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The Night Out

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Babe...let's get going in like five minutes..." the statement ended with a sigh as Master leaned into my bathroom. I turned and flashed him a sly smile, mascara still in hand. "Maybe like ten?" I bit my lower lip and blinked rapidly a few times, "Sir?" the last word was a sultry whisper and I saw it unravel him just slightly.
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Becoming Bobbi

Category: Fetish
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I had my "secrets" we all have them. I guess on the one hand we are terrified we will be discovered but on the other, there is that little part of us that wants to be discovered. At least that's the way it was for me. Meeting Ms. Anders changed all that. Somehow, from that first meeting, she could see all the way through me. She could see that dark secret that I always thought was safely hidden away.
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The Story of N—

Category: Fetish
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N--- was a pretty young Asian woman. The first time we went out, I picked her up after she got off work at the restaurant where I had met her. We had made no particular plans, which suited her just fine. As we drove around looking for something to do, a dance song she liked came on the radio, and she closed her eyes and began dancing dreamily in the bucket seat beside me, her arms in the air above her head, her upper body swaying erotically to the beat. Her sweater-clad breasts, round and relatively large for her very petite frame, thrust outward as she moved. I began to believe this would be a very good first date.
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The Next Step

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Matt sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the steel tube which encased his cock. He'd waited so long for this moment, but still he was tremendously nervous. As he looked down he caught sight of his face, reflected in the highly polished surface of the chastity device. Could he really go through with this? He steeled himself and pushed the small padlock through the locking holes and snapped it shut.
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The Visit

Category: Fetish
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He wondered if this would be the day as he lay there and let her strap him down to the table. She sat down next to him when she was done, pulling a small table next to her. Silently she traced her nails across his skin. Stopping occasionally to tweak his nipples. After a few minutes she stopped and broke the silence. "Shall we begin?" "Yes. Please Mistress, please." His eyes were fixed upon her. Rarely though would she ever look him in the eye.
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The Sharper Edge

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I arrive at Mistress's at the appointed hour. I brush lint off my navy blue suit. As I straighten my red tie I feel the black leather collar under my shirt. The small lock is positioned directly behind the knot in my tie.
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Nipple Slut Peggy Sanford

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This is a tale of the best humiliation-pain-cum slut I have ever met.. Her name is Peggy Sanford, and she is by far the most willing little bitch it has been my pleasure to use. We met on the net, and soon enough I had her under my thumb. Peggy came to me dressed as instructed: in mini, heels, garter belt and stockings (barely covered by the skirt) and a tight, thin top. As I let her in the door, I instruct her to turn so I can inspect her body.
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Snowed In

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It'd been storming outside for what seemed like days. Thankfully, my Dom and I had been well prepared -- we knew what was coming, so we stocked up on movies and groceries. Personally, I love nights like this, when the snow is falling and the world outside looks crystallized and beautiful. I love it even more when I can stay inside with friends or family and spend time together, warm and snug inside away from the chill.
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Teased and Denied?

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I lay on the bed, naked, spread, bound at three corners. Only my right arm is free, holding in a numb hand my vibrator, waiting. Finally you come to me, and sitting down, your weight dips the bed, creating a well of gravity that I can feel, pulling my helpless body towards you.
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Three Agonizing Days

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
When she came down to greet me at the lobby of her dorm building, nobody -- not the security guards nor the other students nor the people passing by on the streets -- could have guessed what was going on. I was in a suit, she in a sexy (but not slinky) red dress that made the red in her hair pop. They'd have thought we were prepared for a classy night on the town (as classy as college students could afford, I suppose). If they had been paying close enough attention to her knowing smirk and my short, fearful breaths, they would probably have known something else was going on.
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