
Hello diary
I've never kept a journal before. With the exception of my best friend,there's no one I can tell what I've done this past week. I figured this would be a perfect time to start writing things down. I think it'll make me feel better.
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Her wrists were tied together and secured with her own pantyhose to the headboard.
He had left the room, with her kneeling as best she could, legs spread wide, giving him a perfect view of her now glistening pink slit, and more importantly the tight pink rosebud above.
He said he wanted her ass. She thought they'd do some ass play for a little while and then he'd forget about it. But for the past two months he was persistent.
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My name is Christine, I am 33 and have been married for 7 years to my wonderful husband. Both my husband and I had our share of sexual adventures before we got married and we have enjoyed a very active sex life with each other since we took our vows. The following is true and it surprised me as much as him since for the past seven years I have been faithfull to him.
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Dave stepped back to admire his reflection in the full length mirror on the back of the wardrobe door.
"Not bad," he nodded approvingly as he scrutinised his naked torso, "not bad at all."
He stroked his downy chest, sucked in his belly and flexed his arms. Yes, definitely the remnants of a six pack on his abdomen and his biceps were well defined. A little excess weight around the waist maybe but for a man in his forties, with precious little time available to frequent the gym, he looked pretty good.
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Sarah wiped her forehead. Almost done, she thought. Just these three more outfits to be marked and logged into the store's computer and she would be finished. And that wasn't good. She was glad to be at the end of these last three weeks, working from whenever she started until whenever she quit, but at the same time she was worried.
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I have a pantyhose fetish. There, I've said it. I've never flat out told this to anyone before. You mention any type, color, or style of pantyhose, and I've got it. And more than one pair of them too. I've loved pantyhose as long as I can remember. I like how sexy they are on me. I like how they feel against my skin.
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When I was 18 my family lived in the English Midlands. My parents both worked for a pharmaceutical firm and they were working at its English subsidiary. We lived in a small village about 20 miles outside of Birmingham. Because both my parents worked they could afford to send me to a public school—which in England means a private school. The school was in the city, and I would ride in with parents every morning and ride back home again every evening.
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"Carly!" Gina had never learned any other way to start a phone conversation than with an exclamation point
"Hey, guess who's going to be back in town tonight?"
That could only be the third member of our little band of confidants, Maryanne. The three of us had always been tight, all through high school. We had other friends, but we three shared the really close in feelings and stuff.
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I first met Preeti while I was working for a customer of mine and noticed her immediately as being a very attractive young girl. I had always liked East Indian women and she had all the qualities that made me feel that way, including her perfect smooth soft skin, jet-black hair and her slim, but full figured body. We chatted a lot the day I first met her and I knew that she liked me and she also knew that I found her attractive.
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