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Happy Anniversary!

Category: Group Sex
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I don't know what amazed me more. That Angela, my wife of five years, was confessing to me after all this time that she sometimes thought about eating pussy, or that listening to her talk about it turned me on as much as it did. It was late. We'd been out to an incredible dinner to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary, and one of my wife's good friends, Jenny, had been watching our children.
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Unusual Twins

Category: Incest
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My sister and I were identical twins; I always say that we are unusual twins because our mother refused to dress us alike, ever! From a very early age our mother encouraged us to have different hair styles; my sister was encouraged towards music and dance while I was guided to gymnastics and anything remotely sporting.
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Babying the Babysitter

Category: Fetish
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It all began when I asked Shira: "Have you been a good little girl?" My wife had been dreading this moment for hours. Indeed, she had known about her impending mortification for days. Even so, she began to blush and cry at once. It was bad enough to be treated like a baby, but to be treated so in front of her best friend was particularly humiliating.
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Nicole In Our Bed

Category: Group Sex
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I was trying my best to just flow with it, not think too much. I always think too much. Feel, just feel. Breathe, that's the key thing. Be sure to keep breathing. In and out. Nice and easy and smooth. I could get through this. And don't look! I couldn't look. I will soon, I promised myself. But not yet. Breathe.
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Becky and Me

Category: Group Sex
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He talked about it all the time, in the context of a fantasy. Most of our fantasy talk usually became a reality eventually. That's what I find so exiting about him. We read, shop and fantasize together and then when the opportunity presents itself we instinctively act it out without hesitation. This particular fantasy however required the consent of another individual, my very good friend Becky.
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Our First Anniversary

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 I suppose the title of my story could be, "I Married a Bisexual," but while that's true, there's more to the story than just that. Yes, my wife, Robin, is a bisexual. She's had sex with males and females, well, female, singular, and that would be her oldest friend, Renee. And, she's done so consensually and with complete enjoyment.
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Her First Threesome

Category: Group Sex
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It was an interesting afternoon to say the least. Della had finally met the couple she had been speaking to for months, Nyree and her husband Chris. For the entire day, they met at her place and chatted up a storm, getting to know one another and trying to be comfortable around one another. They had ordered out for pizza and were now watching a movie on television.
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Don’t Upset the Halloween Witch

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"Oh my God," he moaned as he slowly woke, wishing he hadn't. Zac Knight's head was throbbing; a hangover, first class. Slowly, gently he rolled onto his back. He waited while the spinning stopped. His tongue licked dry lips. His mind refused to work, so he shut his eyes tight to try to doze off. He could vaguely recall last night; party, Halloween party. Fragments of recollection, some gorgeous blonde, arrogant bitch, bit of an argument over ... over?
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Forever Friends

Category: Group Sex
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Jenna could not believe what was happening. There she was, wearing nothing but her bra and panties, watching her best friend Lisa going at it with her boyfriend Shane, who also just happened to be Jenna's ex. Unbelievable... The two girls had been the best of friends since they were about 10 or 11 years old, as close as sisters even, and had remained as tight for the next decade or so.
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Category: Group Sex
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Bo rolled down Highway 59 with the top down, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel to the beat of the music on the CD player. The day was hot, clear, and sunny; a beautiful end of summer day. Bo worked in real estate and the past several years had been tough. He owned an independent agency and when the real estate bubble had burst several years before, his business had nearly gone under. He had survived that and the end of his marriage, brought about when his wife found another guy who still had the money he once had.
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