
Okay, so this is a one shot with no future installments (a first) and (drum roll please) my first mm romance. I really hope you guys like this since I plan to have a LOT more mm romances, because I mean seriously the only thing better than one hot hunky guy are two hot hunky guys getting it on. So please point out anything I got wrong, or things you'd like improved. Edited by the fabulous AdriannaBelen, beta read by Nikki E. Comment and rate.
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Mike lowered his binoculars and pushed the throttle forward to the maximum. It would be an exaggeration to say his battered cabin cruiser surged ahead. A large cloud of black smoke and a backfire burst from the exhaust, the ancient hull vibrated, slowly the revs mounted and the inappropriately named "Queen of the Waves" lurched and protested as the speed built up to 15 knots.
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When I started driving some years ago, I recall my dad's repeated warnings about keeping plenty of gas in my car. Well, as this 19-year-old sat on the gravel shoulder of a rather desolate foothill highway after running out of gas, the last thing I wanted to think about was my dad being right, as usual. It didn't seem that I would have to worry about anybody coming along this road at 1 a.m., so I figured I might as well bunk in my car until daylight.
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The young man beside her was silent, lost in his own morose thoughts. Ginny concentrated on the icy highway in front of them, a hint of apprehension gripping her as they approached the Eisenhower Tunnel. Even though she had lived in the Rockies for sixteen years and made the drive from Vail to Denver weekly, this particular stretch of Interstate 70, approaching the Continental Divide, never failed to frighten her. Once more she wished she'd brought her husband's four-wheel drive, if only because it sat up higher and gave a better view.
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Jimmy parked his truck in front of the dorm and climbed out. Checking the name on the front of the building, he walked up the sidewalk and pulled the door open. As soon as he stepped into the building, he heard her.
He turned to the sound and barely had time to register the form of a pretty brunette before she flew into his arms.
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My name is Matt I am 35-year-old married guy almost 6 feet and weigh 195 pounds. I am pretty solidly built. Been married 10 years to a wonderful woman and have 2 kids. I have a few friends I hang out with and we had been planning a weekend in the mountains without the wives.
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Gia and Van had thrown a fantastic party. They had invited all their friends up to the big cabin up in the Laurel highlands. It was a perfect mid-winter get-together with lots of beer and food and good company. There had been tasty venison that Van had hunted himself and roasted on a spit, and a second bonfire.
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