
Amazingly enough, the sun was shining outside.
And I didn't mind that one little bit. We didn't get enough days like that. Although I loved the cool green damp of the typical northern coast in the City, my body occasionally craved the sunshine, even if my eyes weren't used to the shock.
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I was always fascinated with oral sex, i'm not sure what started it or why it appealed to me so much but it just does. If I ever started dating a chick and found out she didn't go down that would be it for me. It was a deal breaker she had to suck cock or i wasn't interested. Swallowing wasn't as important but it was preferred. When watching porn my favourite part was the blowjob watching the girl on her knees being fed a thick meaty cock was the epitome of sexy for me.
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The day of The Dance finally came. Actually, come to think of it, it was not a dance at all! It was just a huge party that was held annually at one of the mansions in the neighborhood and everyone was invited to it. Nobody knows when the exact date of The Dance was. Hell, none of us knew who the organizers were because the mansion where The Dance was held had no records of any owners, dead or alive.
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Ryan's story.
Jay was a guy I knew from the neighborhood bar I went to in Manhattan. Not a close friend, just someone I saw in there from time to time. A few years older than my close circle. We played pool together and watched a ballgame or two. On TV and even up at the stadium a couple of times.
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It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1990, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn't have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, gas, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can't get without money in your pocket.
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I first met James at a Christmas party my parents were throwing. He was the contractor they had hired to put together the new house they were building as an anniversary gift to each other. It would be a lot bigger than the two stories, three-bedroom house I had grown up in, which meant that there would be plenty of room for either me or my sister if we needed it, which wasn't something I was about to complain about, considering that at twenty four, I was about to run back home with my tail between my legs.
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"Wash up, lazybones, and take those furs to Sir Charles," the tanner ordered. The day's chill turned his breath to a liquor-laden mist.
"Sir Charles, Father?" Tanners asked, confused.
The tanner rolled his eyes to the heavens. "Oh ye gods, why curse me with such a stupid boy?" He turned to the young man. "The banker, the one whose son you don't like. He's offered three gold for the lot."
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My name is Jack. A few days ago, I had sex with my son's friend, Gary. The fact is, I sucked his cock and then he fucked me with his huge member. Gary also told me that he and my son Bobby were also having sex together.
I knew I should address this subject with Bobby but I didn't know how. I was frankly embarrassed. Gary basically forced me into sucking and fucking him.
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The name's Piper. Peter Piper. But I don't pick pecks of pickled peppers. I solve cases. I'm a private dick. That's a detective for those of you who don't know the lingo. A private eye.
It was a miserable Friday afternoon. Cold, damp, foggy. The weather was foul. And so was my mood. My bank account was dwindling at an alarming pace. I hadn't had a case in weeks. I was sitting behind my battered desk in my shabby office on the second floor of the Burke building, downtown. Way downtown. I was sitting there and I was worrying. If something didn't happen soon, I was in deep shit. I had bills to pay.
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I have a huge problem. I'm 22, 6'1, 175 lbs., with light brown hair and grey eyes. I'm a college student at a prestigious university, and I'm studying psychology. I'm an honor student, and I'm an athlete. I work out, play baseball, lacrosse, and basketball, and I'm in very good shape. My parents are rich, so I've never really had to worry about money.
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