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My New Piss Whore Simone

Category: Fetish
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"Can you bring me a roll of toilet paper please?" I get a roll from the hall closet and bring it into you in the bathroom. The sight before me makes me stop in my tracks. You're not sitting on the toilet, but instead, on one of those camping toilets, which is basically a toilet seat on four legs. Your pants are pulled down and bunched up just below your knees, which allows you to spread your legs apart.
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Julie Learns Her Place

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Julie Davidson arrived back at her apartment block just after midnight. She paid the taxi driver and stomped towards the entrance door. She was in a foul mood. The 41-year-old divorcee had been looking forward to this night out all week. It was a rare chance to get out, dress up and enjoy herself. She had been out with her friends Louise and Pamela and after a few drinks they had all started flirting with guys, to her horror both she and Louise had ended up going after the same guy and he had brushed Julie off with a comment about not dating older women while Louise had her tongue in his ear!
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If You Sprinkle When You Tinkle

Category: Fetish
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Karen thought about buying Evidence Eradicator 3.0 for a few weeks. The only problem was that she didn't know how she'd hide the purchase from her husband. It might eradicate the evidence of her Internet foibles, but it didn't eradicate the evidence of a forty dollar plus shipping MasterCharge bill. Tommy wasn't an idiot.
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American Whore

Category: Fetish
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I received an email from Greg the Pornographer. He had shot my first porn scene, and what I had thought would be my last. He said a Japanese porn company was in town and they were looking for an American girl to shoot with. He said the pay was excellent — $5000 for a one-day shoot! But they did very extreme porn. And none of it would be released in America.
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It’s Better To Be Pissed On…

Category: Fetish
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I want to tell you a true story between my husband and I. We are a very sexual couple but I felt as if we were both holding back our deepest, darkest desires from each other. We would tease each other through out the day by texting while he was at work, I would leave a pair of panties in the pocket of his work pants for him to sniff when ever he desired. Just little sexual teases to tell each other "Look what you have to look forward to tonight!"
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Maybe Someday

Category: Fetish
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My wife and I have always had a great sexual relationship and we have been able to tell each other our likes and thoughts about sex very freely. Lately she has been hinting about a bi-curious side she feels she has had for a while. She knows I would be supportive and while making love she has fantasized about another woman being there, and has been very turned on while playing at this.
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A Golden Moment

Category: Fetish
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Amber was sitting on the subway train going into the city. All seats were taken and some passengers were standing. Amber saw a young business woman, about 30 years old, standing about eight feet away facing in Amber's direction. What a stunning woman, thought Amber. She was dressed in a dark gray suit that couldn't hide the shapely body beneath it.
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A Fetish Shared

Category: Fetish
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Angela was a few years younger than me - well OK a good twenty. She joined our company straight from college and had other assets apart from being remarkably good at her job. She had long dark hair, perfect slim figure without being gaunt and pert young breasts that just looked perfect under anything she chose to wear. She'd been with us six months when her performance and potential were first recognised.
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Using Kink to Seduce Aunt Karen Ch. 03

Category: Incest
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This is the final episode of Hannah and her kinky relatives. The reader is encouraged to read the first two parts to fully understand the dynamic between Hannah, June and the rest of the interesting characters, some of which are based in true life! Have fun! Janey The reader is encouraged to read parts 1 and 2 to fully understand the depravity of young Hannah, her new friends, and her budding relationship with her relatives! Now to part 3.
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The Shower

Category: Fetish
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Eric sipped his drink, watching her. Amber smiled coyly at him over the rim of her glass, laughing at something one of them had said. He had been enjoying their conversation, but his thoughts kept straying to how much she'd had to drink. Eric watched with interest as she dipped her fingers into the glass of her third cocktail, trapping a cube of ice against the edge of the glass. She wasn't necessarily the most beautiful woman in the world - but there was a light in her eyes that it was impossible to ignore.
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