed to find out it was just a dream. My story is about a dream like that, only this one became reality in the tropical rainforests of Kauai. I will never forget the amazing events that unfolded from this chance encounter.
I woke that morning with a yawn and was startled to find that I had slept in.
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I heard about the spot in the park from a guy I met online. He was an older white man. Not particularly good looking. Didn't have a great body. Didn't have a great cock, but I needed cock and he was the only one who responded to my craigslist ad that day and I went with it.
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I knew I was taking a huge risk. To change the game at this late date was to risk ruining a very adequate relationship. But, I knew I deserved more than adequate. I wanted so much more.
I suppose a little background is in order. I am 43 years old, working in an office, I have a "boyfriend" that I see three to four times a week.
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My lover has an Afrikaans accent. His breath whispers against my neck as he speaks gruffly in my ear, pinning me to the living room wall. I push my behind into his groin as he cups my tits, groaning he is "so glad he met me."
It's a rainy summer's night, all sticky and we're slick with sweat. We're both in singlets, he's in jeans and I can feel his thick length as he nestles it between my shorts clad cheeks.
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We'd met only a few hours before as we stood in the Sex Shop browsing over the assorted sex aids, magazines, videos and other interesting things. She was about 30 to 35, tall, blond and very, very attractive. Her breasts pushed attentively forward into her tight sweater and she obviously wasn't wearing a bra because her nipples were clearly visible. He was perhaps a few years older (about my age), slim, dark haired and, as blokes go, pretty good looking too.
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»Oh oh oh, you HAVE to tell me all about it!«
Nina's eyes got a twinkle as she rolled over in her bed on her stomach and looked at me.
»Tell you what?«
I acted stupid even though I knew exactly what it was she wanted to hear.
»You know,« she gave me a mysterious smile.
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Browsing around the adult store, I looked at everything as though I hadn't seen it all for the hundredth time. This was my favorite pastime whenever I was in the city and early for an appointment. I loved all the different sized dildos with their dazzling colors and features.
I picked one up and felt it, running my hand up and down the thick, veined trunk and feeling instantly excited.
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I love touching my pussy. I love the feeling of my most personal effect in my hand. I love bringing myself to orgasm by playing with my pussy. I love the feeling of being in charge of my own happiness. I love feeling my silken gift at my fingertips, and the feeling of intimacy that it provides for me.
I've also had to learn to love all of those things.
I've come to love them over the last several years, as masturbation is my only true sexual outlet right now.
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"How long is it since you last had sex?" Sarah asked Rachel.
"Too long," Rachel replied. "It's a couple of years since I split up from my boyfriend, and I haven't gone out with anyone since then for long enough to end up sleeping with them."
"Well that's not a problem," Sarah said. "Just go out to a club, find a guy, take him home, let him fuck you. Easy."
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