
I first noticed him at the opening game of the high school basketball season. I had heard the team was going to be good this year, and wanted to see the top senior scorer. He wasn't the one, however, that caught my eye almost immediately. It was the other senior. The shorter, more rugged guard, who was quick and handled the ball with skill. I wondered who he was, so I casually asked a parent sitting next to me in the bleachers. They told me his name and gave me a little background information.
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I'm out running alone, along the river road. It's a beautiful warm sunny day out, and I'm feeling great. Wearing a T-shirt and a pair of tight black spandex shorts. I stop to stretch at an overlook, and feel the sweat bead up and run down my tight leg. If only there was someone else there who appreciated the sight.
"Having a good workout?" asks a masculine voice behind me.
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Being gay and a professional sport figure does not always go hand-in-hand. Over the years, several prominent sport figures have revealed their sexuality. David Kopay, Ed Gallagher, Roy Simmons, Glenn Burke, John Amaechi and Billy Ball, just to name a few. In most instances, revealing their sexuality resulted in banishment from the sport that made them household names.
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I want to tell you all a little story about a former fuck buddy of mine. I'm using the term "fuck buddy" here relatively because we never technically fucked per se. Suffice to say that I met a crazy girl who did some crazy things with me. OK, I'm being too vague now, and I'm probably confusing you. Here's how it all happened:
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I got the bug to write this story last night and finished it quickly this morning. I don't use an editor so normally I'll put stories away for a period of time and then pull them back up, read them objectively, and correct errors (there always are some). But lately I've tended to put away unfinished stories for a loooong time before finishing them, or put away finished stories and then later decide to write more. So this time I decided to give it a quick once-over and then publish. I apologize in advance for any problems with spelling, grammar, sentence construction, or continuity.
Happy Summer 2015, y'all.
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Hi guys, this is my first attempt at m/m romance and this was meant to be a stand alone story. If you like it, I'll expand...but only if you do, haha. No sex in this story (or chapter) by the way. Enjoy :)
'Do you know how obvious it is that you're in love with him?'
I jumped, spilling my drink as my best friend snuck up and whispered that damning question in my ear.
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It was one of those late April days that act like a dress rehearsal for summer. The unusually high temperatures drove throngs of people to the southern California beach. Whole families looked like modern nomads, lugging coolers, easy up tents, and all implements required for beach fun, setting up camp along the miles of hot sand, Julian called home.
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The bitch shows up behind home plate again. Unbelievable. Second night in a row, she gets in the same seat and tries to fuck me up with her flashes of tit. She quickly yanks down one side of her tank top, flashes her boob, and tries to mess with my head.
She doesn't even have great cans. We're not talking about centerfold or top-notch porn material here. More like porn you'd find on the lower shelves, like bottles of cheap vodka in a liquor store.
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It was my senior year playing women's basketball at a State College. My name is Lindy Clarke and I was one of the starting five.
We were a good team, but a little short to excel in the conference playoff tournament--just suburban girls having a good time. We all could dribble, and pass and play defense, but we were outmatched in spite of our athleticism and good coaching.
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Pain scorched the young man's esophagus. Pain burned the inside of his mouth. Good old pain. The young man welcomed the awful smell that accompanied the pain. "Pain is weakness leaving your body," several of his coaches had quoted to him. This time, pain was empty calories and disfiguring fat leaving his body. The pain and the scent were signals. He was fighting to maintain what mattered.
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