
Carol had enjoyed playing doctor with me. Enjoyed it? She'd gone ape at the end. And so had I. And then she'd suggested playing nurse. I wasn't sure what she had in mind, but I was determined to find out.
I called her and made an appointment. "Will this be just the regular service?" she asked, "or do you need special treatment?"
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You come home from work and find me waiting for you. I am wearing a French maid uniform with white thigh highs and black stiletto heels. I lead you to the bathroom where a robe and toiletries are ready for you. Relaxing music is playing.
"We have about half an hour until dinner is ready, Sir."
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The house was quiet for the first time in a long, long time. My wife had gone upstairs to get ready for bed and I took it upon myself to click the television off. I wanted to take advantage of the time and catch up on some reading. I was nose deep in War and Peace when I heard the shower shut off. For a second, I considered going up to our bedroom in an attempt to catch her naked. Then I considered the fact that I would be making an attempt to forego foreplay.
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Richard loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top of his pinpoint Oxford shirt as the commuter train slowly approached the station. Streaks of yellow and orange foliage flitted by his window. He had no interest. He tugged on his necktie once more. The air in this railcar was always so stale, and he was subjected to it every night. Well, not every night. He occasionally got a Sunday off. Damn tie was so tight. His necktie was a noose, a noose hanging from the gallows that was his city-based office, which was about nothing these days but anemic sales, rocketing bottom lines, and layoffs.
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I recommend that you read chapter 1 before delving into chapter 2, but here is a quick recap reminder of what happened. Eighteen year old Kevin Lansing came home to find his older sister Hannah licking his twin sister Kristen's hot pussy. He quickly stripped down and joined in on the filthy fun, where plenty of licking, sucking, tonguing and fucking took place. In this chapter, we get to meet the parents, and see what they think of this arrangement.
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The first days of our holiday together passed without awkwardness and we could relax together as I showed her around the Island. She saw first-hand that there was no lover waiting for me and it was that, I think, that opened the doors to a cautious reawakening of our brother sister relationship.
Did I say "cautious?"
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From her perspective:
I set the mood for the evening and in the bathroom there are candles, soft music and a tub full of hot water. We slide in together and after much kissing and soapy caressing I lean you over the edge of the tub, head out...so I can sensually cleanse your ass. I use thick and creamy soap making lots of yummy lather.
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This was my time, I decided. I always had to look good for him, so I stayed in shape. At 59, I regularly heard that I looked much younger, and that was always a welcome compliment. I mean, I feel younger than 59. I think of my mom at 59 and she was in housecoats, or frumpy bland clothes. I preferred vibrant colors, current trends.
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Tracy, my new found and rather older lover was, I discovered rapidly, not simply a tease but one who enjoyed it. Each morning as Tracy said, "good morning" she slipped me a sealed envelope before walking down the platform to chat with her friend. I tore the first on open immediately. It read,
Dearest Sweetest David.
I am so looking forwards to you driving your hot rod in and out of my garage once more. You've missed a treat today, silly me I forgot to put any panties on.
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Mary was dead. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am about to relate.
Mary had been my wife for over twenty years, mother of our kids, confidant, no doubt the best thing that had ever happened to me. She was not, I hasten to add, perfect, nor was I, by any means, and we had the usual ups and fortunately few downs. However, one morning, Mary just didn't wake up.
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