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All Natural

Category: Group Sex
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Hello. I've been hoping for a chance to tell you this story. My name is Andre, and I'm a city planner for a small town out west. I love my job, but every now and then I need a major break from the pressure. Maybe you know the feeling. What works best for me is to get out into the wilderness, where the loudest noise is the breeze in the pine boughs, and time runs much more slowly.
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Roll Over, Cindy

Category: Group Sex
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I swear, stories like the one I'm about to tell you only happen in two places: porno movies and college. I, like a lot of young American women, did things back in college that I would NEVER consider doing now. But, having said that, I sure am glad I got to do them then! These days I'm happily married and have two children and would never dream of doing anything to jeopardize losing my family.
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That Was Some Party

Category: Group Sex
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It was Saturday night, and I was looking for company. I didn't have any particular prospects, but I did have a standing invitation to attend a party that an acquaintance of mine threw on the first weekend of every month; I had never attended one, but I had a hunch that it might be a good place to go looking for love, seeing as how Randall, the acquaintance, always seemed to be accompanied by a different, very attractive woman.
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Zack’s Toys

Category: Gay Male
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age. ***** Derek Boudreaux checked his mailbox. Three banks down, one of the numerous tenants that lived in the apartment complex likewise checked their mailbox. Derek had tried once to engage the neighbor in conversation. The neighbor had claimed not to speak English. He then glared at Derek when Derek answered him in fluent Spanish.
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Macy’s Crush

Category: Lesbian Sex
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She wasn't the first woman to catch Macy's eye and she wouldn't be the last, but at the time she captured Macy's heart and body in way's that Macy had never before imagined possible. It was a forbidden, secret relationship, but that was nothing new. Eventually it would end with heart breaking finality, but that too was hardly anything new for Macy. Not that any of it mattered at the time. It wasn't about the past and it wasn't about the future.
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